Chapter 2: Brothers (Part 1)

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It has been two years since Asriel Dreemurr got his true body back. It has been three years since the monsters were freed from the Underground, and the town next to the mountain would be inviting for most people. Ebott is a modest town filled with small shops and aesthetically pleasing neighborhoods, with Mount Ebott towering over the rest of the landscape. One might say that it's the friendliest place on earth, but that title is already taken. 

Despite somewhat vicious turmoil across the first year, the monsters have settled into society. Both branches of person, monster and human, live in harmony, and things have been improving within this new era of society, especially on the west side of the country where most of the monsters still live. However, life isn't perfect, and as long as that remains true, there is still work to be done.

The town hall sits at the center of the town, with large pillars and a strong-looking front. A large clock completes the face of the building and is positioned in the "three o'clock" placement at the moment. The tower's bells in the town hall are ringing but soon die out. The sun shines brightly over the clock face, and anyone who observes such a clock would be filled with DETERMINATION, even if it's just an ordinary clock.

Within a small office at the top of the building sits a young lad aged 12 and 11 months. He is sporting a blue and purple striped shirt with a black bow tie around his neck. On his desk sits a bronze nametag that spells out "Ambassador Frisk Pax Dreemurr." While chatting over the phone, pleasant tones pass through the line.

"Sounds good, Mrs

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"Sounds good, Mrs. Rabbit," Frisk says. "And yes, I'll be attending the dinner a week from now...yes, all of the officials from Ebott should be should come. I think you'd enjoy it...alright, wonderful. Thank you; take care."

Frisk hangs up the phone and softly smiles. His face is usually seated in a neutral position, but he was wearing a warm complexion today. He stares at the city through the large open window, getting up from the chair. The fans in his office blow on his hair and cause his chocolate brown locks to sway gently. He chuckles, with his chestnut hair glowing.

(I'm honestly pretty lucky with how things have turned out, especially with how touch and go it was at first,) Frisk thinks to himself. (Still, though... today's beaten me up a bit. Sometimes I wonder.)

A knock can be heard at the door, and the nearly teenage kid spins around to see a slim, small human female secretary, only barely taller than him, smiling at him while holding a clipboard.

"Ambassador Dreemurr? Do you have any paperwork for me to finish?"

Frisk shakes his head and gently walks towards the secretary, smiling gently at her. "No need to worry, Miss Smith. I just finished it. That's the perk of summer vacay: you don't have school work bogging you down."

Miss Smith nods politely and sadly smiles. "I hope you're not burning yourself out, Mr. Dreemurr. You are still just a kid, you know."

Frisk chuckles and holds Miss Smith's clipboard gently. "Eh, I have my days. But, I'm staying DETERMINED. There shouldn't be anything to worry about."

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