Chapter 21

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Anastasia walked into the room first, followed by Elijah. The room consisting of Stefan, Damon and Elena.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Damon scrunched his face up, trying to tell her that her move was stupid.

"Sorry" she muttered under her breath; like a child being told off, she didn't make eye contact, she just looked at the floor

"Why the hell did you think going out alone was a good idea, never mind going to visit Katherine, when you know what she is like" he lectured

"Why do you think it was a bad idea to go out alone Damon?" She retaliated, her eyes squinting like she was ready to make a point

"Because..." He began

"Because I could hurt someone" she snapped "because I would kill someone just for their blood? I know you're thinking it too Stefan" she snapped her head to the side

"No" Stefan began, trying to explain but she stopped him in his tracks

"You know; I used to be free" she began "I could walk out I'm the forest without being lectured. You know Stefan and Damon? I am supposed to be your aunt; but it feels like you are acting like my father and I don't like it" she hissed. A tear began to trickle it's way down her cheek, which was immediately swiped off.

"You know why I went to Katherine today?" she asked "because I thought she could help; with my emotions with my hunger and anything else, because I've been experiencing flashes of rage and I can't control that and I can't get rid of that and that's not me, I'm not an angry person" she explained. Elijah's hand found it's way to the bottom of her back

"Why don't you go upstairs" he whispered in her ear, she nodded along "I just need to talk to Elena and I'll see you tomorrow" he smiled. Anastasia looked at him and smiled before silently making her way upstairs.
"What is this elixr anyway?" Damon asked

"It doesn't matter now Damon, you fed Elena your blood" Stefan snapped "it won't work"

Anastasia stood at the top of the stairs, her hair tucked nearly behind her ear and she was listening to their conversation.

"The elixr, is the liquid I would have used for Katherine to bring her back once Niklaus had sacrificed her. It would have worked for Elena but she has vampire blood in her system" Elijah explained.

The four carried on their conversation downstairs but Anastasia had lost interest in the matter. She huffed and went back into her room to sit on her bed and think.

Elijah had made a way to save Katherine from her fate and not her? Why wouldn't he do that for her? Anastasia's emotions stirred thinking about the whole thing. She stood up swiped her desk clean. All of her objects scattered across the floor.

"I heard something are you okay?" Elijah walked in concerned.

"I'm fine" she snapped, her fingers massaged her forehead in circular motions

"You're not" he retorted, seeing her expressions

"Yeah thanks for noticing" she smiled sarcastically "maybe next time you can save Katherine from the tomb, like you made that elixr to save her from that sacrifice" Anastasia turned her head away, concealing her dilated eyes because of the anger.

"Eye of newt; Rose oil; blood from a snake" Elijah said and then he went silent

"What?" She turned around and tilted her head

"I did have an elixr made for Katherine, she killed herself before she could use it. They were the ingredients for yours; I had Eleanor make it but you took your own life" he explained

Anastasia took a step towards him and stopped. She didn't say anything, her head kept tilted and her eyebrows were raised.

"If you need proof, it's on my shelf, back corner on the left, third shelf up" he smiled slightly. A smile crept across his face.

Anastasia stepped again, so cautious but knowing what she wanted to do.

"Klaus is coming tomorrow" she began "for Elena. And I know what you're doing, you'll kill him and then you'll come back" she smiled "do I have a job? Everyone's doing something" she edged closer

"Your job is to stay here, where it is safe, Niklaus knows you and he can target you because he knows it would effect me" he explained

"How did I know that was going to be your answer Elijah? Your vow never did end then did it? You did your best to keep me safe and you're doing that now" she edged closer and closer until her face had collided with his. Her lips on his.

One of Elijah's arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her into him. Anastasia's arms wrapped around his shoulders and pulled him in until they were as close as they could get.

Anastasia pulled away and began to giggle. Her hand raised to touch Elijah's lips. He was looking down at her lips, wanting her more.

"My feelings for you may be strong but my virtues are still pure; I'm still living in the 1400's" she laughed "I would like to be taken on a romantic walk and given flowers before I will agree to be yours once more" she smiled

Elijah laughed "well I'm tied up tomorrow, with the destruction of my immortal brother, will 2 days be okay?" He smiled, Anastasia had finally seen the Elijah that she had know those years ago

"Yes" her lips pressed together in a small smile "but I do expect a visit from you tomorrow night to notify me on his destruction" she smiled

"I'd love to see you then" Elijah mimicked her facial expression. His hand raised to stroke her soft skin before he disappeared.

Anastasia stood in the same position as she had been with Elijah when he left. A cold breeze notified her that he left and she smiled sweetly to herself.

Finally she felt complete; she felt how she felt when she was human.

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