First Feeling of Jealousy

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You blushed at the sweet statement you had just heard from Inumaki. "Toge.... I- that's so sweet."

He looked away, partially embarrassed by what he let you hear. He slowly turned back to you, a serious yet soft expression on his face. "I meant it, Y/n. I don't really care where I go or what I'm doing as long as you're by my side."

You're as red as the rose in the table vase. "Toge, you- uh... how can you say things like that so easily?"

It was his turn to blush. "It's not easy... but I just always want to tell you the truth. We may not have known each other for a very long time, but we grew really close. You can even read my thoughts, so you always know what I'm thinking. You're the most important person in my life." He looked away, becoming too embarrassed to share anything more about his feelings with you.

You gave him a sweet smile. "Toge, I hope you know that you're the most amazing person I've ever had the honor to meet." You reached across thee table to hold his hand. "You mean so much to me Toge. Yes, I value all our friends- both from Jujutsu High and my friends from before Gojo brought me here- but you and my brother are the only people I truly can't live without. It's obvious why I feel that way about Omi, but with you- I had finally found someone I was willing to change a bit for. We grew so close in a short amount of time -like you said- and I don't think I could've ever lived a life in which you didn't exist. You're so important to me Toge, and I wouldn't want it to be any other way."

Inumaki smiled, squeezing your hand slightly. "Y/n, I-"

"Do you two want any drinks to start with?" A pretty waitress with black hair and dark gray eyes came up to your table.

Your eyes quickly scanned the menu before finding what you wanted. "F/d, please."

Inumaki desperately looked at you. "Can you give my order?"

"Of course. What do you want to drink?"

"Iced caramel latte with whipped cream, and extra sugar."

"He wants an iced caramel latte with whipped cream and extra sugar." You informed the waitress.

She, however, was paying no mind to you. Her eyes were focused on Inumaki. "Hey, so... you like sweet things? I might have something you'll like if you're interested." She winked.

'And suddenly, using matter manipulation against a non sorcerer doesn't seem like a bad idea. Though, I can't killher, even if I want to- don't want to cause a scene and the higher ups will definitely excute me once they find out. I really don't want to put anyone into a bad situation just because I'm feeling a bit jealous that the prettiest waitress here is flirting on the guy I happen to really like. I need to keep calm, don't do anything I shouldn't. OH FUCK NO! DID THIS BITCH JUST TOUCH TOGE?! IMMA KILL HER! Wait no, that's bad. Calm down.'

Inumaki, who's currently being hit on by the waitress, was feeling uncomfortable... and kind of annoyed if he was being perfectly honest. He looked over at you, only seeing a scowl on your face. 'Shit. Did I do something wrong? No, that can't be it. Maybe this waitress is annoying Y/n too. But it's not like I can just tell her to go away, not without using my cursed speech or simply speak with onigiri ingredients. Why doesn't Y/n just say something?"

You had fully lost all your patience, jus barely being able to stay calm. "Hey, can ya just go get our drinks instead of flirting with him? Isn't it your job to take orders and make sure the customers get what they want?"

She sent a death glare to you. "Tha's what I'm doing." She rolled her eyes.

You grit your teeth, clenching your hands into fists under the table. "No, it's not. You're flirting with him, not doing your damn job."

The flirtatious bitch crossed her arms over her chest. "I'm giving him attention and offerring him something he wants, duh. I bet you could never give a guy what they really want, especially someone like this hottie."

Inumaki visibly cringed at what the girl said. 'I bet Y/n's better than this... whatever the fuck she is or thinks she is- at everything. Y/n's way prettier and understood me better with a single glance than this girl can while being way too fucking close to me.'

You were losing the little bit of control you still had left. "No, seriously- get the fuck back to your damn job before I call for the person in charge."

Bitchy waitress scoffed turned her back to you and winked at Inumaki again. "If you want a girl that can be better company than her, come find me cutie. Name's Kaya." She walked away.

Your frown deepened, slouching back in your seat. 'Fucking bitch. Prostitution and stripping seem like better fitting jobs for a whore like her. I bet she does that with every guy that walks in through those doors. Probably fucks in the bathroom..... What if that's something Toge wants? Did I lose my chance because that girl is more physical than I am?'

Inumaki seemed to notice your bad mood- it was kind of noticeable with the dark aura (little bit of cursed energy) surrounding you. "Y/n?"

You looked up at him, still having a frown on your face. "Yeah?" Your tone came out harsher than intended.

Inumaki flinched. "Forget about the waitress. She's annoying. I'm here with you- this is my time with you, not some random girl that wants to flirt with me. Ok? All my attention is on you. I asked you out here, so I'm only focusing on you. No other person- girls especially- are in my mind. You're the only one I have eyes for."

You smiled and blushed at his statement. "I... thanks, Toge. Sorry for how I acted." You looked down in embarrassment.

Inumaki giggled. "There's no reason for you to apologize, the waitress should be begging for our forgiveness. I think I would've been more worried if you didn't say or do anything. I think you did the right thing, Y/n. Thanks for getting her away from me, she was making me uncomfortable."

You smiled at him. "Anything for you, Toge. And it was rude of her to interrupt us and pretend like I don't exist."

He smirked. "I also know you wanted to use your matter manipulation against her."

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