High School Hijinks: Love: The Most Precious Thing Ever(Female Reader)

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Ga-yeong's POV

June 19th, 2036

Dear Diary,

It's summertime and I can't believe that I'm about to be a junior in August. I'm 15 and about to be a junior soon but it's whatever. I'm actually happy that I'm gonna have one more year until I graduate from high school. Anyway, I gotta go...I'm about to go hang out with my friends at the karaoke bar.


Ga-yeong was with Joi and Tristesse at the karaoke bar having a good time.

"C'mon, hurry up and pick a song." Joi ordered.

"I'm trying." Tristesse chuckled out as she scrolled through the playlist.

"I'm glad my parents recommended me this place." Ga-yeong chuckled out.

"I'll say, I love the designs of the place." Michael said.

"This is nice." Jason signed.

"I'm glad you guys like it." Ga-yeong said. "My parents told me they used to come here all the time and it was basically the beginning of their relationship."

"Hopefully it'll be the same with us." Jason thought to himself as he blushed behind his mask. All of a sudden, Ga-yeong's phone rang. It was Gi-hun calling her.

"Hey dad, what's going on?" Ga-yeong asked.

"Ga-yeong...remember your teacher from when you was in daycare?" Gi-hun asked in a serious tone. Ga-yeong frowned.

"Mr. Oh? Yeah I remember him why?" Ga-yeong asked.

"Honey, he wants to see you and your friends." Gi-hun said. Ga-yeong stood up.

"W-where?" Ga-yeong asked. All of her friends looked at her with concern.

At the hospital

"Yes, hi we're here to see Oh Il-nam." Ga-yeong said.

"Ah yes, right this way." The nurse said as she lead them all to a hospital room where Oh Il-nam, their old teacher from when they were toddlers, lies within the hospital bed.

"Sir?" Ga-yeong began. Il-nam opened his eyes and looked over to see Ga-yeong and her friends.

"Wh-who are you?" Il-nam began.

"Sir, it's us." Ga-yeong said. "Ga-yeong, Jason, Joi, Tristesse, and Michael."

"You were our teacher when we were toddlers." Joi added in. Il-nam gave a weak smile.

"Kids...look how you've all grown." Il-nam croaked out. Ga-yeong walked over to his bed.

"My dad told us to come see you." Ga-yeong stated.

"Yes, I wanted to see you all one last time." Il-nam said. Ga-yeong felt her heart dropped after hearing that.

"L-last time, what do you mean?" Joi asked.

"Kids, these are my final hours on earth...and I wanted to spend those final hours with you all." Il-nam explained. Jason felt a lump in his throat as he walked up to his bed.

"Sir, what about your family?" Jason signed.

"They wanted nothing to do with me...ever since my wife died they've been distant with me." Il-nam explained. "They were only nice to me because of my wife who was the nicest of them all."

"What was your wife like?" Tristesse asked. Il-nam smiled.

"Oh, my wife was the most lovely woman I've ever met." Il-nam replied. "I still remember the first time I've met her."

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