What's Jujutsu and curses?

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"The fuck?"

"What's that?"

You looked up at the Inarizaki boys. "What?"

Atsumu looked right at you and grinned. "Oh, it's just the embodiment of perfection." He winked at you.

Kiyoomi wasn't having it. "Stop flirting with my sister, Miya."

You rolled your eyes. "Stay back germs. Also, Run the fuck you and Samu talking about?"

Osama pointed at something in the sky. "That."

Suna had his phone out, recording the thing in the sky. "Is that a person? How many views do you think this is gonna get?"

You squinted to get a better look. Indeed, it was a person. "So men can float now?"

Komori laughed beside you. "So you think we're gonna start floating now, Y/n."

You shrugged. "Kinda hoping you would. That means you can't surround me with your germs."

Kiyoomi snickered. "Hope they do start floating away. Those fucking ugly gross creatures too."

"Speaking of which...." Your voice trailed off as you saw where the man was looking. There was, indeed, one of those creatures. "Ew, ugly living walking germ."

Atsumu came closer to you, tryna find your line of sight. "Where?"

Osamu deadpanned. "I think the question you meant to ask was 'what do you mean?'. Whatcha talking bout, Y/n?"

You pointed at the gross-looking creature. "That thing. Why are they always popping up all over the place? It's disgusting."

Suna leaned on Osamu to get a better look. "What even is that thing?"

Kiyoomi shrugged. "Y/n's seen them forever. I only started seeing them last year cuz of her."

You began walking toward it. "I'm getting rid of that gross thing. Hand me my bleach, Omi." You made sure your mask and gloves were in place, continuing to walk towards the thing at a steady pace.

The real question to be asked in this situation is "who is that levitating man and why isn't he doing anything about the ugly creature?"

As you came within 3 meters of the creature, you stopped walking with the guys right behind you. You kept a distance from that thing, disgust painted all over your face. You ungloved your right hand and held it forward, palm pointed towards the creature.

"What are you doing?" Suna yawned after asking, his phone "recording" the action.

Kiyoomi answered for you since you needed to concentrate. "She's getting rid of it. With just the palm of her hand facing one of those things, she completely obliterates those disgusting creatures. Kinda which she'd do that with you germs." He muttered that last part.

Your palm heated slightly, then within a split second, the gross thing was gone without a trace. "Good riddance." You pulled your other glove off, along with your mask and replaced all of them with newer cleaner ones.

Mute and GermaphobeWhere stories live. Discover now