Afterward and Future Projects

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Howdy, hola, and good timezone, everyone

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Howdy, hola, and good timezone, everyone.

Thank you all for reading Wholehearted Half-Souls. This project has been in the works for a couple of years, and I'm blessed to have presented this 26-chapter saga to you all. I hope you enjoyed every last bit of it. Please remember to press the star buttons and leave comments, listing out all your thoughts on the story. I greatly appreciate all the support.

For tokens of appreciation, I would first of all like to thank each and every reader. Every single bit of support brings me joy and hearing every single positive comment has lifted my spirits. I also appreciate the comments that contain polite and fair criticism. Comments like that will help me become a better writer, and I appreciate the help given with those kinds of comments. I appreciate all of the love shown in the story, too. I've put my heart and soul into this story, and I hope that this canon-compliant post-pacifist sequel AU has brought you joy like it has for me.

Secondly, I would like to thank my co-author, who helped me write the rough draft screenplay, Censorship. He's a big reason why this project was possible in the first place, coming up with the silly birthday party setup scenario in chapter 2. Once he came up with that idea, we started role-playing all the roles and figuring out what the characters would do. And the deeper we got into the development of this story, I thought, "wait, we could turn this into something big." After finishing all 26 chapters in screenplay format, I went back and updated it, turning it into a full novel and fleshing out the characters and plot. While WHHS is indeed my baby, this wouldn't be possible without Censorship. He's a wonderful friend and has been very supportive of this project. So, Censorship, if you're reading this: thank you, bud. I couldn't have done it without you.

Thirdly, I'd like to thank the artist who prepared all of the wonderful commission art, ArtsySunbrush. While I'm the artist for all of the sprite art in the story, Artsy is the one who made all the commissions. She did an absolutely fantastic job on each and every art piece, and I'm very thankful that she's so willing to create all this art for me. There are also more art pieces in the works, and I plan on continually updating WHHS until all 26 chapters have at least one commissioned art piece. So, it'll continue to be updated with an art piece by piece post-production! If you ever reread, you have the new art pieces to look forward to. I am also thankful for the art PuppyC00LMarzipan, also called "Loren", made for me a while ago. She did a family photo commission for me and allowed me to use it for Frisk's office and the Dreemurr brothers' rooms. Credit for that image is her's as well.

Fourthly, I would like to thank all of my beta readers. My betas for this story are Joye Everett, KingofPhantoms, Ynnek, and a more recent addition by Mr. Moon Dreemurr aka Dr. Rose. I'm thankful for how they've been very helpful in aiding in editing this story and making it as polished as possible. And I'm thankful for every single one of them. Without them, it would not be as organized and clean as it could be. So, thank you to all of my beta readers. I hope to work with you on future projects.

Finally, an update on what I will write next: while the main Wholehearted Half-Souls story has come to a close, that doesn't mean I'm finished with writing about Frisk, Asriel/Flowey, and all of the wonderful Undertale characters. For my next few projects, I will make a prequel series of one-shots called "Wholehearted Origins." This short story collection will look at the earliest days of a post-barrier break world before Frisk's 13th birthday party occurs. What was Asriel/Flowey up to during that year in-between breaking the barrier and getting his real body back? How has Frisk been handling reconciliation between humans and monsters as ambassador? Once getting re-goated, how does Asriel work through the fresh grief, shame, and mental trauma with his actions in his Flowey body? The resets may have undone the death and carnage, but Asriel/Flowey still remembers them, even though everyone else forgot and has no idea. How would he process this? How do the Dreemurr brothers grow closer together as friends and siblings? What about Asriel/Flowey dealing with his mother's divorce? All of these questions will be analyzed and studied in Origins. Not only that, but there will also be plenty of wholesome comedy in Origins too, like the Dreemurr brothers giving into temptation concerning their Mom's famous butterscotch cinnamon pie, singing pop songs spur of the moment in a McDonald's, and more. I hope you all stay tuned for that! The estimated date in which these stories begin releasing some time in the Autumn.

Another future project I plan to write is a sequel story one-shot collection for Wholehearted Half-Souls, developing characters like WHHS!Susie, WHHS!Noelle, and WHHS!Toriel more. The current test title for this story collection is "Wholehearted Future," but the title of this collection is more subject to change than the prequel story collection I'm preparing. And, if you enjoy character study, some intense drama with a happy ending, and also some wholesome comedy, stay tuned for those stories! I'm not sure when these stories will begin releasing, but they'll start coming out shortly after Origins is completed.

That's all from me for now. Until next time, take care! Stay DETERMINED. 

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