Chapter 22: Reconciliations (Part 2)

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Asriel and Susie walk down the steps that lead into Undyne's basement, Susie following Asriel. As they enter the basement, Susie chuckles. "You've gotten a lot better at fighting, Asriel."

Asriel smiles. "Hehe, thanks. I do my best!"

Susie looks towards the side and snorts. "Kris will be tough, though. I hope you'll be able to beat me by the time we face him. We also gotta make sure that you can lift enough before we hit the battlefield."

Asriel tilts his head, and his eyes narrow. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Susie shrugs. "Don't take offense to it. I'm just saying that Kris will be strong, and I don't want to see anyone get killed."

Asriel looks down at the floor as he presses his feet into the cold pavement below him. "I'm trying my best, Susie. Isn't that enough?"

The goat child grips his hands tightly as they approach the workout area. Susie sighs. "Are you giving your best effort, dude?"

Asriel stops and spins around. He looks up at Susie with a gleam in his eyes. "If I didn't, I wouldn't be standing here now."

Susie pats him roughly on the shoulder. "That's what I like to hear."

Asriel nods and looks down, gently massaging his shoulder. "Yeah...I hope I do well enough in training. I just can't lose myself."

Susie raises an eyebrow and chuckles. "Lose yourself how?"

Asriel shakes his head quickly and doesn't answer. They walk over to the treadmill and punching bag in the basement and begin using their bodies against the equipment. Soon enough, an aura of sweat is covering that area of the room. 

Dr. Alphys, her arm rolled up in bright, white bandaging, and Frisk and Blooky sitting beside her from the other side of the basement. Frisk holds a doll, gently handles it while taking some wrapping from the stand beside him, and slowly wraps the doll's midsection in the roll.

Frisk nods and points to the multi-colored pills on the stand beside him

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Frisk nods and points to the multi-colored pills on the stand beside him. "And then I'd give them this, right?"

Dr. Alphys nods then looks down towards her feet and blushes. "Well...not quite. While you have selected the correct medicine for pain relief, you wrapped the bandaging a little too tightly. You'll restrict the blood flow that way for humans, and for monsters, you will still harm their circulation to that limb. We have nerves, too."

Blooky's eyes focus on the raggedy object. "Okay...that sounds good...lemme try."

Blooky then gently takes the doll from Frisk's hand, and the bandaging floats in front of him. He stares at it, and the bandaging flies and dances for Dr. Alphys. She winces as Blooky finishes placing the bandaging on the doll.

Alphys shakes her head. "Blooky, you've used too much bandaging."

Alphys blushes and rubs her head as Mettaton, in his box-like form, wheels into the room and jubilantly waves to the crew. He looks over at Blooky, and his voice jumps. "THAT IS A FABULOUS SLEEVE, DARLING. I CAN'T WAIT TO TRY IT ON."

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