High School Hijinks: A Weekend Retreat

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Ga-yeong's POV

November 4th, 2036

Dear Diary, 

My abbu heard from nanni about a retreat for teens and thought it would've been a good idea for me to go. Honestly, I thought it sounds boring but my dad and appa thought it'll be good for me to get out the house for a while so yeah, I'm going on some holy vacation for a day or two...thanks a lot nanni! >:(.


"Ga-yeong I promise sweetie, you're going to love it." Ali insisted as he continued to drive. "I went there for my junior and senior year of high school." Ga-yeong groaned.

"You're only making me go against my own will." Ga-yeong said. Ali chuckled.

"Retreats aren't bad my little drama queen." Ali teased. "It's a place where you get to know people and do team building activities."

"So? I did that stuff at summer camp." Ga-yeong pointed out.

"Well, a retreat is different from summer camp." Ali assured. "And who knows, one of your friends might be there as well." Ali then pulled up to a log cabin like place as Ga-yeong peeked her head out the window.

"Looks like Aunt Hana and Uncle Dal's log cabin from Christmas." Ga-yeong thought to herself as she got out. Ali helped Ga-yeong with her bags as she walked into the cabin only to be greeted by...

"Camp Counselor Felix?" Ga-yeong asked. Felix smiled.

"Hello Ga-yeong, long time no see." Felix happily said.

"You work at retreats now?" Ga-yeong asked.

"Well only in the fall times, I still work at the summer camp." Felix said. Felix then peeked over his head and smiled making Ga-yeong turn around.

"Jason?" Ga-yeong began. Jason set his bags down and hugged Ga-yeong tight.

"I didn't know you were coming here." Jason signed.

"Well blame my nanni for telling my abbu about it." Ga-yeong huffed out.

"Well, my mom told me that she heard about this retreat and thought it'll be a chance for me to get to know people." Jason signed.

"You and me both man." They both heard someone say. They both turned around to see Michael.

"Mike!" Ga-yeong exclaimed as she hugged Michael tight.

"What's up cuz? What's up J?" Michael greeted as he dapped Jason up.

"Oh man, I'm glad I'm not alone on this retreat." Ga-yeong thought to herself.

"Hello Michael, Jason." Felix greeted. Michael's eyes grew wide.

"Camp Counselor Felix?" Michael asked.

"In the flesh." Felix replied. "I work as a retreat helper as well in the fall."

"Bruh this is lit! I can't wait to tell the twins about this." Michael said as he took out his phone but Felix snatched it out of his hand.

"Sorry Michael but no phones and electronics allowed on the retreat." Felix ordered. "Retreat rules."

"Say sike right now!" Michael exclaimed.

"I wish I could." Felix sighed out. "Sorry you guys but hand over your phones." Felix stuck his hand out to take the phones much to Ga-yeong and Jason's dismay.

"This already sucks." Ga-yeong mumbled out.

"Tell me about it." Jason signed.

After settling in, everyone gathered around in the chapel with Felix being in the middle of the circle.

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