Emergency at the Hospital

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"You know one place I hate going to?" You just spoke out of nowhere while all of you students were chilling in the grass, hiding under the shade of a large tree.


"What place?" Okkotsu asked curiously.

All eyes were on you. "The hospital. I hate all the germs from sick people, and all the blood and other bodily fluids."

Everyone laughed. "Sounds like something a germaphobe would say." Okkotsu commented.

You nodded, leaning up against Inumaki. "I'm almost never at a hospital. The only times I go are for checkups."

"Makes sense." Kugisaki nodded.

Gojo, like the creepy fuck he can be, appeared out of nowhere. "Hey kiddos, there's an emergency. So now you all have a mission to go on."

You shrugged, standing up and holding Inumaki's hand as he gets up. "Ok. Where?"

"Of course it had to be a motherfucking hospital." You glared at the building in front of you.

Gojo chuckled. "Yeah, well, there are at least 200 curses in there. Try splitting it up evenly and fairly amongst yourselves. Let's see, there are 200 curses and 8 of you.... That means each of you can exorcise 25 curses. Seems fair, right?"

You crossed your arms. "Yeah, no. Y'all can take my 25. I'm not going in a fucking hospital."

"Can't believe I'm in a fucking hospital!"

Inumaki giggled beside you. "At least we get to work together. That makes it better, right?"

You lowered your mask and showed him a smile. "And suddenly, I'm excited to be in a hospital." You held out your hand for him to take.

He grabbed it without any hesitation. "So... are we each getting 25?"

"No. Let's try taking more than that. I wanna get this done as soon as possible. We should cuddle in my room when we finish."

"Finish in 10 minutes?"


"NO ONE SAID THERE WOULD BE A SPECIAL GRADE!" You quickly jump to Inumaki before the special grade cursed spirit could attack you two.

After exorcising roughly 80 cursed spirits that ranked between grades 1 and 2 (which includes semi grade 1), you and Inumaki get attacked by a special grade curse.

"Are you ok, Toge?!" You had landed on top of him, his back roughly hitting the ground.

He groaned slightly. "I'll be fine." He looked up and saw you on top of him, immediately turning a dark red.

You realized the position you two were in and quickly got up while blushing hard, helping your partner to his feet. "S-sorry about that."

"It's fine. It was an accident. How are we gonna take care of this curse?"

"Run and call for backup." You deadpanned.

Inumaki looked at you in disbelief. "Everyone else is on the complete opposite side from where we are."

"Well fuck. We're screwed then. Neither of us can take on a special grade. Where's Yuta or Gojo when they're needed?" Frustration and panic was starting to take hold of you.

Inumaki wrapped his arms around you. "Calm down. We need to think this through. Even if we can't exorcise this curse, we can at least buy some time until the others are able to give backup. We have to at least try."

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