Insight and Friendship,

672 22 5

Kugisaki let out a loud sigh, flopping down onto the grass. "This is so nice!"

You hummed. "It has been a while since we've had enough time to just relax. This have been stressful lately."

Okkotsu, who was sitting on your left, chuckled. "You keep glaring whenever you're told to train, Y/n."

Inumaki, sitting on your right, agreed. "Salmon."

You groaned. "Stupid Gojo has been keeping me up at night! He keeps wanting me to work on that mind reading and telepathy shit!"

After the little battle with Okkotsu, he was filled in on yiur newer techniques. "How bad could it be?"

You gave a look of disgust from under your mask. "I need bleach to clean my brain. The things he thinks about are absolutely disgusting!"

"Knew it." Fushiguro deadpanned.

Inumaki gave you a look full of pity. "You poor thing. I think it'd be better to just keep training that with me."

You nodded, maintaining eye contact with your best friend. "I'd prefer to stick to training with you, but Gojo wants to see if I can easily balance out reading multiple minds at once. He also thinks it would be beneficial to the world of Jujutsu if I was able to create a telepathic connection between large amounts of people over long periods of time."

Panda nodded. "It would help with large scale attacks from curses that require many sorcerers needing to communicate easily during the duration of the mission."

Maki smirked. "If you could pull that off, the whole world of sorcerers would probably consider you to be one of the greatest sorcerers to ever live. They might even overlook the fact that you didn't come from one of the major clans."

You furrowed your brows. "I don't care that I didn't come from a clan full of sorcerers. I don't want a whole bunch of germs around me!" You huffed and crossed your arms over your chest.

Itadori looked at you, a questioning look in his eyes. "Are we still germs in your eyes?"

"Huh? No. Just don't touch me, and we're still gonna be close friends."

"Yay! I'm not a germ anymore!" The pink haired boy started jumping around and celebrating.

You giggled at that childish behavior. "Wow, didn't think anyone really cared about me calling them germs."

"We do, we just want to respect your boundaries and give you time to open up to us." Panda spoke softly.

You looked at each person, taking the time to fully take in every single detail on each and every one of them. "I really appreciate it. I do trust you all, and see you as close friends. I just physcially can't stand being touched. It kinda is a struggle to be a germaphobe- I can't actually control how I break out when something touches me. But, I think I can handle being close enough to you all like this." You gave a smile under your mask, it being clearly reflected in your eyes.

Luckily for Inumaki, you were too engrossed in the conversation to hear his thoughts. 'She's so amazing. And she's really opening up to all of us. She even agrees to hangout with everyone- not just me and Yuta! Now we don't have to choose between Y/n and the others. I'm so glad she's coming out of her shell. I get to see her smile more.' He smiled under his collar, a light blush coating his cheeks.

You turned to look at him while still smiling, completely oblivious to his thoughts and feelings. "Maybe we should all go out for food later. You interested, T- Inumaki?"

His eyes widened briefly. "Salmon." He was shocked, to say the least.

For one thing, you directly asked him is he was interested in going out as a group. That alone would've been enought to surprise him. You weren't a huge fan of going out, especially as a large group. But to ask him specifically, that really got to him. The other thing that shocked him?: you were about to say his first name, something you never even attempted before.

You had been thinking about calling Inumaki by his first name. You were about to do it... but you weren't sure if he was ok with that. Lately, everyone wanted you to call you by their first name- Fushiguro being the only exception and you respected that. But with Inumaki, you just started feeling kinda nervous about it. Yes, you two are best friends. But you didn't know if he really liked being addressed by his first name.

Inumaki, however, was about to burst with happiness. He really wanted to hear you say his first name, considering you two are really close and you've never said his first name before. He didn't understand why you stopped yourself and called him by his last name. It upset him slightly, but he figured you just weren't fully comfortable with it. And he didn't want you to be uncomfortable, so he decided to wait and let you take your time until you were ready to start calling Inumaki by his first name. He wanted the relationship between you two to advance on your terms. That's what he felt was best.

Okkotsu chuckled. "That's a first from you, Y/n. You never take the initiative to acrually try to go out with everyone."

You shrugged. "I mean... I'm starting to feel bad that I keep blowing you all off during times that could be spent bonding and working on improving ourselves with each other- all because of my germaphobia. So why not offer to go out? It won't kill me."

Fushiguro deadpanned. "You're jinxing yourself. I get you'll need to go to the hospital after being at a restuarant with us for 5 seconds."

You gasped, being dramatic around them for the first time since you met them, and put your hand on your chest. "I can't believe you think so little of me, Fushiguro! People can change, you know. And I just happen to want to change and truly become close friends with all of you. I really wanna start hanging out with all of you more." You gave a sweet and genuine smile, slowly pulling your mask down to give them a moment to see your full face.

The shock on all of their faces was priceless. "Oh my god- she's showing us her face! She pulled her mask down!" Kugisaki and Itadori exclaimed in unison.

Even though they're all shocked, all of them are also happy. You pulled down your mask in front of them, even if it was just for a few seconds. This shows the amount of trust you have in them- and your willingness to change for them, to become even closer.

This is the turning point and they know just how much you value their friendship, how much effort you're willing to put in because you care about them. You've become so happy to finally find people you can trust- people you know will always except you for who you really are. They are true friends.

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