Telepathy Awakened

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You got back to the campus and put your things in your room, then go to look for Inumaki. You hadn't realized how different you looked after the time you've spent at home. You, luckily, found Inumaki. He was with the other students. You approached without any hesitation.

Kugisaki immediately looked at you once she sensed your presence, her jaw dropping upon landing her eyes on you. "Oh. My. God. Your hair is so pretty! Where do you get your clothes? Let's go shopping!"

"No." You immediately shot her down, your gaze flicking over to Inumaki.

He couldn't help but stare at you- you looked different but it was still perfect to him. "She looks so pretty...."

You were surpised to hear him say something other than onigiri ingredients- let alone compliment you. You were thankful to have the mask on, your cheeks began tinting a light pink. "Uh... thanks Inumaki. But I thought you couldn't speak in anything other than onigiri ingredients?" You tipped your head to the side.

His eyes widened, remaining comepletely silent. He refused to even think anything at this point.

Itadori looked at you, confused. "What do you mean? Inumaki didn't speak."

Your eyes widened. "But- I just heard him say...."

Inumaki held up a hand, gesturing for you to stop. He pulled his zipper down to expose his mouth. He pointed to his ear, his way of telling you to listen.

You nodded, still confused by his actions. You also didn't understand jow the others hadn't heard Inumaki clearly say you looked pretty.

Inumaki's voice sounded again. "You can hear me?" His lips never moved.

You felt like fainting right then and there. You slowly nodded, still in your state of shock. "Y-your lips didn't move?" You meant it as a statement, but it came out as a question.

He shook his head.

Again, you went to speak but your sentence came out as a question. "But I could hear what you said clearly?"

Inumaki nodded, pulling the zipper back up. "How is that possible?"

You felt your legs give out, all the strength leaving your body. You collasped to the ground with your legs under you.

Inumaki stood as you fell. "Are you ok?!"

You shook your head. "How can I hear thoughts?"

"You can hear thoughts?" Gojo finally made an appearance after disappearing for a while.

Inumaki nodded, standing by you. "Salmon."

Gojo smirked. "Interesting. Imma think something and repeat to me so I can confirm."

You didn't want to, but knew you weren't being given a choice. "Ok?"

He smirked, remaining silent. You didn't hear anything from him.

However, there was something from Inumaki. "I bet he's thinking of something Y/n shouldn't hear. I feel bad that she'll have his disgusting thoughts in her head."

You burst out laughing after hearing Inumaki's thoughts. "Inumaki! Stop- I'm dying!"

He jumped, looking at your laughing form with a small smile. "You heard me?"

You nodded.

"What about Gojo?"

You shook your head. "I only heard your thoughts, Inumaki."

Gojo frowned. "Why only him? What did he say?"

Inumaki looked at you, his eyes wide and pleading. "Please don't tell him."

"I won't." You spoke back to him with your thoughts.

He let out a sigh of relief, before freezing up again. "Wait, did you just speak back with telepathy?"

You just stared. "Oh shit."

The others looked confused. "What?"

You slowly turned to them. "I think Inumaki and I just had a conversation through telepathy."

Gojo stepped forward. "Huh. Looks like you have another technique aside from the matter manipulation. Mind reading and telepathic communication. Never seen that before, never even heard of it."

You looked at Inumaki, who was making sure he didn't think of a single thing. "But why was I only hearing Inumaki?"

"Dunno. I've never dealt with this, don't know anyone that has." For a teacher, Gojo isn't being helpful.

Fushiguro interjected, being the most helpful one here. "Has something happened to both or one of you that could've caused this?"

Your eyes widened. 'What if that dream was the cause of it?'

Gojo smirked. "Got something to share with the class, Y/n?"


Inumaki's thoughts invaded your head once more. "What happened? Was it when you were somewhere else?"

"Yes, for the second question." You had turned to him. "It happened last night- this morning? It was while I was at home. Oh, speaking of which my brother had wanted me to tell you something."

He tipped his head to the side. "That being...?"

"Hi and thanks for being a good friend for me."

The boy was glad his collar was so high, he felt a blush spreading over his face. "Oh... it's not that big a deal. You just seemed nice and understood me quickly."

You nodded as response.

The others frowned. "So what happened?"

You quickly looked away. "Nothing."

"Liar." The voice of your twin brother- Sakusa Kiyoomi came from right behind you.

You whipped around. "How long have you been there?!"

"Since you started freaking out over telepathy and mind reading. That shouldn't be a shock to you, you've done it our whole lives with me."

You blinked. "Right. Why are you here?"

He held up a bag. "Brought something for you. Mom asked me to."

"Oh. Thanks." You took the bag and immediately started looking inside.

Kiyoomi took this chance to explain your dream to everyone, since you were clearly distracted. "She had a dream last night that contained Inumaki." So blunt.

Your heas shot up to stare at him. "Context!"

He rolled his eyes. He continued to explain the dream you had told him about this morning. "So... any ideas on this?"

Inumaki's whole face flushed- all anyone could see was red.

You looked at him. "Are you ok, Inumaki?"

"S-s-salmon." He looked away from her.

You raised a brow. You tried to read his mind, but got nothing. You sighed, deciding to communicate telepathically. "Is that what you did yesterday while I was gone?"

His eyes widened as he looked at you. "Yes."

"Who was the girl?"

He sighed, deciding to try something. "You."

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