High School Hijinks: Tough Man(Female Reader)

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It was a cold winter day. Min-jun and his friends were in drama club rehearsing for their upcoming play.

"There's been a murder in this mansion." Min-jun exclaimed in a British accent.

"But who done it, Barnaby?" Sekani asked in a Scottish accent.

"I'm not sure who did it Chester but it could've been a ghost who've possessed one of us in this room." Min-jun stated as he glared at Shetani who feigned a look of fear on her face.

"Well, it couldn't be little ol' me." Shetani said in a country accent.

"Cut!" The director yelled out. "Alright everyone, that's a wrap for today."

Min-jun, Shetani, and Sekani both walked out the auditorium.

"You guys ready for this play?" Shetani asked.

"Yea, we've been practicing for weeks so we should be ready." Min-jun pointed out.

"Yeah, I'm happy that you got the lead role Min-jun." Shetani complimented.

"Ah, thanks it's nothing." Min-jun chuckled nervously. All of a sudden, Min-jun felt someone shove him to the ground. 

"Hey!" Sekani exclaimed.

"What the hell?" Shetani asked. Min-jun looked up to see Nuisance 1, Cain, towering about him.

"Watch where you're going faggot!" Cain exclaimed.

"Yeah, watch it." Nuisance 2, Abel, repeated. Sekani helped Min-jun up.

"You were the one who pushed him." Shetani stated.

"He shouldn't have been in our way." Cain taunted.

"Yeah, no theater kids in front of us." Abel boasted.

"What does me doing theater have anything to do with this?" Min-jun asked as he fixed his glasses.

"Theater kids are known for being weak and faggots." Cain answered. Min-jun looked at him confused.

"Uh, no that's completely incorrect." Min-jun stated. "Just because I'm in the drama club, doesn't mean I'm gay."

"Alright, but are you strong enough to block this?" Cain asked as he punched Min-jun in the stomach. Min-jun keeled over clutching his stomach as Cain and Able walked off.

"Min-jun, are you okay?" Sekani asked as he helped Min-jun up.

"I'm...good." Min-jun groaned. Shetani grabbed his glasses and handed them back to Min-jun.

"Just ignore them, those guys are assholes." Shetani claimed.

"No kidding, me and my dads had a run in with them a few times." Min-jun said as he puts his glasses back on.

"Okay, pause for a second." Min-jun said as he stepped up to you guys. 

"Hey readers, I'm Min-jun." Min-jun greeted. "You may have known or seen me from my big sister's point of view of the series but this time, it's my time to shine like the author promised." Min-jun then pointed at Cain and Abel.

"In case you don't know these guys' names, the older one is Cain and the younger one is Abel but I'm sure you readers remembered them as Nuisance 1 and 2." Min-jun introduced. "Me and my fathers had a few run ins with them in the past but ever since they started going here, they had no problem making my life miserable."

"I'm pretty sure you all thought that Shetani..."Min-jun said pointing at Shetani. "And her sister, Vitani, would be the bullies in this but nope, ever since I've set that boundary with them, they've been my best friends ever since." 

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