You/Sasha Blouse - Beginnings

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Sasha's friends were useless

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Sasha's friends were useless. Connie's idea of asking out someone on a date included pulling a prank on a person to humiliate them. Jean's was to straight up bombard them with flowers and chocolate. Mikasa's was to bully them until they got the hint. Historia's involved simply waited for them to ask you and Ymir's advice was to simply ask them out.

Unsure of what to do, Sasha was sulking in the corner of her favorite coffee shop. She always cheered up eating her favorite pastry and drink but it didn't help. Not even watching you from afar helped cheer her up.

"Alright, what's going on? You've been pouting all day."

Sasha immediately sits up when you slide on the other side of the booth. She looks down to find you had brought the two of you milkshakes along with fries. As far as she was aware, the coffee shop didn't sell any of these items.

Noticing the look of confusion on her face, you laughed and explained.

"Well I was done with my shift and noticed my favorite customer looking a little down. I'm not sure if a milkshake or fries will help at all but it was worth a try."

Sasha feels her cheeks heat up when you call her your favorite customer.

"I uh. Milkshakes and fries do help. Thank you."

"Anytime. Soooo.....Mind telling me what's wrong?"

You asked as you started eating the fries.

Sasha wasn't sure if she could stomach the food without throwing up so she refrained from eating any of it.

"Well....It's a little complicated." She started off. "I've been trying to ask out someone for a while now but my friends are of no help."

Sasha couldn't tell you that she had been wanting to ask you out but she could explain her problem.

"Hmm. That is a little complicated." You stopped eating fries and pushes you shake to the side. "I think just asking them upfront will work. No point in doing grand gestures when you can save it for special occasions."

It annoyed Sasha that Ymir's advice had been the correct answer.


You gave her a small smile as you stood up.

"Really. I'm sure whoever you ask will say yes. Now that I helped you out with your problem. I should be going now. I'll see you later."

"Wait, (y/n)!"

Sasha rushed to follow after you. She nearly bumped into you when you stopped in the middle of the coffee shop.


The words were right in the tip of her tongue but she just couldn't say them. Instead, she pulled out a couple of bucks to cover the milkshakes and fries to hand them to you.

"Thanks for the advice."


Sasha had eventually worked up the courage to ask you out after a couple of days with your talk. She went to the coffee shop when she knew you would be working but was surprised to find that you were nowhere in sight.

"What can I get you?"

"Uh....(y/n)'s not here?"

"Nope. She called out. What can I get you?"

"Do you know when she'll be back?"

Pieck looked her up and down before shaking her head.

"Nope and if I did. I can't tell you. You might not look like a creep but you can never be too sure. For all I know, you could be her stalker. Now are you going to get anything or not?"

Not in the mood to order her usual, she just ordered a black coffee and headed back to her apartment.


"Honey! I'm home!"

You groaned loudly as Pieck's yelling made your headache hurt worse.

"Shut it, Pieck. I'm trying to sleep."

Pieck rolls her eyes and turns on the lights to the apartment. She makes her way to the fridge and pulls out a water for you and a beer for her. Making her way to the living room, she tosses the take out bags to you.

"You're going to want to hear this. It's about the Sasha girl."

You reluctantly sit up on the couch to give her room to take a seat.

"I told you that I don't want to hear it. I'm trying to get over her."

"What if I told you that you don't have to. She came in looking for you. I'm telling you, you're the person that she wanted to ask her out."

"I told her that said person would prefer for them to just be asked out without any grand gestures. Why didn't she just say anything?"

"Maybe because you caught her off guard. You need to come back to work so you can ask her out."

"You mean so I can see her with her new girlfriend. No thanks. Maybe I might even quit."

"God, you're so dramatic. You're even worse than Annie, Porco and Reiner combined. Why am I the only normal in our group."

"Whatever. I'm done talking about Sasha."


It's been a week since you had your last shift and you were forced to returned. For your entire shift, you kept dreading seeing Sasha again. You're relieved when the shop was about to close and there was still no sign of Sasha.

You're in the middle of making someone's orders when you hear the bell on the door ring.

"I'll be with you in a second...."

"Will you go on a date with me?"

You nearly burn your hand when you hear Sasha yelling at you. Without answering, you hurry to make the drink and hand it to the customer. When you turn to face her, she was apologizing to everyone for her outburst.

"Well that's one way to ask out someone?"

"I'm sorry. I waited a week to ask you and I kept losing my courage little by little. I used the last bit of it today."

"I see." You grabbed a large cup and began to prepare her favorite drink. As you finished, you wrote your number on the cup along with a heart. Grateful that it was close to Valentine's Day, you grabbed the heart-shaped cookie and slid both items to her.

"On the house."

"But I didn't..."

"We're about to close and I'd like to head home early."

Taking that as a no, Sasha simply nodded and headed out.


It's late in the night when you finally get a text.

'YOU'RE SO CRUEL. I THOUGHT YOU SAID NO. Does Friday work for you?'

You smiled as you read her message.

'I had to pay you back for making me think that you meant someone else. Friday works for me. I can't wait.'

'Me either.'

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