High School Hijinks: With A Bang-2(Female Reader)

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Ga-yeong sat on the couch with all of you surrounding her.

"Ga-yeong, what the hell were you thinking playing with a gun!?" Sae-byeok scolded.

"You don't even have adult supervision!" Sang-woo added in.

"I was gonna take it to school to scare Zira, I didn't know it was loaded." Ga-yeong explained.

"That's the thing! You didn't know if it was loaded or not!" You yelled as tears slid down your face. "What if your brother or sister was in the room with you and you would've accidentally shot them or what if you would've accidentally shot yourself?" Ga-yeong hung her head in shame. Jun-ho sighed as he sat next to Ga-yeong.

"Ga-yeong, that was a very dangerous thing to do." Jun-ho pointed out. "Not only you could've put yourself and anyone around you in danger but I also could've gotten fired from my job if a minor was carrying my gun."

"I'm sorry." Ga-yeong mumbled out. Jun-ho smiled as he patted Ga-yeong's back.

"From now on, whenever you see a gun...always, and I mean always, assume that it's loaded." Jun-ho advised. Ga-yeong nodded her head as Jun-ho pulled her into a hug. "Don't worry I'm not really mad at you, I just want you to be careful and aware of gun safety." Ga-yeong hugged Jun-ho back and smiled.

"Now about this Zira girl, I know she's a problem but killing her will only make things a lot worse...for you I mean." Gi-hun lectured. 

"He's right, me and Jun-ho would have to arrest you for murder." In-ho pointed out.

"So just let karma get to this girl okay?" You said. "The more she do, the better the karma will be."

"Hey mom, can I do hunting when I get older?" Dawn asked as she walked downstairs.

"Are you asking because of the gun?" You asked as you cocked an eyebrow at her.

"Maybe." Dawn simply replied.

"Nice try, because if I find out you're using that gun for some crazy crap, I'm gonna get you." You warned. Dawn groaned as she went back upstairs. In-ho chuckled.

"You know one day we gotta let the twins come by the police station, I feel like Dawn would have the potential to become a cop." In-ho said.

"Well she does do a lot of sports like soccer, tennis, hockey, MMA, and now she's really starting to get interested in football." Gi-hun explained. The boys' eyes widen.

"You gotta take her to the Super bowl with us one day." Jun-ho suggested. You chuckled at the men bickering over who's the best football team ever.

Fast forward to the very next day at school. Ga-yeong was eating lunch with her friends when Aiden approached them.

"Um, room for one more?" Aiden nervously asked. Ga-yeong scooted over for Aiden to sit down.

"Thanks, um, I came over here because I want to invite you to a party I'm having tonight." Aiden offered.

"I mean...will there be alcohol and smoking?" Ga-yeong asked.

"No, of course not." Aiden said.

"Alright I'll go, if my parents will let me." Ga-yeong said.

"Same with us." Joi said.

"My mom is pretty anxious of me and parties." Jason signed.

"Same with my moms, especially my mama because if she finds out I've been smoking she'll whoop my ass." Michael said. All of them chuckled.

"Thank you all and-"

"Hold it! Is who know who coming?" Joi asked.

"Oh Moses no, I stopped being friends with her weeks ago." Aiden stated. They all looked at him confused.

Squid Game Tumblr Imagines, Preferences, and Personal Thoughts Part IIKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat