High School Hijinks: Girls' Night(Female Reader)

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Ga-yeong's POV

January 16th, 2036

Dear Diary,

I'm so excited for tonight...me and the girls are having a slumber party at my house! Eeee! I know that seems like typically little girl things but hey you only live once right? Okay that sounded a bit cringe. But, whatever I'm so excited for tonight.


At lunch

"Are you all excited for tonight?" Ga-yeong asked.

"Yes! I brought all the makeup and nail polish my arms could carry." Joi said.

"I...did bring my Oujia board so we could talk to ghosts." Tristesse quietly said.

"Sis, it's a sleepover not a séance." Joi joked.

"Eh, it's nothing wrong with being a little spooked at a slumber party." Ga-yeong insisted.

"Sooo, what the guys can do for the slumber party?" Michael asked. Ga-yeong, Joi, and Tristesse looked at each other then laughed.

"What? Did I say a joke?" Michael asked confused.

"Sorry Michael but this is a slumber party as in all girls." Joi chuckled out. Michael's face turned red with embarrassment.

"B-but I know how to do the best contour and cat like eyeliner." Michael insisted.

"Sorry but no deal, nothing personal." Ga-yeong said.

"Well, I hope you all have fun." Jason signed. Ga-yeong smiled as she hugged Jason.

"Thanks Jason." Ga-yeong said. Jason blushed behind his mask while signing, "No problem." Michael and Aiden shot Jason a smug look while making kissy faces. Jason flipped them off.

"This is going to be awesome!" Joi yelled as she stood on the table and began to dance.

"Hey you hoodlum! Get off the table, this ain't a dance club!" The lunch lady scolded. Joi got down while mumbling an insult in French. 

"She's right though, tonight's going to be awesome." Ga-yeong thought to herself.

When after school came, Ga-yeong was walking out to see Gi-hun waiting for her in the car. Ga-yeong got in while waving her friends goodbye.

"Bye! I'll see you all at my house at 7!" Ga-yeong called out as Gi-hun drove off.

When Ga-yeong got home, she saw you and Sae-byeok setting things up.

"Mom, eomma what are you doing?" Ga-yeong chuckled out.

"Well since it's your very first sleepover...we wanna make it your best sleepover ever." You said. Ga-yeong ran up to the two of you and hugged you tight.

"Thank you." Ga-yeong said.

"No problem little mama." Sae-byeok chuckled out.

"However, we do gotta set some rules." Sang-woo said. All of you groaned.

"Here comes Mr. Rule Setter." Ali joked.

"Hey!" Sang-woo exclaimed. "I'll have you know there's nothing with rules because it keeps this house from falling apart."

"He does have a point." Gi-hun pointed out.

1. Bedtime is at 9 p.m

"Appa..." Ga-yeong groaned.

"Okay fine 10: 30 p.m." Sang-woo rephrased.

"That's fine with me." Ga-yeong said.

2. Stay out of our bedroom and your brother and sister's rooms

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