Chapter 6: Storm of Questions (Part 2)

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"I failed Azzy," Frisk mutters to himself

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"I failed Azzy," Frisk mutters to himself. He's seated at his desk in the town hall, resting his head on his arms. The clock hands move like molasses in January. The phone is ringing and it won't stop. It keeps ringing and the ringing can be heard across all of the hallway. He taps his finger on his desk as he stares at the wood in front of his face.

(Maybe I could track the attacker, I'm not a vigilante. But, maybe if we fought...NO! Violence is never the answer. I couldn't imagine doing that. With this attacker on the loose though...what does he want with my brother? Or me, more likely. He has to be ok, right?)

His thoughts race further and grow more intense. (It is INEXCUSABLE for an ambassador like me to fail in that way. Especially in regards to my brother. What message will this send? Then again...if I did fight, maybe I could prevent this from! Don't kill and don't be killed. I'm not sure anymore...I've never been in this situation before. I can take the hit, but Azzy...well, he took it but...)

The phone stops ringing. Two voices can be heard coming up the hall. Frisk sits up, adjusts his bowtie, and places his hands onto his desk. The voices float into his office. "What happened the other night?"

"He got attacked with a knife. Attempted homicide."

"Oh, my word! No, but how is he?!"

"He's alright, Meredith. There is no need to fret."

"Oh, thank goodness. Our prince is alive and well then, yes?" Meredith asks. 

"Well, he is alive. I'm not sure how well he is, though. The news reports seem optimistic but you can never be too sure."

The second voice lowers her tone. "I hate the news. I don't see why my husband watches it all the time."

"I understand, Cupid."

Frisk lowers his head as a pair of women come into the office. The human, Meredith Smith, is wearing a bright red dress while holding a clipboard. The monster, Cupid Holiday, is a reindeer sporting a bright green and white dress with a red nose and blonde hair. The pair of women stare at Frisk, while Cupid's eyes looking cool as ice, while Meredith's are warm yet trembling.

"Frisk", Meredith speaks. "How are you doing?" She walks up to him and feels his forehead. Frisk says nothing as if three dots are hovering above his head. "You're burning up! You should go home and get some rest."

Frisk shakes his head and tensely places his fist on his desk. "No, Miss Smith. I have work to do. The invites to social gatherings keep piling up, and I need to get to as many as possible before school starts again."

Cupid walks forward, tightly holding her arms together. She stares down at Frisk, with her eyes darting into his. She shakes her head and scoffs. "You are working too hard and worrying too much. If you don't take a break, you'll burn out. A burnt-out ambassador is a useless one." 

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