You/Annie Leonhart - Safe Part 3

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It was hard to travel with an unwilling passenger

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It was hard to travel with an unwilling passenger. Annie had to drag you along everywhere and it wasn't until she was able to find two horses that the two of you were able to make progress.

"So what's your plan? Run as far away as you can and then hide out for the rest of your life?"

You couldn't sleep and you were going to make it Annie's problem.

"Go to sleep. We have a long day ahead of us."

"I'm not tired. So if you don't want me to run away, then keep me entertained."

She turned around and sat up to face you. While the moonlight gave the two of you some light, Annie still lit up a fire.

"You seem to enjoy making this harder than it needs to be."

"Lets not forget that you kidnapped me, Annie. I never wanted to come with you. They probably all think that I'm a traitor..."

"But you are a traitor." She cuts you off. "You warned me about their plan so I could escape."

"Shut up! I'm not a traitor! I...I just...."

"Decided to warn the enemy of what was going to happen?" Rather than say anything else, you just kept your mouth shut. She sighs as she lets her back rest against a tree. Annie wasn't the most patient person in the world. It's been several days since she took you and you were still fighting against her. She had figured you would come to your senses but nothing had changed. "I'm going to tell you everything. If you still want to go back to the capitol then I'm not going to stop you."

You narrowed your eyes at her, not believing her words. She had been adamant about fixing things and now she was suddenly giving you a choice? It didn't make sense.


"I can't keep dragging you everywhere. I suppose I only brought you with me so that I could ultimately give you a choice. Stay with the Scouts or come with me."

You nod, letting her know you would listen. She starts at the beginning of her days in Marley. Annie explains everything that her father had made her go through to eventually join the Warrior Unit so that the two of them could have a better life. She only went along with it because it was the only thing she knew but eventually felt like she owed her father after everything he had done for her.

It's not until the early morning when she finishes her story with telling you what had happened in the failed expedition of the Survey Scouts. As she finishes, she leans over to cut off the bindings in your wrists and ankles. Annie expects for you to take off the second your restraints come off but you remain sitting.

"I might not like your methods or what you did to survive but you only did it to return to your father. War is cruel and Marley only used you as a pawn."

"You're not running away? You're coming with me?"

You look towards the rising sun, unable to meet her eyes.

"I'm not coming with you. I don't want to go to Marley, Annie. If you still want to be together then we stay here. We hide in the forest and figure out a way to bring your father here."

She takes your hands, making you look at her.

"We'll stay. We'll build the house we've been dreaming of and then figure out a way to bring my father home."


All characters are 18+

Send me prompts and suggestions. Will do any character.

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

Historia Reiss - Blue

Nanaba .... - Return

Hange Zoe - Princess

Annie Leonhart - Reassurances


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