Caught in 4k 👀📸

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"Y/n doesn't usually sleep in this late." Atsumu checked the time, realizing it was already 10:30am, and you still weren't awake. By now, breakfast would've already been cleaned up.

Itadori looked around. "Yeah. And Inumaki-senpai isn't around either."

Suna smirked, already making his way to your room with his phone out. "Let's see if the dots connect."

Kiyoomi, already fully aware of everything, attempted to stop everyone else. "Let them sleep in. Y/n's been overworking herself. And I know what you're thinking, Inumaki was just in one of the upstairs guest rooms- it was near my room." He's lying to protect you and Inumaki, knowing damn well that you two are sharing your bed and cuddling.

Suna didn't believe a word he said. "Don't care. I need blackmail on Y/n either way. Getting pics of her sleeping is perfect."

With that, Suna already started walking up the steps on his way to your room, the rest following close behind him.

You and Inumaki were completely unaware of everything going on. The two of you were still out cold, cuddling extremely close under the blankets on your bed. You kept your face nuzzled in the crook of Inumaki's neck, a smile on both of your sleeping faces.

Suna was right outside your door, phone in hand while an evil smirk spread across his face. "Blackmail, here I come."

With his hand on the doorknob, he opens the door to reveal your room... which happened to be extremely dark. Meaning, luckily for you, no one was able to see you and and Inumaki cuddling on your bed. Unfortunately, Suna quickly found a light switch and turned it on, illuminating the entire room. That somehow didn't wake you nor Inumaki- you two were dead to the world.

Suna quickly moved over to the bed and started snapping pics, moving around to get different angles. He was remaining silent so you and Inumaki wouldn't wake up. Everyone else got close enough to see that you two were cuddling- no space in between you at all. Personal space didn't exist in your bed at that moment.

Kiyoomi, knowing how upset you'd be when you found out what Suna did, decided to wake you up. "Y/n, Atsumu set the kitchen on fire again."

"Fucking hell, Tsumu!" You sleepily sat up, Inumaki waking up and following suit.

You opened your eyes and saw everyone in your room, your eyes immediately becoming bigger. "Omi! Why- how?! They're not supposed to be in here!"

He sighed. "I tried stopping them. But Suna got passed me and everyone else followed. I tried and I failed. But you should've locked your damn door if you knew you'd be cuddling with Inumaki all night."

You rolled your eyes. "Everyone- except you, Toge- get out. I won't hesitate to use matter manipulation against you." You glared, a terrifying aura surrounding you.

Everyone nodded and quickly got out, the door being shut behind them.

You sighed and started getting out of bed. "I'll be in the bathroom. You can change here." You grabbed a change of clothes and locked yourself in your bathroom.

After changing you looked into the mirror, seeing the dark circles under your eyes- nothing new there. But something did look different: your cheeks were tinted a light shade of pink.

"Fuck.... I'm so embarrassed that they all saw me- a germaphobe- cuddled up with someone! Well... I guess it's ok since it was Toge...."

You walked out of your bathroom and saw Inumaki in his new change of clothes. "Kelp." He greeted with a smile.

He could just use telepathy to communicate- just let you read all his thoughts. But he liked the thought of using his voice directly to communicate with you. Even if it was harder to understand, he really wanted to communicate with his own voice. It wasn't too difficult since he knew you'd easily be able to understand him, no matter how you two communicate.

"Morning." You walked over to him with a smile, giving him hug. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah. How about you?"

"I always sleep better when I'm around you. Cuddling with you just helps me relax and sleep peacefully." You rested your head onto his shoulder.

He hummed in content, a smile remained on his lips.


"Holy shit! Rin, what the fuck?!"

He smirked, admiring the pic he just snapped. "Y/n, you and Inumaki are really cute when you're hugging and cuddling."

You felt your face heat up, literally everyone else saw you (or what's not covered by your mask) as a red color. "Shut up, you fucking blackmailing stoner!"

It was a first to see you actually get flustered- the first time anyone has seen a genuine blush spread across your face. Suna was amused by it, Maki as well. The twins, along with pretty much everyone else, were completely caught off guard- surprised that you can actually blush. Kiyoomi expected this, he figured it was only a matter of time. Inumaki was in awe- in his eyes, you looked even more beautiful when you blush.

Suna stuck his tongue out, teasing you. "Don't worry, I'll send the pics to you. They're cute- you and your little boyfriend, or soon to be boyfriend, look great in all the pics I took."

You hesitated, curiosity seizing you. "Can I see?"

"Sending them now."

Suna got lucky. You did like the pics and you did look good- every single moment captured turned out amazing.

You admit defeated and faced the truth.

Suna caught you when you were letting your guard down. He got blackmail, but you rather liked what you saw.

You only let your guard down around Inumaki Toge.


I've been working so hard that my hands hurt! But it was worth it cuz I'm loving how well this book is turning out

I'm also living for the comments I get on the parts of this that I've published this far. Those are the highlights of my day tbh.

This part was meant to be the comedy needed before we get back into the romance and other serious stuffs. Hope ya enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading and live a great life! Sleep deprived author-chan out!

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