You/Hitch Dreyse - Joke

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You gulped loudly when you noticed the glare that Hitch was giving you

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You gulped loudly when you noticed the glare that Hitch was giving you. You knew you had fucked up badly. It was a miracle that you were even alive after what you had said.

"I'm sorry. I didn't quite catch that. What did you say, (y/n)?"

You turned to Annie for help but she just looked away. You had gotten yourself into this mess so she wasn't going to offer you any help. Especially considering that Hitch could be a little scary when she got angry.

"I...I...nevermind. I didn't mean to say that."

For every step that she takes forward, you take a step back until your back eventually hits the back. You have nowhere to go when she cages you with her hands on the sides of your head.

"Tell. Me. What did you say?"

Normally, you would love the position you were in but with how pissed off she was, you were too scared to enjoy the position you were in.

"Hitch, baby, lets just forget what I..."

"Tell me!"

Not wanting to make it worse for yourself, you give in.

"I said that I would date Annie because she helps me out."

You close your eyes, waiting to be slapped or yelled at but none of those things happen. You open your eyes a minute later to find yourself alone in the room with Annie.

"Congratulations. I've never seen her that pissed off."

"Shut up! I messed up."

Annie actually laughs as you yell at her. You wanted to tell her off but you figured it could wait as you took off to find Hitch and beg for forgiveness.


After a week of searching for Hitch, you wanted to give up. It was like she had fallen off the face of the Earth. She was avoiding you like the plague yet she continued to spend time with Marlo and Annie. You pleaded with them to help you talk with Hitch but they refused, saying that they were more afraid of Hitch than the pity they felt for you.

"Please, Marlo! I just want to apologize. I made a mistake and I want to fix it."

"No, way. You might be might best friend but Hitch threatened to feed me to the titans if I helped you."

"Oh come on! You know she wouldn't do that. We're too far from the titans. Come on, Marco. I've helped you fight when our superiors attacked you."

"(y/n), please. Just wait until she comes to you."

"She'll never come to me and I'm going to lose her over something stupid that I said. She makes me happy and I want to fix things."

Marlo looks around to make sure that Hitch or Annie wasn't around to hear him help you out.

"Fine but if she tries to kill me, I'm using you as cover. Got it?"

You quickly nod, nearly in tears as he gave you the name of the cadet that she was staying with.


You don't bother to knock, knowing that there was a possibility Hitch might run off again. In the room, you're surprised to find that it was empty.

When the door is suddenly slammed shut, you quickly turn around to prepare to fight.

"I should've known that Marlo would be the one to crack. What do you want?"

Overwhelmed with emotion, you start to cry as you get on your knees and start to beg for forgiveness. You didn't care if you looked pathetic in front of her as long as she forgave you.

"I'm so sorry, Hitch! I didn't mean what I said. It was only a joke. A stupid joke that never should've been said. I love you and only you! Please forgive me for my stupidity. I'll do anything to earn your forgiveness."

Hitch stayed quiet for the longest time, making you suffer in silence as she thought about how to proceed.

"I think I quite like you on your knees, (y/n). I think I know what you can do to earn my forgiveness"


You're cut off as she leans down to kiss you.

"All you have to do is listen and do as I say. Understand?"

You eagerly nod, more than ready to do as she says.


"So? What happened? Did Hitch forgive....." Marlo gets quiet when he notices the visible hickeys in your neck. "Nevermind. You owe me big time."

You just nod, too embarrassed that he had seen the marks you couldn't cover up. Hitch didn't let you cover them, claiming that if you let everyone see them throughout the day, you would be fully forgiven.

She was demanding but you loved it.


All characters are 18+

Send me prompts and suggestions. Will do any character.

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

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