Chapter 22: Reconciliations (Part 1)

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The training session has come to a close. A gust of wind blows through the air, and the clouds part, and the sun connects with Toriel and Asriel's faces. Asriel nods and walks forward. Frisk and Susie look at each other, then head inside, with their mentor following them. "Susie," Frisk says, "we should give them time to chat. Besides, I've gotta train more on first aid."

Susie shrugs. "Sure, Frisk. Whatever you say." Susie smirks, licking her teeth. "As long as I get to train my axe battle style some more."

Undyne smiles and laughs. "Of course! Let's get inside now and get to work on your coordination."

Meanwhile, Asriel gently pats Toriel on the shoulder in the front yard. "Mom, are you alright?" Asriel asks.

Toriel looks up. "My child, this is happening so fast! I suppose you're growing up...literally and metaphorically."

Asriel nods and looks sadly at the ground. "I understand you're worried, but I hope I've proven I'm ready to help find Kris and defeat him. This proves I can protect myself from getting badly hurt again, too."

Toriel holds her hands over her chest. "You realize you and Frisk are my heart, pride, and joy, yes? Chara was too, before..."

Asriel rubs his shoulder, humbly looking to the side of him while his eyes mist slightly. "Of course, Mom. And I promised not to break your heart again. I keep my promises."

Toriel stares intently at Asriel, then clasps her hands on his shoulders. He leans backward slightly, and his limbs tense. He raises an eyebrow, and his fur glows a slight tinge of pale. "Is something wrong? I know I lied to you before, and I promise I'll never lie again. Is that what you're thinking about?"

Toriel shakes her head, her grip tightening around his arms. "How can I believe that you'll be alright now that Alphys is injured? You and she escaped death, but part of me is still concerned."

Asriel looks at the ground, then tightly shuts his eyes. He tilts his head to the left and tensely bites his lip. His gentle, honey-like voice trembles a little. "Mom, I...I know. I know that throwing myself out there to protect Frisk is very dangerous, but I care about him...did me showing you my hyperdeath form give you any...hope? Confidence? I don't know...I'm sorry if I'm worrying you."

Toriel brings Asriel in and hugs him tightly

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Toriel brings Asriel in and hugs him tightly. "My child, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you, but you must understand that this sort of event is tough in a mother's life. I already lost you once before."

Asriel swallows harshly, fighting back the tears to speak calmly. "You know how I've been able to achieve my hyperdeath form? It's because I've taken all my emotions and feelings and translated them. I use them for raw DETERMINATION. Mom...I can do this. I won't die again, and I won't turn back into Flowey, either."

Toriel releases her son, and he steps back. He smiles and holds out his hand calmly, with his brow unfurrowing. "I love you very much, and I'll use that as motivation to stay alive and keep going. Remember: I will never break your heart ever again. I keep my promises."

Toriel forces a smile onto her face. "Thank you, my child...I have a little more solace now."

Toriel's stomach rumbles, and Asriel releases her. She gently places her hand on her midriff, and Asriel scratches his ear. "Heh...and please have something to eat, too. Sounds like you're starving."

Toriel blushes and waves her hand. "Oh, heavens. How embarrassing!" She sighs heavily. "This is what worry does to a parent."

Asriel bows his head and angrily stomps his foot into the ground. Toriel worryingly stares at him. "What's the matter, my child?"

"Mom, I'm sorry to burden you as I have. Please get something to eat," Asriel laments. 

Toriel shakes her head and squeezes Asriel's paws. "You're not a burden, my child. Nor will you ever be. Please don't be angry at yourself."

Toriel looks up at the house and, before she can comprehend what's going on, outruns Susie with a massive plate of steaks. The steam from the meat wafts into the air, and the scent covers the front lawn. The juice from the grilled beef dribbles off the plate and falls onto the earth below. Susie holds up the platter of protein with vigor and grins proudly. "Yo, Mrs. D! Mettaton was making a snack for us, and any good warrior knows that you need protein to stay in tip-top shape! Do you want one?" 

Toriel looks up at the plate, and Susie pulls a small brown bag from her back pocket. "There's also apple slices and candy in here if you want it."

Toriel cautiously looks over Susie's steaks, then looks at the bag again. "Where did you receive those snacks in the bag?"

Susie's eyes glimmer, and then she shrugs. "Oh, heh...about that, I stole it from some fifth-grader today."

Toriel's eyes glow, and she taps her foot. "Now, Susie, you realize it is wrong to steal, yes?"

Susie shrugs and laughs. "What? You should've seen the brat; he was looking at me funny! And he was calling Frisk names, too." She forms a fist. "That's no good, so I taught him a lesson."

"And how many detentions do you have now because of what you did?"

Susie shrugs cheekily. "I plead the fifth."

Susie places the bag on the ground and defensively puts her hand on her hip. Toriel rubs the bridge of her eyes and sighs. "Well, I refuse to take the bag because it is stolen goods. However, I am willing to take a steak from you. A small piece, perhaps. I would rather not spoil dinner."

Susie nods and pulls out tongs from her back pocket, taking the most petite steak from the top of the protein pile and placing it into Toriel's hands. "Sweet; can't have 'team mom' hungry now, huh?"

Toriel holds the steak in her hands and politely smiles at Susie. "Are you sure you want me to take it? I appreciate it, but I do have leftovers in the fridge."

Susie shakes her head and smirks. "Nah, Mrs. D. You gotta try this! The lunch skeleton was the sous chef, so that means it's gotta be good eats."

Toriel nods politely, still holding the steak in her hands, and begins to walk back toward her home. "Alright, my dear. Thank you very much."

She begins to nibble at the steak as she walks up the crosswalk. She tastes the beef well, and a smile covers her face. "My children...please tread lightly. I love you more than the world itself."

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