Group Mission.... Start!

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"Hey kiddies!" Gojo happily strolled into the room you were all sitting in. "How are you?"

Fushiguro groaned loudly. "What do you want?"

Gojo pointed finger guns at him with a smirk. "Straight to the point! So, since we have a special grade and two semi grade 1 sorcerers admist you students, you all have a high ranking mission ahead of you! And best part is... it's in Okinawa! You get to go on a trip, isn't that exciting?!"

You looked up from texting your group chat, in which you had typed everything Gojo had said, along with informing all of them of your recent promotion to semi grade 1. "Ok. How soon do we needa go?" You couldn't give two shits, to be honest, you just wanted to get the mission over with and spend a week to relax.

Gojo seemed thrilled to see you ready to go, unlike the others. "Get on the plane tonight, everything else has been set up. Good luck and have fun!" He left without explaining anything.

You sighed, standing up and putting your phone into your uniform's jacket pocket. "Alright. There's 8 of us- how we splitting up into the cars?"

"You really don't have any complaints about this?" Fushiguro raised a brow.

You ignored him. "So.... T- Inumaki and Yuta are with me. Who else? Our fourth will get the front seat."

Inumaki and Okkotsu just nodded. Inumaki felt kinda sad that you still won't call him by first name, but he wouldn't reveal that to you.

Fushiguro seemed annoyed with you ignoring his question. "I'll sit in the other car."

Kugisaki seemed excited. "I kinda want to be in the same car as Y/n.... But I also want to sit with Maki...."

Maki nodded. "Panda and I will join Megumi and Nobara in a car."

Itadori beamed, walking over to you, Inumaki, and Okkotsu. "Guess I'm with you guys."

You nodded. "You got the front seat then, Yuji." Inside, you got an uneasy feeling. 'Great. All three people that the higher ups want a close eye on- who they plan to execute- are sharing a car. I'm probably the only person that gets a bad feeling from this.'

Okkotsu smiled. "Well, that much has been decided. Let's go pack and meet the drivers by the assigned time."

You sighed, already walking over to the door. "Let's hurry this up. I wanna try to get a week off. Komo and Omi want to see that I'm physcially alright and just catch up."

Fushiguro chuckled lightly. "So you didn't complain cuz you want time off?"

You looked at him, mocking Gojo by pointing a finger gun at him. "Correct!"

Everyone burst out laughing as you all walked out of the room, splitting up to your own rooms. However, Inumaki walked with you to your room instead of going to his own.

You didn't really mind, so you just let him in your room. "Everything alright, T- Inumaki?"

You were ubable to see, but under his collar Inumaki was frowning. "Yeah. Just wanted to see if you're alright."

"I'm fine. Why would you think I'm not?"

He narrowed his eyes. "When it was decided that Itadori would be in our car, you tensed up a little. And your eyes screamed that you were unhappy. Is something going on? Do you not like Itadori?"

You shook your head, letting out a heavy breath. "That's not it. He may be overly energetic and excited by things, but I still consider him a good friend."

"Then, what's wrong, Y/n?"

"Can you promise to not tell the others?"

Inumaki's eyes widened, a bad feeling spreading throughout his body. "I promise- this is just between us."

Mute and GermaphobeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora