Chapter 25: Sunrise (Part 4)

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A new sunrise has dawned. The goat mother, Toriel, bursts into Ebott General Hospital with her face slightly pale. She marches up to the front counter, eyes wide and fur frizzled while holding a butterscotch cinnamon pie underneath her arm. "Where are my children?!" she asks.

The nurse at the front desk nods, smiling. "Not to worry. Your children are safe and sound, resting in the specialized room for the ambassador, which is 101. It's right around the corner."

"Thank you so much," Toriel says as she marches around the corner. After another short step, she spots two familiar faces smiling at her. It's Frisk and Asriel in front of her, with the former resting in a bed and the latter sitting in a chair next to it. After gasping, Toriel runs up to her children and hugs them both gently. The brothers wince, especially Frisk, but they smile through their pain. Joyful rivers of water flow from her eyes as her grin shines.


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"Frisk...Asriel. My children. I'm so thankful're alive," Toriel says.

The mother releases her children from her grip, and Asriel bleats. "I kept my promise, Mom! I didn't break your heart all over again."

Frisk nods. "And I'm here too." He then lowers his head and sighs. "I'm sorry I got hurt, though. Kris got me pretty bad."

Toriel narrows her eyes and hunches down again. "Let me see where he hurt you, my child."

Frisk slowly nods and peels the collar region of his hospital gown downward, revealing a semi-worn bandage wrapped around his shoulder. Toriel shakes her head and brings Frisk in for another hug. "My child, you were very brave to face such a figure of that nature, especially with being the ambassador." The mother's limbs tremble. "I just...I still cannot believe my own child had an assassination attempt on his head. But...I'm so, so thankful you're alive."

"Thanks, Mom," Frisk says. "I tried not to get hit, but the stab did hurt...a lot. I'm ok, though. I'm just trying not to use this shoulder too much."

Toriel releases Frisk from the hug and looks over at Asriel. Her voice trembles. "And, my are still standing. Your body...hasn't turned to dust. You didn't turn into Flowey again, either," She smiles warmly and hugs Asriel tightly. "I'm relieved, more than you could know."

Asriel lowers his head and smiles, with his eyes glistening. "I kept my promise, Mom. But...I got hurt, too."

Toriel releases Asriel quickly, looking down at his hands. He holds them out for her, and she notices the bandaging over them. "Asriel..."

Asriel nods and sighs. "I'm sorry; I tried to go unscathed during battle. But I got scratches on my hands." He laughs and scratches the back of his head. "I don't think I'll be able to play Super Smashing Fighters for a little while."

Toriel forces herself to chuckle. "You're right about that, my son," she says as she takes the seat next to him and places her hands on her lap.

Asriel nods, smiling up at his mother. "I just wanted to show you that we're okay. You don't need to worry about us anymore. And, our mission of protecting our friends and saving the town, well...we did it."

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