You/Mikasa Ackerman - Enough

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Mikasa was hit with the smell of your blood as she stepped into your apartment

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Mikasa was hit with the smell of your blood as she stepped into your apartment. The smell was enough to make her hungry despite eating earlier in the day.

"Mikasa! Thank god, you're here. I accidently cut myself with this stupid knife. Can you go get the first aid kit?"

She makes her way over to the kitchen to find you bleeding all over the sink while attempting to stop the blood from spilling. She's so tempted to just grab your hand and suck the blood but she holds herself back. She needed to focus on getting the first aid kit.

"Yes. Just a second."

She takes a deep breath to calm herself down but that proves to be a mistake as she's overwhelmed by the scent of your blood. Before she accidentally hurt you, she holds her breath and hurries to grab the kit.


You hiss as the drop of alcohol makes the cut burn. If you wanted to disinfect your cut, you were going to need help.

"Babe, can you please help me out. I can't do this on my own."

Mikasa doesn't say anything as she hurries to pour nearly half the bottle of alcohol before running upstairs and slamming the door shut. If you weren't in pain from the burn, you would've chased after her to ask what was wrong but you figured it could wait until you covered your cut.

Once you were sure that it was clean, you grabbed the largest bandaid and placed it over your cut. When you were done, you cleaned up the mess you had made and headed upstairs.


Mikasa stayed perfectly still as she heard you enter the room. If she pretended she was asleep, she wouldn't have to explain how badly she needed to drink your blood. While you had told her you were okay with her drinking your blood, Mikasa had sworn to herself to not drink a drop from you. Your blood smelled sweet and it worried her that she wouldn't be able to stop herself from draining you.

It seems to work as you quietly make your way to the bathroom to get ready for bed and then she later feels the bed dip as you join her.

"love you, 'kasa"

She hears you whisper to her before placing a kiss on her cheek.

When she's sure that you're asleep, Mikasa finally opens her eyes to find that you had worn a tank top to bed, revealing your neck to her. It was so tempting to just lean in and bite your neck. Without realizing it, she wrapped her arms around your waist and pulled you close. She hesitated for just a second but ultimately her instinct to drink your blood won.


Your stir as you feel a prick on your neck and then fully wake up as the pain gets more intense. You're soon wide awake when you realize Mikasa was drinking your blood.


You tried to yell louder but you were getting weaker with how much blood she was drinking. Thankfully, she hears you and stops for a second. The second is all you need to pull away from her and cover the two holes that she had made.

Her eyes are glazed over from the high of your blood. Snapping your fingers in front of her manages to pull her back to reality.

"(y/n)! I'm so sorry!"

She hurries to check how you are but you stop her.

"Go get the first aid kit."

She seems to hesitate for a second but ends up going to retrieve the first aid kit.


Mikasa sits on your side of the bed as she watched you clean up the bite marks that she had made. She had wanted to help but you refused to let her.

"I can't believe you! You seriously bit me in my sleep?"

Mikasa looked down at the floor to avoid your angry stare. She knew she had messed up.

"I'm sorry. I don't have an excuse other than me being careless. I should've kept a distance when I realized it was going to be a problem."

"You're right. You should've."

She hears you move around the room but doesn't dare to look up. She was ashamed of what she had done.

"I know. I'll do anything to earn your forgiveness."

You place a finger under her chin and make her look up at you.

"I'm tired. I can't think of anything at the moment other than going to sleep."

"O..oh. Right."

Mikasa stands up to leave you your space. Laying down, you turn your back to her to grab her pillow and blanket.

"For now, you can stay on the floor. It seems I can't trust you to not bite me in my sleep."

You thrust the items to her hands and make yourself comfortable. Mikasa pouts, hating that she was going to sleep on the floor.

"Of course. Goodnight, (y/n)."

"Goodnight, Mikasa." She's quick to turn off the lights and lay down on the floor besides you. "I love you, my little biter."

Mikasa lets out a quiet laugh as she hears the nickname. She was glad that she hadn't scared you.

"I love you too, my little human."


All characters are 18+

Send me prompts and suggestions. Will do any character.

Names that have ?? do not have a prompt so feel free to send me one of yours.

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