Who's better? 👀

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"What's going on here?" You just stared as Suna, Osamu, and Atsumu were taking group selfies... topless.

Atsumu looked at you, smiling and blushing. "Just... things...."

You blinked, a blank expression on your uncovered face. "Without shirts?" You raise a brow.

Suna smirked. "We're having a friendly competition."

"For what? Who looks sexier without a fucking shirt?" You said that as a joke.

The three problematic fox children looked you dead in the eyes, being completely serious. "Yes."

"I don't know em." You turn away, walking with Inumaki to sit with your brother.

Kugisaki spoke up. "Maybe if you three took off your pants, we could get a more fair and accurate look. I mean, Maki and I are the judges, right?"

You looked over in disappointment. "No. Stop tryna hit on my idiots, Nobara."

"Your idiots?" Fushiguro raised a brow at you.

Osamu nodded. "Yep. Her idiots. Just like she and her twin are our germaphobes."

"It's a friend thing in our group." Komori quickly jumped in to explain.

Suna smirked. "So, baby girl.... Who's better?"

You knew he was talking to you. "Omi's better. Now shut up and put your damn shirts back on."

"But he wasn't an option...." Atsumu frowned.

You rolled your eyes, looking back at the three. "Fine. What are my options, then?"

"Us." The three spoke unison while pointing at themselves.

"Ok." You looked at the three shirtless boys, noticing some differences. "Samu, Suna, have you two been putting on more muscle?"

Both smiled and nodded enthusiastically. "Yup!"

"Cool. Unfortunately for you two, Tsumu does look just a little bit better. But only out of the options I was given."

Atsumu did a little celebration. "Fuck yeah!"

Suna smirked, an idea popping into his head. "So... Y/n, out of all the guys here... who do you think is the best? I'm talking physical attractiveness, intelligence, personality- just them as a whole."

You spoke without hesitation- not even thinking about it. "Toge."

The boy beside you blushed a deep shade of red. "T-tuna?!"

Suna burst out laughing. "Fucking knew it!"

You looked at everyone in the room. "What?" You raised a brow, tipping your head to the side.

Kiyoomi shook his head. "You spoke with zero hesitation. Did you even think?"

"Should I have taken time to think?" You really didn't need time. You were already biased- in your eyes, Inumaki Toge was one the (if not the) most perfect people you've ever known.

Inumaki was internally freaking out. 'Fuck fuck fuck. First, the hugs and cuddles. Then the talk from yesterday after the curse incident. And now this?! My heart can't take it! I'm going to explode! Y/n doesn't even know the affect she has on me....' Boy might have a heart attack 😰.

"Maybe you should've taken some time." Komori gave an awkward chuckle. He's never seen you hesitate so little when it came to discussing guys before. Usually you'd give a glare and show disgust.

Yet here you are. Sitting in the living room without a mask, many people being in the house. And you're practically touching Inumaki from where you sat on one of the couches. It was a surprised, to say the least.

Maki raised a brow and smirked suggestively. "So... Y/n, what does this mean about how you feel towards Toge?"

You blushed, looking away in an attempt to hide your face. "Well- I mean, I just spend a lot of time with Toge. I was bound to just favorite him, even just a little."

Kiyoomi, the only one that could see your face, understood you perfectly in this moment. 'About damn time for you to realize you like him, Y/n.'

You looked at your twin. "What?" You whispered so the others couldn't hear your conversation- they all went to talk about volleyball and the competition between the three Inarizaki second years. Not even Inumaki was paying attention to you and Kiyoomi.

Kiyoomi's eyes shown a smirk, the majority of his face still covered by a face since there were others in the house. "You like Inumaki?"

Yout blushed deepened and you moved closer to your twin. "Yes." You spoke extremely quiet, barely even audible.

But Kiyoomi heard it. "Bout damn time you realized it. What are you gonna do about it?"

You shrugged. "I don't know. This is all so new to me! I think I just need time to figure things out." You kept whispering to him.

He nodded. "I'll support and help you with everything, ok? Inumaki seems like a nice guy. I've been rooting for you two for a while now."

"Omi!" You whisper-yelled in embarassment.

He chuckled behind the mask. "You two are cute. He's definitely the best person for you, Y/n. Atsumu- and anyone else for that matter- can't even begin to compare. You started changing while spending time around Inumaki, I've noticed it. I think that's love- act on it when you get yourseld together. I want you to be happy."

You hug your twin. "Thanks so much, Omi! I don't know what I'd do without you."

{Yeah.... I wonder too.... 👀}

He hugged you back. "Yeah yeah. Anything for my twin-"

"- My other half." You finished for him with a bright smile.


You two whipped towards Suna, who's holding his phone out with a smirk. "Look at that, everyone. A rare Sakusa twin hug!" He snickered as he backed off.

"Rin. Imma kill you one of these days."

Congrats, you officially realize you like Inumaki now!

How will things unfold? What does the future have in store for all of you?

I wonder....

Also I got really excited and wanted to share some stuffs with all you amazing people!

So the Japanese rock band, The Gazette are one of very few people i follow and pay attention to on Twitter. And one of the members followed me back! *fangirling author-chan*
So while working on today's parts, I'm listening to their music.

I'm so fucking happy and excited. Just wanted to share tho 😊

Thanks for reading, expect more parts soon (honestly don't know how long I'll drag this story out but it's already my longest)!

Things are about to pick up and take many different turns fairly soon, so please prepare yourself for future angst!

Thank you and I love you all perfect beings! (In my eyes you're perfect, no arguments!)

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