High School Hijinks: A Baby With A Baby-2(Female Reader)

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Ga-yeong, Joi, Tristesse, and Lindsey were at the twins house making a friendship bracelet for Lindsey.

"You know what I actually feel better now." Lindsay said as she smiled.

"We're glad you are, Linds." Joi said.

"Yaay, my first nickname." Lindsay cheered. Ga-yeong chuckled as she shook her heads. Jaq popped his head in.

"Girls, do you need anything?" Jaq asked.

"No papa." The twins said in unison. Jaq smiled as he left the room.

"Your daddies are really nice." Lindsay said.

"Thanks." Joi replied.

"Um, how did you guys get here because...I don't think it's possible for two guys to create kids." Lindsay nervously asked.

"You never heard of a surrogate mother?" Tristesse asked. Lindsay shook her head no.

"Well, a woman offered to be a surrogate mother for our dads because they wanted kids so one of our dads donated his sperm to her for her to get pregnant and now we're here." Joi explained.

"So you do have a mother but she's just there to help your dads bring you guys to this world?" Lindsay asked.

"Something like that." Joi replied. "We do get to see her sometimes, usually on Mother's day." Lindsay rubbed her belly.

"I wonder how my kid will turn out." Lindsay said.

"You're planning on keeping it?" Ga-yeong asked.

"Yes, well...when the baby is born I thought about giving it up for adoption since I don't think I can care for a child while I'm in school." Lindsay explained.

"That's actually a smart move." Joi admitted.

"I...feel like it's for the best because the baby deserves people who really can take care of it." Lindsay said. Ga-yeong grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"You're right and I honestly do wish you would've had a kid when you're older, you look and sound like you'd make a great mother." Ga-yeong said. Lindsay smiled.

"Thank you." Lindsay said. All of a sudden, Ga-yeong's phone vibrated. Then Joi's and Tristesse's. They all looked to see a group text from Michael.

Mike Da Man: Yo, you guys are NOT gonna be happy about this!

Ga-yeong's eyes grew wide as she looked at screenshots of Zira's posts from Snapchat and Instagram.

I guess the school's ditzy little girl ain't so innocent huh? Have fun with the little bun in the oven Lindsay.

Ga-yeong's heart began to race with anger which made Lindsay grow concern.

"Ga-yeong? What's wrong?" Lindsay asked.

"Y-you don't wanna know Linds." Joi replied. 

"C'mon, what is it?" Lindsay asked as she grabbed Ga-yeong's phone away from her hand. Lindsay's heart began to race as her mouth began to go dry along with tears beginning to come out her eyes.

"She knows." Lindsay said in a cracked voice. Ga-yeong grabbed Lindsay by the shoulders.

"Listen to me, don't say anything about this! Don't repost it on your story to try to clear things up because it'll make things worse, let's just take this up to the principal tomorrow, okay?" Ga-yeong explained. Lindsay nodded as she began to sniffle and cry. Ga-yeong pulled her into a hug while Joi and Tristesse joined in.

"This poor girl." Ga-yeong thought to herself.

Cut to the very next day at school, Lindsay was walking down the hall with everyone looking at her while whispering.

"Isn't that the girl who got knocked up?"

"Who's the father?"

"She probably wanted that to happen."

Lindsay sniffled as she made her way to the principal's office. Ga-yeong, Joi, and Tristesse were already inside waiting for her.

"Oh, you're here." The principal said.

"You gotta do something about Zira." Ga-yeong said. "She's been bullying her." Joi showed the photos to the principal.

"Wait, she's pregnant?" The principal asked referring to Lindsay. Lindsay nodded her head.

"Yes and Zira's been bullying her about it." Joi said.

"Now explain this story young lady." The principal ordered. Lindsay took a deep breath as she began to tell her story.

"The boy I did it with was Zira's ex boyfriend...she didn't want me to date him because he used to date her and me and him had been seeing each other behind her back and...and..." Lindsay broke down and cried. Joi rubbed her back while Ga-yeong grabbed some tissues.

"I'm sorry but I can't help you with that." The principal said. All of them looked at her with wide eyes.

"Why!?" Ga-yeong asked.

"She set that upon herself, so she has to pay the price." The principal nonchalantly said. 

"Are you listening to yourself right now!? She's being cyberbullied because of her being pregnant!" Tristesse yelled.

"Yeah and it was by a boy she knows that she's not supposed to be with." The principal said. "Young lady, you've broken the girl code so now this is your karma." Lindsay continued to cry which pissed Ga-yeong off.

"You're all dismissed." The principal said.



The girls stormed out the office where Jason and Michael were standing outside.

"Whoa! What happened?" Michael asked.

"The principal wouldn't even help! She victim blamed Lindsay by saying that she shouldn't have did it with Loki despite knowing that he used to date Zira." Joi explained. 

"That's awful!" Jason signed.

"Shit like this makes me wonder why she's principal." Ga-yeong said. Lindsay just ran off ignoring all of their calls for her to come back. Lindsay saw Zira and ran up to her.

"How could you do that to me!? I thought we were friends!" Lindsay yelled. Zira chuckled.

"Hey, it's your fault for breaking the girl code." Zira said in the most condescending tone ever.

"You are not to tell who I can and can't date! You did this out of evilness and spite!" Lindsay screamed.

"Well, there's nothing I can do now." Zira said as she turned away from Lindsay. "Might as well abort that thing since it Loki don't even want it." Zira then walked off. Lindsay was just filled with rage and sadness. Everyone around her were looking at her, just staring at her with judgement. Lindsay ran off and out the school crying her eyes out. She went to the back of the school and continued to sob.

"Might as well abort that thing since it Loki don't even want it." 

Lindsay looked at her stomach then wiped away her tears and got up.

"What's the point of bringing a kid in when the father don't even want it?" Lindsay thought to herself.

When after school came, Lindsay ran out the school before Ga-yeong and them could even find her. Lindsay just continued to run and run until she have gotten to a nearby clinic then stood by the entrance.

"Well, there's no turning back now." Lindsay mumbled to herself as she walked inside.

At the school

"Where are you Lindsay?" Ga-yeong thought to herself as she looked around the school for her.

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