Chapter 3: Building Bridges (Part 2)

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An hour has passed. Inside Sans' home, balloons, streamers, confetti, and many neon colors of different party items are scattered around the room and the patio behind the house. A couple of monsters and humans are running all around the house in a chaotic fashion. 

Asriel, along with his human classmates and monster classmates, is trying to blow up balloons as quickly as possible. Undyne and Alphys are trying to put up more streamers around the rooms. Sans is sleeping on the couch. Mettaton is posing and staring at himself in the small mirror placed on top of the dresser in the living room. Party items litter the floor, and the couches are turned in many directions in the living room.

As Toriel walks out from the bathroom and back into the kitchen, her eyes widen, and her pupils grow pin-pointed. Her fur sticks on end, and her snout tingles. After taking a moment to breathe in and breathe out slowly, she claps her hands together and shouts, "ALRIGHT, PEOPLE, LISTEN UP!"

Everyone stops moving immediately. The house deafens, and the other inhabitants don't even move. After looking around the room and nodding quickly, Toriel speaks, with her voice echoing throughout the rooms of the house. "Undyne, don't forget to hold onto your spears and point them to the sky passionately when Sans brings Frisk into the house! Alphys, move those blocks over there and stack them, so they look like pillars in the ruins!" After taking time to explain her instructions to Undyne and Alphys, she leans slightly over to make closer eye contact with Asriel. "My child, don't forget your flower costume." She takes a moment to breathe and speaks slightly louder. "Everyone got that?"

Despite reciting her orders, none of the three makes any response. Her right eye twitches slightly. She folds her arms slowly and calmly and then opens her mouth. "EVERYONE GOT THAT?!"

With no hesitation, Undyne, Alphys, and Asriel all exclaim "YES, MA'AM" simultaneously.

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As they go about their new tasks, Toriel breathes out and wipes the sweat off her forehead, with a slight smile appearing on her face. From behind, a large, stout male goat approaches her. The large goat opens his own mouth and breathes in a large clump of wind. With a mighty shove from his diaphragm, he belts out, "YES, MA'AM!"

Toriel jumps slightly with her eyes popping slightly. She takes a moment to catch her breath and shakes her head. After her mind resets, she turns around and hotly stares at the large male goat, Asgore. Steam is blowing out from Toriel's ears as she points at Asgore's chest. "I didn't give you a job to do!"

Toriel rolls her eyes and turns around again to inspect how the setup is going in the kitchen and living room. Asgore's eyes droop a little, then he pulls out a bouquet of bright, golden flowers from his back pocket. "But, I'm still useful, though. See? I brought you flowers! They're golden flowers from the Underground! I've been saving them for a time like this. They're so beautiful, aren't they?"

Toriel rolls her eyes again. Without looking at Asgore, she places her hand on the bridge of her nose and retorts, "Asgore, I don't need your help at the moment. We have everything covered."

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