Chapter 22: Reconciliations (Part 5)

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It is nearly midnight

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It is nearly midnight. Inside a modest home rests Toriel, seated on her favorite spot on the couch, which she sometimes refers to as "chairiel". She is sipping on golden flower tea infused with chamomile leaves as she scrolls through the channels. "Is nothing on?"

Toriel's eyes grow heavy. They flutter and flick until she comes to the Southern Colorado news station. Colors flash before her and throw her eyes open like doors. She gasps, then covers her mouth. "Right, my children are asleep."

The clock strikes midnight. A human reporter enters the scene, wearing a tight black and red suit. His face looks stern. "Good evening, Colorado."

Toriel mutters to herself. "Seems like it's a rerun of the news from earlier today."

The reporter continues. "Our first report of the night takes us to the town of Ebott. Alleged disappearances and murders have continued to increase. A few monsters have gone missing, and their families are looking desperately for them. Some reports say that one or two humans have been attacked too, but findings remain unclear. The police are gathering clues. They don't have a definite answer, but developments seem to point towards a serial killer on the loose. Considering all of this, the Ebott police department has re-issued the strict curfew. Please stay indoors at night and stay in groups."

Toriel's body shakes. She drops the teacup in her hand, and the pottery shatters on the floor. She holds her hand in front of her mouth. Her knees buckle, and her eyes water as the report continues. "We have one specific suspect as the likely culprit. Keep in mind that they are going to be armed and dangerous."

The news report continues. Toriel mutters to herself. "Wait, no... it can't be. They haven't grown stronger, have they? It has to be..."

Toriel bows her head. She intensely punches the floorboards beneath her, causing the book of hymns and pile of novels on the shelf across from her to tremble. She holds her hands on the floor and stares at the wooden paneling. "Kris." Toriel's body shakes violently as she looks at the floor. She weeps heavily as she prays and pleads. "God, please keep my children safe. Please, I'm begging you..."

The clock ticks loudly in the corner. The deafening sounds of it torture Toriel's ears as she holds herself to the floor.


The following day has arrived, and the bags under the ambassador's eyes are heavy. He rocks his head back and forth as he stares over the papers on the desk. His head begins to sink, and his eyes nearly close, but a tap erupts on his shoulder. Frisk shoots up and widens his eyes, looking to his left and gasping. Asriel smiles slightly and pats Frisk on the back.

"Are you okay, bud?" Asriel asks. "Guess the coffee isn't working, huh?"

Asriel chuckles as Frisk shrugs and sketches the paperwork in front of him. "Not only that, but I tossed and turned all night thinking about Mom. Her eyes looked really red this morning."

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