High School Hijinks: With A Bang-3(Female Reader)

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Ga-yeong opened her eyes thinking that she was dead but looked down to see that she still okay. Michael tackled Zira to the ground and began beating her.

"YOU CRAZY BITCH! I KNEW I SHOULD'VE STRANGLED YOU WHEN YOU MADE LINDSAY COMMIT SUICIDE!" Michael yelled after every blow he gave to Zira. Joi, Aiden, and Tristesse all looked like they have seen a ghost which confused Ga-yeong for a second.

"What's wrong? I'm okay." Ga-yeong said.

"She didn't miss...look." Joi said pointing down. Ga-yeong covered her mouth in shock horror once she saw that Jason was on the ground holding his bleeding arm.

"Oh my God! Jason!" Ga-yeong yelled as she knelt down to him. She then looked around to see the bystanders just recording this which made her mad. "ARE YOU ALL REALLY FILMING THIS!? CALL 911!" Ga-yeong screamed out.

"Jason, bruh stay with us man." Joi said.

"Jason why did you do that!?" Ga-yeong cried. Jason looked at her and grabbed her hand then squeezed it tight. Ga-yeong was just bawling when the door swung open revealing Ali and Sang-woo.

"What the hell?" Sang-woo exclaimed. Zira kneed Michael in the balls making him fall to the floor, then she grabbed the gun and fled. Ga-yeong wanted to go after her but she stayed with Jason.

"What happened?" Ali asked as he knelt down to Jason.

"He's been shot!" Joi cried out. Sang-woo knelt down and took out his handkerchief to stop the bleeding.

"Jason stay with me boy, help is on the way I promise." Sang-woo said. Jason nodded his head but then his vision began to blur much to everyone's dismay.

"Jason? JASON!"

"Dude, wake up!"

"Don't die on us!"

Jason woke up to find himself in the hospital bed. He looked to see Pamela, Sang-woo, Ali, and Ga-yeong all in the hospital room. Ga-yeong was by Jason's side of the bed crying into his chest which promoted Jason to rub her back with his other hand. Ga-yeong gasped at the feeling then looked up to see Jason's awake.

"You're alive! You're alive!" Ga-yeong cried as she was about to hug him but Jason stopped her and pointed at his arm. "O-oh right sorry." Pamela hurried over to the hospital bed.

"Jason, son, how are you feeling?" Pamela asked sniffling. Jason tried to sign that he's okay but couldn't because of how weak his arm is.

"Wait don't sign." Ga-yeong said as she took out a few pieces of paper and grabbed a pen. "Can you write with that hand?" Jason began to write.

"I think so and I fine mom"

(I think so and I'm fine mom)

In the waiting room

There sitting in the waiting room was Aiden, Michael, Joi, and Tristesse. 

"Michael, can we talk?" Joi asked. Michael sighed.

"Joi...I think we're better off as just friends." Michael said. Joi felt her heart break after hearing that. 

"A-are you-"

"Yes, I'm breaking up with you." Michael said. "You're better off with someone who can match up to your wants and needs." Joi sighed.

"I understand." Joi said.

"I'm really sorry about your friend." Aiden apologized.

"It's not your fault." Tristesse said. "You didn't know she was coming." The doors opened up revealing Jun-ho and In-ho.

"We came as soon as we heard." Jun-ho announced.

"What happened?" In-ho asked. Aiden stood up to speak.

"I was having a party at my house the other night." Aiden began. "A girl who was a real bully to all of us knew that she wasn't invited but she crashed the party and when we were all telling her to leave she pulled out a gun and started to shoot just to scare us all and threatened to shoot me as well when I tried to tell her to put the gun down."

"Where's Jason and Ga-yeong?" Jun-ho asked.

"Jason's been hospitalized and he's in that room over there." Joi said as she sniffled then pointed to the room Jason was in. Jun-ho and In-ho walked in making Jason and Ga-yeong look up.

"Detective Hwang." Ga-yeong began. Jun-ho knelt down to Jason and Ga-yeong.

"What happened at the party you two were at? The boy explained his side of the story so I wanna hear yours as well." Jun-ho said.

"Well, Zira, the girl who had the gun, nearly shot my cousin Michael and he went deaf in one ear and I got upset and began to fight her." Ga-yeong explained. "When she grabbed the gun back she tried to shoot me with it but Jason jumped in front of me before the bullet could hit me." Ga-yeong then began to tear up after explaining making Ali pull her into a hug.

"Shhhh, it's okay baby." Ali shushed as he rubbed the back of her head. Jason nodded his head, indicating that what Ga-yeong said was true.

"We're gonna have to go to this girl's house as well to interrogate her." In-ho suggested. Jun-ho nodded his head in agreement. 

"I'm trying to figure out what that girl's problem is...because those who hurt my son...will be torn limb from-" Sang-woo cut Pamela off.

"Whoa! There's police here, calm down Pamela." Sang-woo said. Pamela balled up her fists in anger while breathing real heavily.

"To be honest, I would've reacted the same if my niece were to be shot." Jun-ho said referring to In-ho's daughter.

"We'll interrogate the girl as soon as possible, okay? In the meantime get your rest son." In-ho said as him and Jun-ho walked out the room. Ga-yeong looked at Jason with teary eyes.

"I just have to ask...why...why would take that bullet for me?" Ga-yeong asked. Jason began to write.

"Remember when we kids watched Frozen and one part where Olaf lit fire up for Anna so she no melt but he melt? I remember one sentence he say."

(Remember when we were kids and we watched Frozen and that one part where Olaf lit the fireplace up for Anna so she doesn't die but he would? I remember that one line he said to her)

"That people are worth melting for?" Ga-yeong asked. Jason nodded his head then began to write.

"You worth melting for."

(You're worth melting for, Ga-yeong)

Jason grabbed Ga-yeong's hand and squeezed it then rubbed the front of her hand with his thumb making her smile. The doctor came in to announce that visiting hours is over and that everyone has to leave. When they left, Joi and Tristesse got picked up by their dads, Michael got picked up by Mi-nyeo, Aiden got picked up by his dad, and Ga-yeong went home with Sang-woo and Ali. When they got home, you, Gi-hun, Sae-byeok, and the twins all ran up to Ga-yeong.

"Oh honey are you okay?" You asked.

"We heard what happened." Sae-byeok said. Dawn and Min-jun hugged Ga-yeong tight while crying.

"We thought we lost you!" Min-jun cried out.

"I'm fine everyone." Ga-yeong said in a weary sad voice as she went up to her bedroom. Gi-hun sighed.

"All I gotta say is that I'm glad she's okay." Gi-hun said.

"But we can't say the same for Jason." Ali pointed out.

"Now, what he did was the most heroic thing ever." Sae-byeok said.

"Yeah but what if he would've died?" You asked. "That Zira girl really would've been in trouble."

"Unless her mother tries to bail her out again." Sang-woo pointed out. "That woman protects that girl no matter what."

"Well I know one thing...if that girl doesn't have justice come at her...I will." Sae-byeok threatened. "I don't care what anyone says."

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