High School Hijinks: Doggy Days-1(Female Reader)

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Ga-yeong was just chilling in her room when she heard a small knock on the door.

"Come in." Ga-yeong said. The door slowly opened revealing Dawn.

"Hey sister, do you think our parents will let us have a dog?" Dawn asked.

"I'm sure the only one who will oppose is appa so it's probably best not to ask." Ga-yeong advised. Dawn left the room.

"I'm sorry but you can't stay here." Ga-yeong heard Dawn say. That sorta alerted Ga-yeong as she jumped out the bed and ran into the hallway to see Dawn and Min-jun petting a really fat blue nose pitbull.

"Where did the dog come from?" Ga-yeong asked.

"We found him in the backyard." Min-jun explained. Ga-yeong examined the pitbull and saw no signs of aggressiveness then smiled.

"I guess he's okay." Ga-yeong said as she patted the pitbull's head making the dog smile.

"We named him Mr. Chubbs." Dawn stated.

"Aww, well hello Mr. Chubbs." Ga-yeong coo'ed as she scratched behind the dog's ears then Ga-yeong remember about what she had just said about Sang-woo not approving for a pet.

"Wait, does any of them know? Dad? Eomma? Abbu?" Ga-yeong asked. The twins shook their heads no which made Ga-yeong worry.

"We can't release him back out, he has no family to go to." Dawn pointed out.

"But we can't let him stay here because of appa and you both know how he feels about dogs." Ga-yeong said.

"I don't understand why he doesn't like them, especially pitties." Min-jun said.

"Well, he has had a bad history with dogs before so I can understand why." Ga-yeong pointed out.

"Please big sister, let him stay." Dawn pleaded.

"Pleeeaaasssseeeee!" The twins pleaded in unison flashing their puppy eyes. Mr. Chubbs saw what was going on and did the same. Ga-yeong immediately gave in.

"Fine, but we'll have to hide him in the basement." Ga-yeong ordered.

"Yay!" The twins cheered in unison. Ga-yeong went into her old blankets out her closet then went to the basement where the twins were leading Mr. Chubbs in.

"Okay, I got some of my old blankets so maybe we can make these into a small bed for him." Ga-yeong explained as she began to make a nest out of her blankets. Mr. Chubbs laid down on the blanket bed and yawned.

"Poor guy must've been tired." Dawn said as she rubbed Mr. Chubbs head as he went to sleep. Ga-yeong then heard the door open and close along with your voice.

"Kids, we're home!" You called out.

"They're here." Ga-yeong whispered. "Go, go, go." They all hurried upstairs to see you all in the kitchen unloading the groceries.

"H-hey everyone." Ga-yeong said nervously. Gi-hun looked at her with a confused look.

"Sweetie? What's wrong?" Gi-hun asked.

"Nothing, why?" Ga-yeong chuckled out.

"Because you're sweaty." Sae-byeok pointed out.

"Oh that's because I was playing soccer with Dawn outside." Ga-yeong lied then elbowed Dawn.

"Y-yeah." Dawn agreed.

"Okay well, all of you get ready for dinner soon because we're having some of your abbu's old fashioned curry." Sang-woo ordered as he wrapped an arm around Ali.

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