You/Mina Carolina - Safe

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Mina was in so much pain

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Mina was in so much pain. Her back was killing her after colliding with the building but that was the least of her worries. There was a titan that was staring down at her. She tried to move but everything hurt. The pain got worse as the titan reached down to grab her. Mina struggled in his hand to get them to let her go but it just caused them to tighten their grip.

Facing death, adrenaline coursed through her veins as she tried to save herself. She didn't want to die. She still hadn't graduated. She wasn't even a scout yet, she was still a cadet. Most importantly, she hadn't even told you how she felt about you. Tears spilled down her cheeks as she remembered how you made her promise you to come back safely.

Refusing to give up, she used the last of her strength to scream for help.


Hearing Mina's voice, you stopped moving. She needed you and you needed to get to her. Ignoring your other comrades, you rushed to the area of where you heard her scream come from. Not knowing what was going on, you pushed yourself to hurry to speed through the town to reach her.


Using the last but of your gas, you used it to arrive just in time to cut down the titan's nape before they had a chance to kill her. They're quick to fall back, managing to let go of Mina as he falls over. The two of you fall to the ground with you managing to break Mina's fall.

" it."

"I told you. I'll always keep you safe, Mina."

It was a miracle that she was even alive and that you had even managed to arrive seconds before she was titan food.


She starts to close her eyes to rest but you don't let her. You weren't sure how bad her injuries were and the worse thing she could do was fall asleep.

"Hey! Hey! Wake up, Mina. You can't go to sleep. You need to keep me company. We're in the middle of titan territory. I need you."

You could she was struggling to stay up as you yelled at her.

" w..we goi...goin home?"

"We're going to go home, Mina. We're going to make it back to the inner walls and become actual scouts, alright. It's suppose to be me and you till the end."

She nods and keeps up the conversation with you while you searched for someone to come help you. You knew if you yelled that it would just attract titans so you had to wait.

You weren't sure how long time had passed but eventually a few of your fellow cadets pass by. When you call them over, they help you carry Mina back to safety.


With the extent of her injuries, Mina had been asleep for several days. You stayed by her side, refusing to leave it until it was absolutely necessary. The two of you ended up missing your ceremony to become full-time scouts so the two of you were still cadets.

A full week passed by when Mina finally manages to wake up.

"Mina! You're awake!" Overwhelmed with happiness to see her open her eyes again, you leaned in to kiss her without a second thought. "I was so worried. They told me that they weren't sure when you would wake up...." You trail off when you notice her shocked expression. You're just about to ask her what's wrong when realization strikes. "Oh! I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me. Please forgive me..."

"I love you! Please don't apologize for the kiss."

Mina tells you, interrupting your rambling. She knew if she let you continue, that you wouldn't stop talking until it was physically impossible for you.

"You love me?"

You ask her, still in shock about the kiss and the fact that she told you that she loved you.

"I do. I promised myself that I was going to tell you when we came back from our mission and after what happened, I don't think I can wait any longer to confess my feelings."

"Mina, I....I love you too."

Her smile widens as you admit your feelings.

"Good. Then kiss me again because I didn't get to enjoy the first one."

You lean down to kiss her again, making the kiss last longer than the last one.


All characters are 18+

Send me prompts and suggestions. Will do any character.

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

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Hange Zoe - 132

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