Poly-ship Shenanigans: Graduation Day(Female Reader)

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Ga-yeong took a deep breath as she put on her graduation cap.

"I can't believe we're about to be in high school." Joi squealed out as she hugged Ga-yeong and Tristesse.

"Me either." Ga-yeong said. "What about you guys?"

"I'm actually looking forward for high school." Jason signed.

"Me too." Michael said. 

"And dude congrats on becoming valedictorian." Jason signed.

"Thanks man, my eomma did say all work will pay off in the end with rewards." Michael chuckled out. Jason looked at Ga-yeong and mentally sighed as he began to recall back to the Valentine's Day dance. 

"I should've asked her...but I didn't wanna make things uncomfortable for her." Jason signed. Joi walked up to Jason.

"I see you looking and I'm guessing you didn't tell her yet, did you?" Joi asked. Jason shook his head no as he signed explaining why.

"I see, but I'm sure you'll have a better chance in high school if another guy doesn't swoop in and take her." Joi pointed out. "It's either now or never dude."

"I know." Jason signed. "Maybe 8th grade wasn't the best time to confess my love."

"Alright kids, get ready to line up to go to the auditorium." Mrs. Hwang called out.

"Hey teacher, how's the baby doing in there?" Joi asked. Mrs. Hwang chuckled as she rubbed her pregnant belly.

"She's doing fine in there." Mrs. Hwang replied happily. Ga-yeong smiled but then felt someone snatch her cap off. She turned around to see Zira.

"ZIra, we're not gonna be doing this." Ga-yeong groaned as she reached for her cap but Zira raised her hand out of Ga-yeong's reach.

"Or what? You're gonna tell on me or cry?" Zira taunted. Mrs. Hwang immediately walked up to them.

"Zira, give back her cap." Mrs. Hwang ordered. Zira gave Ga-yeong back her cap while grumbling something. "And Zira, I'm going to need you to stay back for a while...we need to talk." Ga-yeong looked back at Zira while she and everyone else made their way to the auditorium. While they walked down the aisle, Ga-yeong saw you and your lovers all sitting in the very front row waving excitedly at her. Ga-yeong smiled as she waved back at you guys. 

"THERE'S MY SON!" Maggie yelled out making Michael hide his face in embarrassment. When they all sat down, the principal greeted the parents to the graduation day. While they were talking, Ga-yeong looked at Jason and sighed then whispered to Joi.

"Hey Joi, can I ask you something?" Ga-yeong whispered.

"What's up girl?" Joi whispered back.

"Um...is it okay to...feel different about someone you're close with?" Ga-yeong asked.

"Um...are you referring to me? Look I maybe bi but my heart belongs to that hunk of nerd over there." Joi said referring to Michael. Ga-yeong chuckled.

"No, no...it's not you." Ga-yeong whispered. "But...it's someone else."

"Well I'm not gonna pry you on who you like but I'm sure you'll build up the courage to talk to them but ask yourself if you're ready to be with this guy because of you know what." Joi advised referring to Loki who was waving at the two. Ga-yeong and Joi rolled their eyes as they turned around.

"Well, you're right...in fact I don't know when I'll be ready to be in another relationship again." Ga-yeong sighed out. Tristesse grabbed Ga-yeong's hand and gave a small smile.

"Your heart will guide you to the right one...trust your heart." Tristesse whispered. Ga-yeong smiled as she nodded and hugged Tristesse. After Michael gave his valedictorian speech, the kids stood up while Mrs. Hwang gave the closing speech and then the parents stood up and clapped while Ga-yeong and her friends walked down the aisle.

"THAT'S OUR DAUGHTER!" Gi-hun yelled.

"NEO JJANGIA GONJU!" Ali yelled out. Ga-yeong smiled as she continued to walk out the auditorium. When she walked out she saw Zira getting yelled at by her parents while Zira was standing there crying while her mother continued to yelled at Zira in Swahili. Ga-yeong didn't know what but she shrugged it off and walked up to her parents.

"We're so proud of you gongju." Sang-woo said as he hugged Ga-yeong tight.

"My baby's gonna be in high school." Sae-byeok cried.

"You may have finished 8th grade however, you're not done yet on your journey of education Ga-yeong." You said.

"I know mom and I'm actually excited for high school." Ga-yeong said.

"Well just to give you a heads up, it's way more different than elementary school." Ali said.

"I think I'll be okay." Ga-yeong confidentially said.

When Ga-yeong got home she wrote in her diary.

Ga-yeong's POV

June 10th

Dear Diary,

Holy fuck! I can't believe I'm going to be in high school! And to top it all off, my friends are gonna be going to the same high school as me and we're gonna be taking the school bus so no more car rides to school but at least I get to sit with my friends. Also, I heard through the grapevine that Zira has failed a few classes to where she has to do summer school in order to get her diploma! I guess today is a good day after all and I'm glad for that. Also...I was too scared to tell Joi how I feel about Jason because...1. I don't know if Jason feels the same way and thinks of me as a little sister and 2. What if this mess with our friendship? I just don't know anymore.

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