High School Hijinks: Min-jun's Missing-1(Female Reader)

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It was cool November day. There lies in the small house was a grieving young woman, her husband, and daughter.

"Eomma can you help me with my homework?" The daughter, Sunny, asked. The sad young woman looked up at her.

"Y-your brother, Ji-cheol, used to be so good at helping you with homework." The woman whimpered out. Sunny sighed then she turned to the husband, her father. The patriarch of the house, Min-chul, sighed as he got up and hugged his grieving wife.

"It's okay Mina." Min-chul whispered.

"I just want our son back!" Mina cried out. "How could I've been so careless during the drive home!?" Min-chul pecked his weeping wife's head then grabbed his coat.

"I'm about to go to the store, I'll be right back." Min-chul announced as he walked out the door.

With the poly family

The twins' birthday were coming up soon and Dawn and Min-jun were both really excited. 

"I can't believe Dawn and Min-jun are turning 10 soon." You said.

"Me either, it felt just like yesterday when Dawn used to always break something and Min-jun would always rat her out." Gi-hun chuckled. Dawn came running down the stairs with Cujo and Sakura while kicking the soccer ball.

"Whoa, whoa! What did we say about playing ball in the house?" Ali said stopping them.

"We're going to the backyard abbu." Dawn said.

"Not without a jacket, room now." Sang-woo ordered. Dawn groaned as she went back upstairs. Min-jun came back downstairs with a grocery list.

"Hey mom I wrote down all the stuff I'm getting from the store." Min-jun announced.

"Son, are you sure you wanna go to the store and not have one of us do it?" Sae-byeok asked.

"I'm sure eomma." Min-jun assured. "I wanna do it to save you all the trouble." You smiled as you hugged him.

"Well be careful out there okay?" You instructed. Min-jun nodded his head as he walked out the door.

"You know there's gonna be a time where it flies by and they'll be off for college soon." Ali said.

"Don't say that!" Gi-hun exclaimed. "I want them being here to last forever."

"Well that's how life goes honey." Sang-woo said as he pecked Gi-hun's lips. "We're gonna have to let them grow up and prepare them for the real world one day." All of a sudden a loud crash came from upstairs. "Starting now, DAWN!" Sang-woo yelled.

"Sorry appa!" Dawn called from upstairs.

"Hold on, I'll go deal with her." Sang-woo said as he walked upstairs. You chuckled as you went back into the kitchen.

With Min-jun

Min-jun was in the store looking for the items that were on the list.

"Okay...punch mix...chips...candy." Min-jun mumbled to himself. He went to the chip aisle and picked up a bag of chips.

"I hope they don't have too much sodium." Min-jun thought to himself as he looked at the nutrition facts label on the back of the bag. Min-chul eventually walked into the store and began to look into the aisles when he saw Min-jun.

"Mina did say that she wish she would have her son back...but he's nothing like Ji-cheol." Min-chul thought to himself. "But...I'm doing this for my wife." Min-chul grabbed a box of dog biscuits and walked up to Min-jun then pretended that he dropped them grabbing Min-jun's attention.

Squid Game Tumblr Imagines, Preferences, and Personal Thoughts Part IIKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat