Desire for Babies

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Inumaki loves you, and would never do anything behind your back- he doesn't want to risk doing anything that'll ruin the trust you have for him.

But today was very different for Inumaki Toge.

He knocked onto the door of the house he had walked to, patiently waiting for the door to open.

"Inumaki? What are you doing here?"

He smiled slightly. "Tuna mayo."

"Come in." Sakusa Kiyoomi moved aside, allowing Inumaki to enter the house.

Inumaki took off his shoes, walking over to the couch and sitting down. "Cod roe."

"Y/n doesn't know you came here?"

"Bonito flakes."

"Why not?"

Inumaki grabbed some paper and writing utensil. "I couldn't tell her cuz of what I want to talk to you about."

"And what would that be?"

Atsumu appearee out of nowhere, sitting almost on Kiyoomi's lap. He noticed Inumaki, eyes widening in surprise. "Oh? What's Inumaki doin here?"

Kiyoomi looked at his boyfriend. "He wanted to talk to me. But we apparently can't say a thing to Y/n- she doesn't know he's here."

"She on a mission?"


Kiyoomi wrapped an arm around the fake blond. "So, what did you want to talk about, Inumaki?"

Inumaki sighed. "Y/n."

Atsumu's eyes widened. "What about her?"

Inumaki grabbed his paper and wrote some of his thoughts down. "A few days ago we had our first kiss after cuddling all night."

Kiyoomi raised a brow. "Congradulations. But I know you didn't come all the way to just say that."

The sorcerer shook his head. "Something else kinda happened- something that never happned with me before, especially not around Y/n."

Atsumu frowned. "So what happened?"

Inumaki blushed, refusing to make eye contact. "I woke up hard and felt horny for no reason. And I kinda acted differently because of it."

Kiyoomi was terrified that Inumaki might've had sex with you. "How?"

"Well, I kinda kept grabbing her by the waist and pulled her closer- to where she could feel my... uh, you know."

'Stay calm, Kiyoomi. Y/n loves Inumaki. She's your precious sister and you nee too focus on her happiness first. As long as he doesn't hurt her or force her to do something she doesn't want or like, it'll be fine.'
Kiyoomi was desperately trying not to lose his shit- all for your sake. "And?"

Inumaki fidgeted before writing the next bit. "I told her I wanted to have sex with her. I even ended up showering with her."

Kiyoomi let out a loud sigh. "Ok. I'm not happy about that kind of behavior since I'm overprotective of Y/n... but if she's happy and doesn't come crying to me because of anything you say or do, then I'm fine with it. Was there anything else you wanted to say?"

Inumaki hesitated before writing down the big thing that was on his mind. "I want to have a baby with Y/n."

The room remained in an uncomfortable silence. Inumaki was embarrassed and nervous, borderline scared- not knowing how Kiyoomi would react. Atsumu sat, completely shocked by what he just read- what Inumaki had wrote to inform them of his feelings. And Kiyoomi... he was silently fuming- completely boiling with rage. Kiyoomi didn't like the thought of Inumaki just suddenly deciding to want to impregnate you.

Kiyoomi was about to stand up and walk over to Inumaki, but Atsumu stopped him- already reading his boyfriend. "Omi, don't do anything yer gonna regret."

"Inumaki. What the actual fuck?"

Inumaki couldn't look up at the two other boys, just continued writing. "Sorry, I just thought I'd tell you about this since you're Y/n's brother."

Atsumu spoke before Kiyoomi could open his mouth. "Don't worry about that, Inumaki. Omi and I been fuckin too just don't tell Y/n bout it. If she also wants ta, then go ahead and go all the wa. And Omi, don't always be so overprotective of her. She can make her own decisions. And besides, Y/n and Inumaki don't live like us- they're in the world they belong in. We have no say in any of that- we can't always be there, around Y/n. This is where ya need ta let go and allow her ta live her own life."

Kiyoomi sighed, knowing Atsumu was right. "Yeah, ok. Just make sure Y/n's ok with everything. Stop the moment she expresses being against it, doesn't like nor want it, or feeling uncomfortable or disgusted. Got it?"

Inumaki nodded. "Salmon." He then pulled his paper and writing utensil towards him to write his final piece before taking his leave.

"I promise to never hurt Y/n, nor will I force her to do anything- I'll never force myself onto her. I care about her more than everything else in the whole world. She is my whole world- the only thing that really matters to me. I'll put her before all my selfish desires. I want her to be happy, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make her the happiest she can be- I'll keep her at her happiest. I love her so much. I want to marry her and build our own family together. I originally wanted to wait until we became adults, but I just can't wait anymore. I want her- no, I need her, all of her, right now. I'll cherish her for all of eternity, not even death can truly tear me away from her. She has all my heart, now I wish to give her all of me- heart, mind, body, and soul."

Inumaki left, heading back to Jujutsu High. He went back into your shared room and laid down on the bed, peacefully falling asleep as he awited your return. It wasn't a normal rest though- it had ended up being a wet dream... Inumaki's first wet dream... and it was about you.

Yo wassup my amazing readers

So uh...

I has question

Do y'all want a smut chapter? Or should I just straight up skip over it and continue on with the fluffy plot?

Pls give me an answer
I won't continue with that part of the story until I receive a response.
Instead, I'll simply put this book on hold while starting to work on some of my other books that I currently have saved in drafts (might start publishing another one even though I usually refuse to do that so I don't get stressed about updating regularly).

Thanks for reading
And as I've said before...
We are finally nearing the end of this book

Till next time!

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