High School Hijinks: Min-jun's Missing-2(Female Reader)

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The next day

Min-chul was sitting at the kitchen table reading the newspaper. While reading, he noticed that there was a news ad about a missing boy and a 50,000 won reward if the boy was found. Min-chul realized that it was about Min-jun and tore the ad out of the newspaper and threw it away so that his wife nor daughter will find out the truth. When Min-chul put the paper down and walked off, Min-jun snuck into the kitchen and took the ad out the garbage can and looked at it then put it in his pocket.

"This is my only ticket to freedom." Min-jun thought to himself.

With you guys

You all were tired and distressed after spending hours of trying to figure out where Min-jun's at and who has him. Ga-yeong was sitting on the couch seething with rage at the thought of the sick bastard who took her little brother, Dawn was bawling while screaming that she wants Min-jun back, Sae-byeok was pacing back and forth, Ali and Gi-hun were talking to their colleagues on the phone to start up a search party, and you were just sitting on the bed in the bedroom distraught with tears sliding down your face.

"Y/N! Come downstairs, Sang-woo's on the news!" Gi-hun called out. You hurried downstairs to see everyone gathered around in front of the TV. 

"In case you're now tuning in to the news; A  9 year old boy named Min-jun was reported missing and kidnapped yesterday at the local store." The news reporter said as a picture of Min-jun appeared on the screen. 

"My baby." You choked out.

"If you've seen this boy, please contact this number below." The news reporter said as the house number appeared below. Sang-woo then began to speak.

"May I please take it from here?" Sang-woo asked trying to hold in his tears. The news reporter gave him the okay. "I am issuing a 50,000 won reward for the return of my son, if you have any information or any updates on the disappearance, please don't hesitate to call." You watched as tears began to slide down Sang-woo's face. Ali pulled you into a hug then pecked your forehead.

"We'll find him, Y/N." Ali whispered. "I promise."

"If the kidnapper is watching this..." Sang-woo began as his voice started to crack. "Please...I just want my son back." The news reporter offered Sang-woo a box of tissues while turning the camera over to Jun-ho and In-ho, who was dressed up as a ventriloquist dummy.

"We will now hear from Detective Hwang Jun-ho and his ventriloquist partner, Sung-Ho." The news reporter introduced.

"Hello kids, I'm Detective Hwang and this is Sung-Ho." Jun-ho said.

"Hey there kids." In-ho said in a high pitched voice.

"We're here to educate you kids on something serious: Stranger Danger." Jun-ho introduced.

"What is a stranger Detective Hwang?" In-ho asked.

"I'm glad you asked, a stranger is someone you don't know."  Jun-ho explained. "Anyone can be a stranger whether they're young or old, look wealthy or even look like a bum off the streets."

"How do you avoid a stranger?" In-ho asked.

"Well for starters, don't put your name on your belongings." Jun-ho advised.

"Why?" In-ho asked.

"Well, when you're walking around and you hear someone call your name...what do you do?" Jun-ho asked.

"Well, you look around." In-ho replied.  Jun-ho nodded his head.

"Exactly, a stranger will pretend to know you in order to gain your trust." Jun-ho pointed out. "So parents please be very cautious when labeling your kids' belongings."

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