"Bed Rest"?

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Inumaki jumped as the door opened, causing him to bring his gaze away from your unconscious body. His eyes widened as he saw who walked in, a bad feeling settling in his stomach.

Two very unhappy guys walked in, followed by the others.

Atsumu and Kiyoomi walked up to your bed, standing on the opposite side from where Inumaki was sitting. Their glares turned into looks of worry as they took in your appearance.

You had bandages wrapped around your forehead, arms, chest, stomach, and legs. You also had a few bandages on your face (mainly small ones, but one larger square bandage on your cheek). In areas that weren't covered by fabrics or bandages, bruises could easily be spotted.

Atsumu was frozen in shock. He never would've imagined you could get hurt, especially this badly. He felt tears pricking his eyes.

Kiyoomi took a deep breath, swallowing the saliva that had built in his mouth. "Is... is she still alive?" He looked at Inumaki, fear present in his eyes.

Inumaki nodded. "Salmon." He turned his attention back to you, guilt washed over him. He felt like he could've done something to prevent you from getting this hurt. He's been blaming himself for your condition.

Luckily, the person in charge of healing you walked in: Shoko Ieiri. "Don't worry, she'll heal just fine. I haven't used my reversed curse technique yet since I needed to check vitals first. She just needs some time and a bit of rest, even after I really heal her."

Just when no one was paying attention to you, your eyes began opening. You saw a bright light and felt pain throughout your entire body. You couldn't move much, but had been able to look away from the light. The first things you saw were your brother and Atumu.

That alone caused you to shoot up, and made the pain worse. "Fuck." You groaned, flopping back down onto the infirmary bed.

Everyone jumped and looked at you.

Atsumu was all smiles the moment he saw you awake. "Y/n!"

You looked up at him. "Atsumu? Omi? What are you two doing here?"

Kiyoomi shook his head, pointing at Atsumu. "He dragged me here after finding out were on a mission and got hurt."

"That was pretty stupid of you, Atsumu." You deadpanned.

The fake blond whined, wrapping his arms around you like the oversized child he is. "Y/nnnnnnn! I came here for ya! Why can't ya appreciate the things I do for ya?!"

You turned your head away, unable to fully contain your laughter from his behavior. "Pfft!"

This seemed to please Atsumu. "See! I got ya to laugh!"

"You're acting like a child, Tsumu!"

Kiyoomi, however, was shooting daggers at Atsumu (if looks could kill...). "Miya. Get your filthy hands off my sister before I kill you."

That's when you realized he was actually touching you, causing your face to contort in disgust. "Ew. Get off me. Stop touching me, its disgusting."

Atsumu whined at this response. "Why can't ya just say ya love me?!"

"I'm going to kill him."

"Omi. No killing Atsumu in a school or infirmary."


You rolled your eyes. "Then shut up and don't touch me."

Atsumu wiped a fake tear. "Yer so mean to me. I've done nothing to ya."

You and Kiyoomi. "You literally try touching us all the time, despite how many times we've told you not to. And you just touched me/her a second ago." You two spoke at the same time like the close twins you are.

Atsumu pouted. "At least say ya love me, Y/n."

You sighed, feigning defeat. "Alright, Atsumu. I love...." You smirked. ".... Bleach."

Kiyoomi burst into laughter, while Atsumu looked hurt and shocked. Inumaki, who was sitting beside you was stifling giggles. Everyone else in the room looked either amused or had disbelieving expressions.

Atsumu dramatically grabbed his chest. "I come all the way here for ya, and ya can't even say ya love me!"

You rolled your eyes, putting on a poker face. "I never wanted you to come in the first place- you're too damm loud for someone who feels like they got hit by train. And I did call you stupid for coming all the way to Jujutsu High, especially since I just got hurt due to my teacher's stupidity."

Gojo took offense to that. "Hey! Don't blame me."

You glared at the man. "If you had properly done your job, Inumaki and I wouldn't have been attacked by a special grade curse- something we obviously couldn't handle. And, in turn, I wouldn't be injured and laying in a hospital bed lecturing my stupid fake blond friend from Hyogo along with my idiot, irresponsible teacher. Am I wrong here?" You raised a brow, your stern gaze shifting between Atsumu and Gojo.

Atsumu shook his head. "Yer not wrong.... But yer also forgettin somethin, Y/n."

You tipped your head to the side. "And what would that be?"

He pointed to your face. "Yer not wearing a mask."

Your eyes widened. "What?!"

"Yet really pretty. You should wear yer mask less." Atsumu had a cute and innocent smile on his face.

You, however, were panicking. "Why didn't you say something sooner?! When did my mask even get taken off?! Does that mean one of you put your filthy hands on me?!"

Shop sweatdropped. "I had to in order to look at all of your injuries."

You could feel your soul leaving for body. "Omi, if I die, never allow any of these germs, except for Inumaki cuz he's not a germ, to attend my funeral."

"Noted. Wait- why isn't he a germ?"

You briefly looked over at him. "He's the only one that fully respects my boundaries. And, he risked damaging his throat to keep us safe after I ended up in this sorry state."

Inumaki, unbeknownst to everyone else, smiled at your compliments to him. "Tuna mayo."

"Also, Omi. Do you have a spare mask? I don't like not wearing one."

Kiyoomi quickly pulled a new mask from his pocket and handed it to you. "Next time, don't get your ass kicked."

After you put it on, you frowned at your brother. "You try taking care of a fucking curse. Lemme know how that goes."

Yet again, Inumaki finds humor in your comebacks and begins quietly giggling next to you. It catches your attention, glancing at him from the corner of your eye.

'His laugh is kinda cute....' It brings a slight smile to your lips. Luckily for you, the smile doesn't reach your eyes. The last thing you wanted was for anyone to notice you smiling and asking about it.

However, Inumaki noticed the slight change of the facial features beneath your mask. With his amazing observation, he could tell you were smiling. And that alone somehow made him happy.

Inumaki's heart skipped a beat for the furst time in his life.

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