Student-Teacher Conference

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Gojo sighed, simply looking at you through his blindfold. You both were sitting on couches, opposite from the other with a table separating the two of you. No one said a word, causing the room to be filled with a tense and deafening silence.

You shifted uncomfortably, frowning underneath your mask. "Um... Gojo-sensei, why did you call me here?"

He let out a heavy breath, leaning forward towards you. "Explain something to me."

"Um... what do you want me to explain?"

"How did you do it? What happened at the hospital?"

"What are you talking about Gojo?"

The blindfolded man huffed out a breath. "At the hospital, something happened with Toge and a curse. What was it?"

"Oh. Um... Toge got hurt."

"But how?" His voice was laced with irritation and impatience.

"A special grade cursed spirit appeared out of nowhere. We were trying to get backup but it just slammed him against a wall."

Under Gojo's blindfold, his eyes widened. "Ok. So how did you do that?"

"Do what?"

He maintained a blank face, trying to conceal his irritation and curiosity. "Your matter manipulation was destroying the entire area, along with completely obliterating the curse. How did you raise your cursed energy to that level?"

"I... I don't know. I only knew I absolutely hated that curse for hurting Toge. I guess I was so mad that I kinda just... exploded like that?"

Gojo sighed, leaning all the way on the couch- his head resting on the top. "Yeah.... Controlling your emotions was something I should've taught you. Whoops." He shrugged.

You looked at him with an unamused expression. "How are you allowed to teach?"

Gojo frowned at your snarky comment. "Are you always this rude with your teachers?"

You roll your eyes. "Not really. But, you really suck as a teacher. It's your job to teach your students everything we need to about curses and Jujutsu, right? So how did you manage to forget to tell me something so important about using cursed energy?"

"Slipped my mind, ok."

"Can you please just tell me all the important information you withheld from me?"

Gojo nodded, readjusting himself on the couch so that he's comfortable and able to see you clearly- through his iconic blindfold. "Alright. So first thing's first, cursed energy requires negative emotions. You did knowthat much, right?"

You nodded, leaning back slightly to feel more comfortable on the couch you were sitting on. "Yes. That much had been mentioned to me."

"Good. Well, it's dangerous for a sorcerer to lose control of their emotions. The stronger the feelings, the stronger your cursed energy and cursed technique will be. But losing control means that you'll most likely cause too much damage. Considering your technique- the fact that you happen to have multiple and can master and improve them frequently already being terrifying in and of itself- is already extremely powerful at your beginning level, the fact that your emotions ran rampant could be deemed a threat by the stupid old farts that control everything in the world of Jujutsu. You almost took out the entire hospital, all of us that were present would've been destroyed with it. Do you understand that, Y/n?"

You fixed your posture- straightening your back and crossing your legs. "Of course. So... do the higher ups know what happened at the hospital?"

Gojo shook his head. "I kept your involvement out of it, telling them it was the unregistered special grade. They wanted to get reports from the others- ya know, your fellow students that just happened to be present at the time to witness what exactly happened."

You frowned. "Oh... I see."

"Don't worry, Y/n." Gojo gave a reasurring smile. "None of them are putting any blame on you. Everyone came to an agreement to say it was the unregistered special grade curse's fault. No one was willing to let you take the fall for all the destruction- not after you told them that the higher ups already have an execution order for you, though it's still suspended thanks to me. But if word of what really happened gets out, not even I can protect you from whatever the higher ups have in store. You do understand, right?"

You nod, hands slightly shaking. "I completely understand."

"Good. Does me telling you all this give you any comfort at all?"

"Enough to keep me from panicking and telling my brother." You stood from the couch, bowing to your teacher. "Thank you for all you've done to help me. I'm sorry for causing you all these problems."

The tall man smiled, standing up. "It's my pleasure to help you- one of my precious students. Also, stand straight with that confidence of yours. There's absolutely no need for you to thank or apologize to me for any reason. So don't even think about bowing to me ever. I'm your teacher, you're my student- it's my job, my responsibility to do whatever I'm able to in order to protect you. I take pride in my job, in my students- there's no way in hell I'll allow any harm to befall any of you kids. Never forget that, Y/n."

Hey Hey Heyyyyy

I wanted to create a somewhat softer and deeper bond between you and Gojo. I think his character would really be so devoted to his students like this. Can't change my mind.

I have 2 other announcements to make

1: I have a bluetooth keyboard now so I'm using it to write these new chapters on my phone. (And I'm loving it)

2: I had my interview... I GOT THE JOBBBBB
Ok, tbh it wasn't really much of an actual interview- they pretty much decided to hire me once my application was sent (they're a little short staffed 24/7)
So next Saturday 7am-12pm (in my timezone) I will be working my first shift.
I will only be working weekends (usually mornings) until summer, then I'll be taking more shifts.

So I won't be giving updates like I used to and I'm sorry for that. But I promise to work on and update this any chance I get. I will still be taking care of my health- try to sleep as much as my insomnia will allow me. I'm also gonna be starting to work out again (I kinda stopped when I first started writing online). I'm making sure I'm nice and healthy so I'm able to give you all the updates you deserve.

Well, I think that's all for now.

Thank you all for reading. Hope you enjoyed everything thus far and will continue to love what I write.
I love and appreciate you all.
Only wishing the best for you all ❤️

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