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{Remember Atsumu asking Y/n to a cafe, causing her to abandon Inumaki when he was acting weird? Yeah? Good. That's this more or less filler chapter. Still kinda important to the plot cuz this IS an Inumaki x reader}

 Still kinda important to the plot cuz this IS an Inumaki x reader}

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"Glad ya could make it, Y/n."

"Yeah, well... I didn't have anything else going on today. So why not?"

The fake blond smiled. "I'll make it worth yer while, n/n."

You shrugged, still bothered about the whole Inumaki situation. "Please do."

His eyes widened as he looked at you. "Woah. This is a first. Somethin goin on?"

You sighed. "Please get my mind off of Inumaki's weird behavior today."

Atsumu grinned, knowing he can probably do anything today as long as it makes you forget about his competition. "I promise that once this day is over, you won't remember anything that happened between you and that guy."

You gave him a weak smile. "Thanks. I really appreciate it."

"Hey, that's what I'm here fer, n/n! All fer ya!"

{Author-chan is disgusted by having to type with Atsumu's speech. Love him but like, having to write proper dialogue for him just looks terrible and makes me internally cringe. Anyways, back to the "filler"}

You two had arrived at a cute cafe that Atsumu found online, with the sole purpose of getting you here with him. You honestly didn't mind having it be just the two of you today, you didn't even think about any reasons behind any of this. You seriously just wanted to get your mind off of the whole Inumaki thing.

As you two were sitting at a table, waiting for your orders, Atsumu decided to strike up a conversation. "Do ya miss going to regular school and well... yer life before this Jujutsu shit came up?"

"A lot." Your voice broke slightly. "It was cleaner, and I didn't always have to worry about the possibility have dying a horrible and premature death." Tesrs began building up in your eyes.

Atsumu noticed and started bringing his hand to wipe them, pausing while making eye contact. "Can I?"

You nodded, not caring about his hands touching your bare skin at the moment. "Sorry...."

"Hey, don't apologize. This is a reasonable reaction, considerin the circumstances." He kept gently rubbing your face with his thumb. "I'm worried something serious might happen and we'd lose ya ferever."

You nodded. "I wish I was never born with this stupid cursed energy. It ruined my life!"

Atsumu smiled softly- but not to comfort you, he's ecstatic that you don't like that life; he has a chance. "If ya hate it that much, then leave n/n. I hate seein ya so upset."

You looked at him, still teary eyed. "But, Gojo said they might try to kill me if I leave... remember?"

"They can try. But they won't be able to. I won't let em." He continued smiling at you, his hand not moving from your face.

You leaned into his warmth slightly. "Thanks, Tsumu. So, why did you call me out today?"

"I missed ya. And I'm really worried about ya. Just checking up on ya whenever I can." His eyes stared at you, taking every part of you in- planning what to do later.

You smiled slightly at him, taking your mask off. "Thanks. Did you have other plans after this?"

Most definitely. He smirked. "Maybe. Just wait and see."


"Yes, n/n?"

You turned to him, tearing your gaze away from the beautiful sight before you, only to see him staring directly at you. "Why'd ya bring me here?"

He smiled, shrugging. "Thought it looked nice, something ya'd like. Ya do like it, right?" His smile fell slightly, anxiously waiting for your thoughts.

"I love it. It's so beautiful. I've never seen anything like it before." You gave him a big smile (not wearing your mask at the moment).

He smoothly wrapped an arm around your waist. "Anything for ya, n/n. Ya know...." He hesitated with continuing, looking at you.

You raised a brow. "What's up Tsumu?"

"Ya know I like ya, right? I mean, like romantically."

Your eyes widened. You never thought he was serious when flirting, so you just marked it off as him joking around. "I... s-seriously?"

"Yeah. I like you so much, it's driving me crazy that you don't allow me to touch you, that you always keep all sorts of distances with everyone. Let me touch you, let me help you forget about all the stress you have right now."

This was it. You understood this completely. You were alone with him, in a place that would probably hold no other people. He likes you.... And he wants to touch you.

"T-tsumu...?" You began taking small steps away.

For every step you took, Atsumu matched with one of his own. "I really like you. Can I please touch ya?"

"Atsumu... I really don't like where this is going." You ended up backing up to a dead end, your back against a tree.

He trapped you with his arms on either side of you acting as a cage, he bent down to bring his face close to yours. "Lemme kiss ya."

You pressed your back completely against the tree. His lowered voice sent shivers down your spine, your legs getting ready to give out. You've never felt so weak and helpless, especially not around Atsumu.

He brought his face even closer to yours, tilting it slightly to get better access.

"Atsumu stop." You put your hands against his chest, desperately trying to push away- to no avail.

His lips pressed against yours, soft at first but quickly became rougher to keep you from struggling. He managed to slip his tongue in your mouth. Atsumu has full control.

You shut your eyes tight, unwilling to see his face. Tears slowly began falling down your face.

Atsumu put one hand on your waist, bringing the other to your face. He froze and pulled away, seeing the tears rolling down your face. You didn't open your eyes to look at him. He noticed you started trembling slightly.

He took a few steps back. "Y-Y/n...?"

You opened your eyes, breathing heavily. "I told you to stop."

Your expression turned from scared to mad and upset... then fully settled on disgust. You wiped your lips. You turned your back to him.

"Don't come near me again."

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