Living In Fear- Slasher Villain Idea

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Okay so this is an idea I had after reading some fanfics

Me: Alright audience, have you ever been afraid of a certain villain from a horror movie? I have, but try having to live with them 24/7. Trust me these guys are lowkey more annoying than scary once you get to know them.


Me: See what I mean?

Freddy: Jason! Give me back my hat! *chasing after Jason Voorhees*

Chucky: *jumps out the way* Hey watch it dickhead! I'm trying to go to the kitchen!

Pennywise: It's still breakfast time, are you getting a short stack of pancakes?*laughs*

Chucky: *flips him off while grumbling*

Leatherface: Hey can't a guy get some sleep without any noises going on?

Jigsaw: That makes two of us, I'm too old for this bullshit.

Jason:*trips and falls*

Freddy:*tackles Jason and starts punching him* Give it back you giant douchebag!*scratches at his face*

Michael Myers:*pulls Freddy off Jason* You two fight too much.

Jason:*in sign language* He shouldn't have hidden my mask.

Me: Will you all find something else to do!? Shit! You guys are showing the audience how annoying you all are!

Pennywise: Oh wait, we're on camera? *fixes hair*

Freddy: Why you didn't tell us author? I'm not even wearing my good outfit.

Chucky: *walks in* You wear the exact same shitty rags everyday!

Freddy: Like you don't!

Chucky: At least I can wash my laundry and not shred them up!

Freddy: Shut up before I punt you across the hall!

Chucky: I like to see you try bitch!*pulls out knife*

Me:*sighs* See what I mean audience? But if you wanna see more of this let me know alright? I might still have a few adventures in mind for these clowns here.

Pennywise:*pops up* Hey that's Mr. Clown to you.

Me:*shoves him out the way* Fuck off man!

Let me know what do you guys think of this!

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