High School Hijinks: Min-jun's Missing-3(Female Reader)

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With Min-jun

Min-jun and Sunny both sat at the dinner table quiet while Min-chul and Mina were eating.

"Min-jun, you've barely touched your food." Mina pointed out.

"Neither have you Sunny, have you gotten the case of silence from Min-jun?" Min-chul jokingly asked. Sunny didn't answered.

"Um, appa can me and Min-jun be excused? He wants to show me how to act." Sunny asked.

"Oh sure, sure." Min-chul replied. Min-jun and Sunny both ran off to the bedroom.

"It's nice that they're getting along." Mina coo'ed.

In the bedroom

"I'm scared, I'm scared." Min-jun panicked. "If my sister comes here, your dad will kill her and if he finds out that you know the truth, he'll kill me and my family." Sunny grabbed Min-jun by the shoulders.

"Listen to me, even that was the case...I promise he wouldn't lay a hand on both of you, okay?" Sunny said. Min-jun nodded his head. All of a sudden there was a knock on the window. They both looked out to see Ga-yeong making Sunny open the window.

"Sister." Min-jun whispered out.

"I'm here to bust you out of here." Ga-yeong said. Sunny helped Min-jun out the window.

"I'm sorry my dad did this." Sunny apologized. The door slammed open revealing Min-chul standing there seething with rage. He swatted Sunny out the way and grabbed Min-jun by the leg pulling him in along with Ga-yeong.

"Who the hell are you!?" Min-chul asked through gritted teeth. Ga-yeong headbutted Min-chul but it didn't do much effect on him making him grip his hand around her neck.

"Appa, stop!" Sunny yelled trying to pry him away from Ga-yeong. 

"Sunny, what are doing?" Min-chul asked.

"I know you kidnapped him so just give up!" Sunny scolded. Min-chul slammed Ga-yeong against the bed and took out a roll of duct tape. He began to duct tape Ga-yeong's arms, legs, and mouth shut. Min-chul then began to do the same to Min-jun and then glared at Sunny.

"If you tell this to your mother, you're gonna join them as well." Min-chul threatened as he grabbed Sunny by the arm and pulled out the room.

"I'm sorry." Sunny mouthed to them as they both struggled to get free.

"Honey, what's going on?" Mina asked.

"Oh they were acting out an intense scene." Min-chul said gripping Sunny's arm. Sunny nodded her head in agreement. Mina smiled as she walked into the living room.

"Why did you do it?" Sunny asked. "Why'd you kidnapped him?"

"I did it for you and your mother, be grateful." Min-chul said through gritted teeth.

"But this is kidnapping! I'm better off with a dead brother rather than a stolen one." Sunny admitted. Min-chul struck Sunny making her hold her face in pain.

"And I'd rather have a daughter who appreciates what I did than an ungrateful brat." Min-chul retorted as he walked off. Sunny tried to fight back the tears then looked at the knife holder on the counter and picked up the biggest knife ever. Before she could do anything, there was a loud knock on the door.

"OPEN UP IT'S THE POLICE!" Sunny heard someone yell. Min-chul answered the door to see Jun-ho and In-ho.

"What can I do for you today officers?" Min-chul asked.

"We have a report about a kidnapping and we were told that this is the address." In-ho explained.

"May we take a look into your house?" Jun-ho asked. Min-chul couldn't say no because then they'll be onto him but if Sunny, Min-jun, or Ga-yeong spoke out then he'll be busted for sure. Min-chul swallowed his fear and stood aside letting them in. Mina looked at them confused.

"Honey, what are the cops doing here?" Mina asked.

"Don't worry honey, they're just searching the place." Min-chul said. Jun-ho walked into the kitchen where Sunny is at.

"Hello young lady." Jun-ho greeted.

"H-hello sir." Sunny nervously greeted. In-ho noticed Sunny's nervous state.

"Are you alright?" In-ho asked.

"Y-yes sir." Sunny lied.

With Min-jun and Ga-yeong

Min-jun tucked in his mouth some to get the tape off. He then wiggled his mouth until the tape was completely off then he took a deep breathe and then...

"HELP! DETECTIVE HWANG!" Min-jun screamed out. Jun-ho stormed into the room to see Min-jun and Ga-yeong still tied up then took out his pocket knife to cut the tape off them. In-ho tackled Min-chul to the ground then Gi-hun and Ali burst through the door and started beating up Min-chul. 

"YOU'RE UNDER ARREST FOR KIDNAPPING!" In-ho yelled out. A deputy then came in and tried to handcuff Mina but Min-chul yelled at him to stop.

"Stop! She had nothing to do with this!" Min-chul yelled. Mina shook her head no indicating that he was telling the truth making the deputy let her go. Jun-ho got Min-jun and Ga-yeong and led them to the living room.

"Min-jun!" Gi-hun yelled as he ran up to him and hugged him tight.

"Ga-yeong what are you doing here?" Ali asked as he ran up to her.

"I came to rescue Min-jun." Ga-yeong replied.

"M-Min-jun?" Mina cried out reaching for him.

"I'm sorry ma'am." Min-jun apologized. "Bye Sunny." Sunny waved at Min-jun.

"Thank you." Ga-yeong mouthed at her as they all walked out.

When they all got home, Sae-byeok and Dawn ran up to them and hugged Min-jun and Ga-yeong tight.

"Oh my God! You're okay!" Sae-byeok cried out. Ali looked around to find you and Sang-woo.

"Hyung! Honeys! There's someone you need to see!" Ali called out. You and Sang-woo made your way downstairs then your eyes grew wide at Min-jun standing right there.

"Min-jun!" Sang-woo exclaimed.

"Appa!" Min-jun yelled as he ran into Sang-woo's arms. Sang-woo picked him up and hugged him tight while crying his eyes out.

"My baby!" You cried as you join in on the hug. You looked at Jun-ho and In-ho then ran up to hug them.

"Thank you! Thank you so much!" You cried as you pecked their faces.

"No problem Y/N." Jun-ho chuckled out as both of their faces turned red.

"Ga-yeong what were you thinking?" Sang-woo asked.

"I did what I could to rescue my brother." Ga-yeong replied as she hugged Min-jun tight. 

"Hey, don't we still have something to celebrate about?" Dawn asked. It hit you that today's the twins' birthday then ran into the kitchen to get the cake.

"Jun-ho, In-ho, would you like to stay for some cake?" You asked.

"Oh, don't mind if I do." In-ho said. Jun-ho chuckled.

"Gi-hun, will you get the candles and lighter please?" Ali asked. Gi-hun went into the kitchen. After that, you all celebrated the twins' 10th birthday and Min-jun was happy that he was with a real family who loves him and will always look after him.

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