You/Rico Brzenska - Ignorance Part 2(Angst)

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(Hogwarts AU)

Rico wasn't sure exactly when her feelings for Ian shifted to you

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Rico wasn't sure exactly when her feelings for Ian shifted to you. Out of nowhere, she stopped feeling upset when she saw Ian with his girlfriend. There was no doubt in her mind that you were the one responsible for her feelings shifted. You were always there whenever she needed someone and it worried her. She thought her feelings for you had only developed because you took care of her. Knowing that she might not be in love with you, she decided to hold back on confessing. At least until she knew for sure that her feelings developed because she was in love with you.

"So I'm being assigned on a mission with Eren. Apparently they've spotted dementors outside of the prison."

"You're going?"

Rico closes her book and turns around to give you her full attention. She refused to believe that the school was sending sixth years to deal with dementors.

"Yes. I was requested for my high grades."

"Then I'm coming with you."

You give her a small smile as you shake your head. Even if she could go, you wouldn't let her. Rico has already been dealing with so much. You weren't sure what would happen if she got near a dementor.

"It's supposed to be a secret mission. Not even you're supposed to know about. I'm only telling you because I trust you."

"(y/n), dementors are dangerous. Sixth years aren't cap....."

Rico trailed off when narrowed your eyes at her.

"They aren't what, Rico?"

You asked, already aware of what she was going to say. You loved Rico but lately she's been treating you like you were weak. Going on this mission would also help you prove to her that you could take care of yourself and her.

"They aren't capable of dealing with this. Who else will be going?"

"I've gotten top marks in class. I'm more than capable of handling this. Just as the others. I'm leaving. We should be back in a few days."

You had gotten upset again. Lately, she's been fucking up everything. Rico kept on saying or doing the wrong thing which always resulted in upsetting you. She couldn't protest the mission or else you would get mad.

"Alright. Please be careful."



Several days pass by and there's still no sign of you or the others. A week passes by and she can no longer wait around. She starts asking the teachers for information about you but they all ignore her. It's not until the Headmaster invites her to his office to reveal what had happened to you.

"Our intel was wrong. We didn't send enough students to deal with the dementors that had gotten out. They were overwhelmed but still managed to take them all out. However, it wasn't possible without a few casualties."

"Casualties? What happened?!"

Rico demanded to know, not caring that she had just yelled at the headmaster.

"Ms. (last name) isn't herself anymore. She got too close to the dementors and they were able to do irreparable damage."

"What happened? She's not dead is she?!"

She could already feel tears forming in her eyes. Rico knew that you weren't dead. You were a strong and capable witch.

"No. She's not dead. She's fallen into a state of depression. We've tried to get her to talk but she doesn't seem to acknowledge anyone or anything."

"I need to see her! I...I don't believe you."

"Ms. Brzenska, you need to calm yourself. Seeing you like this will not help Ms. (last name)."

Rico quickly wiped the tears that had spilled and took several deep breaths to calm herself down.

"I'm calm. Please, just let me see her."

"Very well."


Rico felt a stabbing in her pain when she looked into your dull eyes. They had lost the brightness that she had come to love. You might look like (y/n) but it wasn't you. The person that she knew was gone. In front of her, sat a stranger. One that simply stared and didn't talk.

"(y/n)? It's me, Rico."

She had hoped hearing her voice would bring some recognition in your eyes but they remained dull. It didn't even seem like you had heard her.

"We're doing everything we can to bring her back."

Rico turned to the headmaster with tears in her eyes.

"This is all your fault! Sixth years shouldn't have even been in the field! They weren't prepared. Now look at what happened! She's turned into a zombie!"

The headmaster tried to get her to calm down but Rico wouldn't. She kept blaming them for your condition. They eventually had to call someone to drag her out to her room.


Months passed and your condition never improved. Rico would always visit in her spare time and tell you everything that you had missed. They kept telling her that it was pointless but she refused to listen to them. Deep down, she hoped a part of you could still hear and understand what she was saying.

"I can't believe it's almost been a year since you left for your mission." Rico starts off. "A year since I've heard your laugh or seen your smile." She takes your hand and interlocks your fingers together. A part of her expected some type of reaction but you remained the same. "I regret not telling you how I feel about you. Maybe I could've convinced you to stay or even let me come. I feel like this is also my fault. I should've tried harder so I could come with you." Tears were already spilling at this point. "I'm so sorry, (y/n). I'm so sorry for everything."

As Rico cried her heart out, you remained staring at the ceiling without a care in the world. Your mind was filled with the darkness that had corrupted you.


All characters are 18+

Send me prompts and suggestions. Will do any character.

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

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