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Hey hey lovely peeps
This is kinda gonna be a filler
I am a sleep deprived baby (but I still function just fine with little sleep)
And I really looked into the mirror and have really noticeable dark circles under my eyes, but I look wayyyyyy more attractive with them I think I might have a thing for dark circles.
This part might involve a little bit of that
(Inumaki will be the one attracted to you having dark circles)

"When was the last time you slept, Y/n?"

You looked up at Okkotsu. "I could ask you the same thing, Yuta."

The dark haired boy chuckled. "Fair. But Toge won't be happy to see you return from your first mission as a grade 1 sorcerer looking like ths."

Yes, your promotion fully went through- the higher ups completely uaware of you nearly blowing up. You had gone on a mission with Okkotsu, he was ordered to supervise and give aid if it was needed. He didn't need to step in at all. He was the one tat submitted the report, but you had to be in the room with him to give the info you had collected on the cursed spirit you were sent to exorcise.

And Okkotsu was right- you looked rough. You hadn't slept for the entire week you were out on the mission, nor the week prior to it. And your hair was still kinda messy- the curse was a pain and took a while to exorcise, then the higher ups gave you no time to clean up before ordering you to give the report with Okkotsu.

"Easy solution: I immediately fall asleep before Toge can see how terrible I look."

"I don't think that's going to work, Y/n."

"I honestly didn't think it would. I just don't want him to worry about me too much."

Okkotsu chuckled. "Ever since you and Toge became a couple, your personalities changed a bit. You're far more emotional than before, and you're a bit more social and open with us. Toge has even been joining in conversations more- but he's mainly just clingier with you and is constantly expressing his feelings for you."

You thought about what he said. "Yeah... I've noticed that too. Toge always has his arms wrapped around me now."

"Yup. I know he's also always in your room, whether you're there or not."

That last part surprised you, your eyes widening. "Wait- he's in my room even when I'm not around?"

"Yeah, he-"

"Yuta! Y/n! You're both back in one piece!" Panda ran up to you two and hugged Okkotsu. The others- except fro Inumaki- following behind him.

Okkotsu smiled at everyone. "Yeah. The mission went smoothly.... But I bet Y/n wants to shower and sleep now."

"Where's Toge?" You looked around but didn't see your boyfriend.

Maki frowned. "He hasn't left your room since you left."

Panda was wearing a concerned expression. "He kinda moved into your dorm. He took pretty much all his stuff and hasn't come out since right after you left."

You sighed. "Guess I'll hide out in the room he abandoned then."

"Why're you gonna hide from him?" Itadori obviously hadn't taken a good look at your current condition.

Kugisaki did notice it, deciding to draw attention to it. "Oh. My. God! What happened to you, Y/n?! You look like shit!"

You deadpanned, readjusting your mask. "Gee, thanks so much. I had no clue about how terrible I look." The sarcasm is heavy with you.

Fushiguro did a quick once over. "Inumaki-senpai's gonna freak out if he sees you like this."

You sighed. "I know. That's why I'm gonna hide out in his room till I stop looking like this." You gestured to your hair and eyes.

"Then Yuta has to hide too. Once Toge sees Yuta, he'll know you're here and will go looking for you."

You groaned. "Yuta, leave campus for a week."

He just blinked. "You're not seriously avoiding Toge for a week."

"I can try."

"Oh, good! Yuta and Y/n are back! Toge's gonna be so happy!"

'Well shit. Of course Gojo would come out of nowhere like this. He's definitely gonna alert Toge of my return. So much for making sure I'm not seen like this.'

The ridiculously tall man stopped right on front of you. "Man, you look like shit."

"Oh really? I didn't notice."

"Ooh~! She's back to those snarky comments!" Gojo was really handling this as if it were a game- dude never takes shit seriously.

You gave a glare. "Listen, don't say a word about-"


You froze, hearing the greeting from that all too familiar voice that came from behind you. You slowly turned to face your boyfriend. "H-hey Toge." You gave a weak and nervous smile.

He studied your face for a moment, smiling brightly at you. "Hey beautiful." He wrapped you into a hug, kissing your temple.

Shock. That was all that ran through your body. "Toge? You're not concerned with how I look?"

"I'm concerned about your health, yes. But you look so pretty right now."

"My hair's a mess and I literally have dark circles under my eyes- they are so dark they look like someone put a shit ton of eye liner under my eyes."

"Yeah.... But it looks hot on you."


"Toge? Do you have a thing for girls with dark circles under their eyes?"

He blushed, avoiding eye contact.

You blinked at realizing the answer. "Oh. I- you could've told me sooner."

There's no good way to describe how embarrassed Inumaki is in this moment. "It's not like that! Dark circles are only attractive on you, Y/n! I only love you, ok. You're my only type."

You blushed, grabbing his hand and started dragging him away.

"Where are you two going?!" The others called after you.

You didn't even glance back when yelling your response. "TO TAKE A NAP!"

You arrived at your room and pulled Inumaki in, closing and locking the door behind you. You surveyed the room. "Wow, you really did move in."

"I- I was gonna ask if it was ok. But I just missee you so much once you left...."

"I'm not unhappy about it. Also, thanks for keeping it so clean. It's perfect."

He sat on the bed. "So... are we really just taking a nap?"

You shook your head, sitting beside him. "I just told them that so they'll leave us alone. I may be exhausted, but I've been too restless to actually fall asleep."


You already started crawling onto him, holding him tightly. "Yes please."

He laid down, pulling you on top of him- wrapped his arms around your waist, one resting on your lower back while the other found its way into your hair. "I love you, Y/n."

"I love you too Toge." You snuggled closer to him, burying your head into the crook of his neck.

Inumaki smiled as he held you close, leaning his head against your head- listening as you actually started drifting off to sleep for the first time in at least 2 weeks.

'Please marry me one day, Y/n.'

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