Chapter 23: Bloodlust (Part 2)

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The clocks move forward seven days, back to where things were before. Kris looks up past the collection of trees, and he spots a decrepit, shady house seated on a hill and runs towards it. "This will serve me well."

From behind Kris, Harlow darts from tree to tree, scribbling notes as he moves back and forth between the trunks. He stares up at Kris from the trees closest to the house, lowering his posture and sniffing. Gently tapping on the door, he takes a step back and then shoves himself into the house. Harlow dashes toward the house, then positions himself below the window pane, listening to Kris' footsteps.

Kris waltzes around the dilapidated living room. A cold autumn breeze flies through the walls of the house. Many boards cover the various windows. He walks into the bathroom, shuts the door behind him, and stares at himself in the mirror. His hair covers his eyes, and his skinny frame looks like a pencil in the mirror. After nodding, he quips, "time to change my appearance again." He takes the scissors from the counter and clips the bangs away from his eyes. 

Kris' cheeks blush with excitement and vigor as his eyes gleam. (Step 2 is complete), he thinks to himself. (It'll throw them a little more off the trail.)

While Kris continues to stare at himself, Harlow hovers from beneath the window, scribbling. "Off the trail? Changing his hairstyle?" He nods. "I'm close. If I can just get one or two more clues, not even the best lawyer in the state will be able to defend this guy."

Kris wipes his head with a raggedy towel in the corner of the room and throws it on the floor, heading for the door. Harlow presses his cranium against the house's siding. As he listens to Kris' footsteps, he hears him walk into the room next to the bathroom. A creaking can be heard, which springs and sways. Harlow moves to the next window beside the bathroom window and pulls out his microphone and a recording device.

 Harlow moves to the next window beside the bathroom window and pulls out his microphone and a recording device

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Kris collapses on the bed in the room next to the bathroom. While it does creak, it doesn't break. Kris stares up at the ceiling and sighs, resting his hands behind his head while crossing his legs. "They won't find me here."

Harlow nods and subtly places the recording device on the window pane next to the mattress. Kris chuckles to himself, speaking louder. "Man, taking out all those monsters was as easy as cake. You'd think they would put up more of a fight."

Harlow's head spins 360 degrees. He holds his hand over his mouth and listens for Kris' voice, and it comes into earshot again. Kris' voice rolls off of his tongue in eerie tones. "Who knew killing could be so easy yet so invigorating?"

(JACKPOT), Harlow excitedly thinks to himself. He takes the voice recorder and places it back into his pocket while pressing the "stop" button. Once it's firmly within his pocket, he runs off into the woods and back into the town of Ebott.

Kris' ear twitches, and he shoots up in bed. "Who's that? Who goes there?" Kris lowers his head, snorts, and narrows his eyes. He thinks for a moment and tabs his chin. (That better not be who I think it is). He rushes to the front door and throws himself onto the grass. Looking left and right, no figures come into view.

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