High School Hijinks: Teacher's Pet-2(Female Reader)

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Ga-yeong's been noticing that Jason has been hanging back after class ever since Ms. Lovelock became the temporary teacher. Now Ga-yeong knows that Jason never did anything wrong during class so Ms. Lovelock shouldn't have any excuse or reason to see Jason after class.

When class was over, Ga-yeong walked out but stayed by the door until Ms. Lovelock closed the door. Ga-yeong peeked by the window to see Jason teaching Ms. Lovelock sign language.

"Okay, is this the reason why she wanted to see him?" Ga-yeong thought to herself. Ga-yeong began to feel silly then walked off to her next class thinking that she was overthinking things.

While Jason was teaching Ms. Lovelock sign language, Ms. Lovelock got up and told Jason she needs help put up the textbooks. Jason agreed to help her as they both got up. Ms. Lovelock was impressed by Jason being able to carry 10 heavy hardcovered textbooks.

"Wow, that's impressive." Ms. Lovelock said. Jason set the books up into the shelves.

"I work out Ms. Lovelock." Jason signed. Ms. Lovelock chuckled as she felt on Jason's biceps.

"I can tell." Ms. Lovelock chuckled out. Jason's body began to tense up as he began to sweat and blush.

"Is there something else you need help with?" Jason signed. Ms. Lovelock pondered for a second then it came to her mind. She had Jason do a myriad of little activities just so she can examine his body more and more. Ms. Lovelock began to blush at the sight of Jason's muscular body.

"How can a young boy have the body of a supermodel?" Ms. Lovelock thought to herself as she bit her lip.

During lunch, Jason was nibbling on some chocolates Ms. Lovelock gave him.

"Man, where did you get chocolates from?" Michael asked.

"Um, found them?" Jason signed.

"Nah, nah man you got them from Ms. Lovelock's fine ass huh?" Michael chuckled out. Jason blushed behind his mask.

"Man, she never gave any of us chocolates." Joi said.

"Well that's because you not her favorite student." Michael pointed out.

"Looks like Ms. Lovelock has a little teacher's pet." Tristesse said.

"I guess so." Jason signed.

"Man, you lucky because I'd kill to stay after class with Ms. Lovelock." Michael said.

"Well, I only taught her some sign language and helped her with the textbooks." Jason signed. "She felt my muscles after she was impressed that I was able to lift 10 textbooks." Ga-yeong grew concerned after hearing that.

"What? Jason, she shouldn't be touching you like that." Ga-yeong pointed out.

"I'm actually with her on that." Tristesse added in.

"What? She just touched my arms, it's not like she touched my seed shooter." Jason signed. Ga-yeong facepalmed after that sentence.

"Really Jason? Seed shooter?" Ga-yeong asked. Jason shrugged.

"Plus, we have built a special bond...I think she likes me." Jason signed.

"Yeah a little too much." Tristesse said.

"Well I'm sure she only likes you as a student." Joi said. "Don't get any ideas."

"Well, she knows I like her and she likes me so what's the problem?" Jason signed. Everyone looked at each other nervously then back at Jason.

"Well um, Jason...when it's two teens who like each other it's normal and fine but when it's a teenager and an adult, let alone your own teacher, it's um..." Joi explained until Ga-yeong cut her off.

"It's inappropriate." Ga-yeong bluntly said.

"Right yeah, what she said." Joi said as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"Well I don't see anything inappropriate going on between me and Ms. Lovelock." Jason signed. "She took the time to learn sign language with me and she gave me chocolates every time." Michael frowned.

"Okay now that last part low key sounds sus." Michael pointed out. "Yeah now I lost all feels for her."

"Jason, you know you're not supposed to eat any sweets before your mother cooks." Ga-yeong pointed out.

"Well, that's why I'm eating them during lunch time." Jason signed. "Why are you worried about me and Ms. Lovelock?"

"I'm sorry but I kinda don't like what she's doing with you...I mean touching you, giving you chocolates...that's classic child predator stuff." Ga-yeong pointed out. Jason frowned.

"That's nothing, you guys do the same so how's Ms. Lovelock any different?" Jason signed.

"Dude, we're not adults nor trying to groom you or anything." Michael pointed out. Jason got up.

"Where are you going?" Ga-yeong asked.

"To eat somewhere else." Jason signed. 

"Jason, don't be mad, we're trying to help you see the obvious before something bad happens." Ga-yeong said as she reached out for Jason. Jason pushed her hand away and stormed off.

"She acknowledged my love for her, unlike you." Jason thought to himself. Jason ran into Ms. Lovelock in the hallway.

"Hey Jason, lunch isn't over yet." Ms. Lovelock pointed out.

"I know I'm just...eating somewhere else." Jason signed.

"Did something happened?" Ms. Lovelock asked. Jason nodded. Ms. Lovelock smiled as she grabbed Jason's hand.

"C'mon, you can eat in the classroom with me." Ms. Lovelock said as she lead Jason to the classroom. Jason smiled behind his mask as he looked up at Ms. Lovelock.

"I guess she really does like me." Jason thought to himself.

When afterschool came, Ga-yeong sighed as she continued to walk. While she was walking, she saw Ms. Lovelock giving Jason an envelope by the school entrance. Once Ms. Lovelock walked off, Ga-yeong walked up to Jason.

"What did she give you?" Ga-yeong asked. Jason rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry about it." Jason signed as he began to walk off. Ga-yeong stepped in front of him.

"Jason, listen, this needs to stop because a teacher shouldn't be giving you treats and presents unless she's giving them to the whole class for good behavior." Ga-yeong pointed out. Jason continued to walk.

"You don't understand our relationship, so why don't you just go?" Jason signed. Ga-yeong sighed as she walked off not wanting to argue with Jason anymore.

"Beware of predators Jason, they hunt on the most nicest ones." Ga-yeong thought to herself.

When Jason got home he went up to his room and took out the envelope Ms. Lovelock gave him. He opened it to see photo images of Ms. Lovelock in sexy, seductive poses. Some showed panty shots and some showed her clevage. Jason's face heated up at the sight of it as his heart began to race.

"Jason! Dinner!" Pamela called. Jason placed the photos under his mattress and went downstairs.

With Ga-yeong

Ga-yeong sighed as she nibbled at her dinner.

"What's wrong babygirl?" Gi-hun asked.

"Yeah, you've barely touched your food." Sang-woo pointed out.

"Dad, appa, can students be in romantic relationships with their teachers?" Ga-yeong asked. Gi-hun spat out his beer after hearing that.

"What!? God no! That's inappropriate." Gi-hun exclaimed.

"Sweetie why would you ask that?" You asked. "Is there a teacher you like or..."

"No! It's about Jason and our sub teacher Ms. Lovelock." Ga-yeong said. You all looked at her with concerned looks as she began to tell what was going on.

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