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"What took you two so long?" Maki wiggled her eyebrows suggestively, a smirk playing on her face.

All eyes turned to you and Inumaki, who finally came down from your room after talking and hugging.

You gave a glare. "I was showing him around. He was the only one that didn't get distracted by other things. You can get lost, Maki." You rolled your eyes.

She scoffed. "I hope your friend kisses you again."

Inumaki nearly blew a fuse. "BONITO FLAKES!" He glared at the green haired girl.

No one has seen Inumaki that made before. You honestly didn't hate it. But you knew he needed to calm down.

"Toge, it's fine, please calm down." You gently placed you hand on his shoulder, causing everyone to widen their eyes in shock.

He looks into your eyes, taking a deep breath. "Sorry, Y/n. But she shouldn't have said that! Maki's comment was totally uncalled for."

You nodded, giving a sympathetic look. "I know she stepped out of line- that's a sensitive topic, but you can't just lose your cool like that."


You turn to face the owner of the voice. "Yeah, Omi?"

His eyes were wide- filled with pure shock. "Your hand...."

You followed his gaze- to your hand that was currently on Inumaki's shoulder. "What about my hand?"

"You never touch anyone, nor let anyone touch you." Suna pointed out.

"Toge's... different."

Atsumu gave a pained expression. "Different how?" He was silently praying that it wasn't because you grew to like Inumaki as more than a friend.

How is Inumaki different from everyone else? He protects you, defends you in any situation. He cares about your health, making sure you're properly taken care of. Yeah.... The answer is clear.

"Cuz Toge's the only one that been there for me when my life was in danger. He protected me, he understands me and respects my feelings. He's been there when I could've died- he made sure I didn't though." You chose to speak the truth based on how things have been going between you and Inumaki.

Kiyoomi sighed. "Well, I can't say I'm surprised to finally see you touch him while you're in the right state of mind."

Confusion. "Huh? Whaddya mean?"

Your brother was disappointed with how dense you are. "When you're sick or exhausted after a battle, or even on the brink of death- you always cling to Inumaki somehow. Now that there's nothing wrong with you- you're fully in control- I'm saying that it's nice to see you getting closer to him and be willing to touch him."

{Hehe Omi ships youuuuuuu. Ok I go now, don't mind me}

You just stared at him. "Oh. Yeah. He's my best friend and I trust him with my life."

Kiyoomi: *facepalms*. "So fucking dense." He mutters under his breath, only audible to you.

Inumaki was beside you, smiling like an idiot while a blush spread on his face. 'She... Y/n just complimented me! And even her brother thinks I'm special since I'm close enough to her where we show some physical affection! Maybe I have a chance....'

That boy was so lucky that you couldn't hear his thoughts. You were simply distracted by everything your brother had been saying to you.

'Omi said I'm dense. Was he implying something? What did I not pick up on?'



Suna had his phone out, recording the twins starting to go at each other's throats. Kiyoomi and Komori continued their conversation, ignoring the twins since they consider it normal. Inumaki was busy staring at you, who was simply playing on your phone. The other Jujutsu High students were watching in horror and freaking out over this, not knowing what to do.

Atsumu suddenly yells to you. "Y/N HELP ME OUT HERE!"

Inumaki frowned. He turned to glare at the fake blond boy.

You looked up from your phone. "Huh? What? Need me for something, Tsumu?"

Osamu looked over at you. "Don't help him. Let me beat him to a bloody pulp."

Atsumu's eyes widened in fear. "No! Y/n please help me! I'll do anything fer ya!"

You just blinked. "Rin, why're tweedle dee and tweedle dum fighting?"

The twins took offense to the nicknames. "Hey!"

Suna looked over at you. "It's about you and your 'best friend'. Samu said it's that Tsumu drove you away from us when he kissed you and that's why you're close to Inumaki. Tsumu said that you're only close to the sorcerers cuz you're forced to spend time with them."

Again, you blink and absorb this info. "I mean... both are kinda right I guess?"

Kiyoomi finally turned his attention to this, raising a brow at you. "Please elaborate, Y/n."

"Well, I only started hanging out with these guys cuz I was forced into the whole Jujutsu thing. And yeah, Toge and I grew closer after Atsumu kissed me. So they're both right. But also wrong. I wasn't driven away from my original group, I'm simply busy cuz of curses and don't really get time off to come back and hang with you guys. And I actually currently like hanging out with the other Jujutsu High students. It's my choice. And as for me and Toge becoming closer- it's not fully Tsumu's fault. Yes, the kiss drive me away cuz I needed time and space, but Toge and I also work together so we were bound to grow closer with the more time we spend around each other."

Osamu punched his twin. "Yet still a dumbass."


You glared at the fight that just broke out. "Fucking hell...."

You held your hand out, palm facing the twins. You let cursed energy surge and blasted the two fighting Miya's away from each other. They both landed on their backs, on opposite sides of the room.

"Stop being a couple of dumbasses. Chill the fuck out before you piss me off." You warned the two before getting back on your phone. "Oh, and Rin. Send that video ya got."

The fox-like boy smirked. "On it."

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