Highschool Hijinks: Doggy Days-2(Female Reader)

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"No, no, no! Absolutely no." Sang-woo said as he paced back and forth. You all sat in the living room with Mrs. Chubbs and a basket full of the puppies.

"But appa, they had no where else to go." Min-jun explained.

"Don't care, they're getting out of here." Sang-woo said coldly.

"Hyung, honey, don't you think you're being a bit unreasonable?" Ali asked.

"Says the ones who went behind my back to do this." Sang-woo scolded.

"Excuse me? They're puppies! And who are you to tell what goes on in this house?" Sae-byeok scolded as she stood up.

"Exactly, there shouldn't be a person wearing the pants in the relationship nor in this house." Gi-hun added in.

"And what made you all think it's okay to bring dogs in here without consulting me first?" Sang-woo asked.

"First of all, the twins found her in the backyard the other day and the dog was pregnant." You explained.

"I don't wanna hear it, you all know how I feel about dogs." Sang-woo pointed out.

"Sang-woo, you only got bitten in the ass by a chihuahua when we were around Ga-yeong's age." Gi-hun pointed out.

"And!? I've been too scared to go near a dog ever since." Sang-woo exclaimed.

"Sang-woo, you only had one bad incident with a dog and that was it." Ali stated. "It's not fair to have the kids kick out these dogs just because you've had a bad interaction with one when you were a teenager."

"He's right, stop letting some old dog shit in the past get the better of you." Sae-byeok said. Sang-woo looked at Mrs. Chubbs who was panting happily then at the puppies in the basket who were sleeping peacefully.

"Please appa? We promise to take good care of them." Ga-yeong pleaded.

"Please baby? They really do love these little guys and so do I." Ali said as he patted Mrs. Chubbs' head. Sang-woo grumbled and then he cave in.

"Fine, they can stay." Sang-woo groaned out making all of you squeal in excitement but Sang-woo raised a hand up to silence you all.

"Only up until we can find homes for the puppies." Sang-woo said.

"Okay appa." The twins said in unison. Ali hugged Sang-woo and picked him up then spun him around.

"Alright, alright." Sang-woo said as Ali sat him down. You and Gi-hun both came up to him and kissed his cheeks while Sae-byeok walked over with the basket full of puppies.

"No, no, don't bring them over here." Sang-woo grumbled.

"Alright since appa's letting us keep the dogs until they can find homes, why don't we give them some names first?" Dawn asked.

"Well we don't know their genders yet so we might as well wait until they get older." Ga-yeong advised. Mrs. Chubbs walked up to Ga-yeong and licked her face making her squeal.

"Aww, I'm a sucker for puppies, especially pitties." Ali coo'ed as he rubbed his finger across one of the sleepy puppies heads. The sleepy puppy nibbled at Ali's finger making Ali chuckle.

"These guy are adorable." Sae-byeok chuckled out.

"I'll agree." Gi-hun laughed as Mrs. Chubbs laid across his lap. "Hey girl." Mrs. Chubbs rolled over on her back exposing her belly. You and Ali both began to rub her belly while she pants happily.

"Aww, who's a beautiful pitbull? You are, yes you are." Ali babbled in a baby voice. Sang-woo was watching from upstairs and cracked a small smile at the sight of you all playing and interacting with the dogs.

"Who's gonna walk her?" Gi-hun asked.

"I wanna do it." Dawn exclaimed.

"No I wanna do it." Min-jun argued.

"No me, I'm the oldest!" Ga-yeong piped up. You chuckled as the kids continued to argue over who gets to walk Mrs. Chubbs.

"Kids, kids, now Ga-yeong will get to walk Mrs. Chubbs first since she's the oldest and you two get to walk her with me and Sae-byeok the next time okay?" You explained as you got up.

"Okay mom." The twins said in unison.

"Ohh, I gotta tell my friends this!" Ga-yeong said as she ran upstairs to go get her phone. 

Nighttime came around. While everyone was asleep, Sang-woo was still in the living room watching TV in the lazyboy recliner. Sang-woo then heard claws clacking against the floor then looked to see Mrs. Chubbs sitting there next to him.

"What? I don't have any food." Sang-woo said. Mrs. Chubbs just sat there while smiling and wagging her tail.

"What do you want dog? They may accept you but I got my eye on you." Sang-woo said pointed at Mrs. Chubbs. Mrs. Chubbs booped his finger with her nose then climbed into his lap on the recliner, much to Sang-woo's dismay.

"Hey whoa!" Sang-woo exclaimed. "Down girl! Down!" Mrs. Chubbs curled up into his lap which made Sang-woo quiver. Mrs. Chubbs then nudged his hand with her head signaling him to pet her. Sang-woo was reluctant but slowly and hesitantly began to pet Mrs. Chubbs. Mrs. Chubbs was panting happily as Sang-woo continued to pet her. 

"Huh, is this what you wanted?" Sang-woo asked. Mrs. Chubbs then sniffed Sang-woo's face and began to lick his face making him groan in disgust.

"Oh gross! Stop! You were licking your lady parts!" Sang-woo groaned in disgust. Mrs. Chubbs stopped as she rested her head on Sang-woo's shoulder. Sang-woo felt his worries melt away as Mrs. Chubbs continued to rest her head on his shoulder then chuckled.

"I guess I can see why they like you." Sang-woo said as he rubbed her back.

An hour later, Ali woke up to go the bathroom. When he came back from his business, he noticed that Sang-woo wasn't in the bed with them then heard the TV playing downstairs. Ali went downstairs to see Mrs. Chubbs and Sang-woo both asleep on the recliner. Ali smiled in quiet awe as he grabbed Mrs. Chubbs and took her down into the basement then got Sang-woo and carried him upstairs to the bedroom. Ali set Sang-woo down on the bed and slowly placed the blanket over him then pecked his forehead.

"Sleep well hyung." Ali whispered out. "I know you'll have a soft spot for animals."

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