Highschool Hijinks: Love & War(Female Reader)

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"Dad! Appa! Abbu!" Min-jun excitedly yelled as he ran downstairs holding a catalogue.

"Whoa! Where's the fire?" Ali asked. Min-jun showed the page in the catalogue that showed a treehouse.

"Can we get it? I can use it for when I wanna act like I'm in a treehouse during war." Min-jun said.

"I'm sorry son but no, it looks expensive." Sang-woo said.

"Aww but appa." Min-jun groaned.

"You heard him kiddo." Gi-hun said. Min-jun hung his head as he walked back upstairs. Gi-hun chuckled.

"I remember when I had my first treehouse." Gi-hun began.

"Yeah, you was in there for almost a week and it was like trying to get a cat down from a tree." Sang-woo said.

"Normally I would buy it for him but 35,000 won...for a box in a tree?" Ali said.

"That doesn't sound too bad." You said.

"Yeah if you're in the U.S." Sang-woo replied. Ali pounder for a bit then his eyes lit up.

"Hey honey, do we still have that box of nails in the shed?" Ali asked.

"Yeah, why?" Sae-byeok asked.

"I think I have an idea." Ali said as he got up and walked to the shed in the backyard.

With Dawn

Dawn was skating from her house to a few houses down  and back when she had the feeling that someone was watching her. All of a sudden 2 boys jumped out from the bushes and started chucking firecrackers at Dawn making her swerve.

"Hey! What the-! Stop!" Dawn yelled out but the 2 boys continued to chuck firecrackers at her. Dawn began to skate home trying to avoid getting a limb blown off when one of the boys got a lucky shot and threw a firecracker near Dawn's rollerblade and it blew a wheel off. Dawn toppled and fell into a nearby bush much to the two boys delight.

"Eat explosives little girl!" The older boy yelled out. Dawn got out the bushes and was pissed about her damage rollerblade. She limped inside while angrily muttering. Once she was inside, you saw her covered in leaves and dirt.

"What happened? Did you fall?" You asked.

"Sorta." Dawn muttered out.

"What do you mean sorta? Talk me tough girl." You said as you sat her down.

"Some boys were chucking firecrackers at me while I was rollerblading." Dawn explained.

"What? Where in the world did those boys get fir-how old are they?" You asked.

"One looked like he had to be 12 while the other one looked like he was around my age." Dawn answered. You got up and looked out the window to see the boys chucking firecrackers and bang snappers at each other.

"Damn next door neighbors." You mumbled out.

Yes, you recognized these boys before. They were known as the Neighborhood Nuisances and they live with their father who was just as worse as them.

"Dawn, go put your shoes on." You ordered as Dawn hurried upstairs. "I'mma need to talk to this man."

With Min-jun

Min-jun was reenacting Jason Dean from Heathers in the room when he heard hammering coming from the backyard. Min-jun walked to the backyard to see Ali, Sang-woo, and Gi-hun building something.

"Hey son!" Ali greeted as he continued to hammer.

"What's going on?" Min-jun asked.

"Well, since we had some leftover planks and boards...why not build a treehouse instead of having to buy one?" Sang-woo answered. Min-jun smiled as he grabbed a drill.

Squid Game Tumblr Imagines, Preferences, and Personal Thoughts Part IIOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant