Of Brother and Sister

335 8 1

This part is a flashback!


No repsonse.

A deep breath is taken. "OMI-OMI!"

Kiyoomi jolted awake, eyes wide. He turned to you, obviously startled. "Y/n?! What's wrong?! Did something happen?!"

You gave your twin brother a big and bright smile. "Happy 6th birthday, Omi!"

He frowned. "You woke me up for that?"

You nodded entusiastically. "Yup! Cuz it's your birthday!"

"We're twins." The curly black haired boy deadpanned.

"I know that, silly."

"It's your birthday too."

"Well duh. Of course I know my own birthday, Omi. But it's kinda weird to wish yourself a happy birthday." You giggled, climbing into the bed next to your brother.

He sighed, shaking his head. "Are mother and father here?"

"Are they ever here?"

Kiyoomi laid back down. "They haven't been around since our birthday... 6 years ago. I doubt they even know our names, genders, age, even our face must be completely foreign to them."

You looked at the door of your brother's room, back facing him. "I heard a kid at school talking about it during the week. It's apparently not normal for parents to completely leave their children like how they did with us. We don't have any family around us but each other. Our parents left us with complete strangers, hiring them just to do what's supposed be their job! Parents should be taking care of their kids! Why would anyone have children if they don't plan on ever taking care of them or being a real family?!" You broke out into sobs, tears streaming down your face.

Kiyoomi knows you get like this whenever your parents are mentioned. Yet he continues to do this often- every year, on your birthday.

March 2oth. The day you and your older twin brother, Sakusa Kiooymi, were born. The day where you breakdown, crying over your parents not being there, annually.

Kiyoomi may seem cruel for constantly bringing it up on your birthday, but he really only does it with the best intentions. He decided to keep doing ths until the day you stop crying over your parents' absence- when you finally get over it and stop caring about your parents not loving you and Kiyoomi enough to at least see you on your birthday.

You start drying up your tears. "The probably don't even realize it's our birthday. Those horrible monsters mot likely forgottt they have kids. We don't even exist to them, Kiyoomi."

The boy's eyes widened. You rarely ever call him "Kiyoomi". He knew you were serious, upset beyond your normal point.

'Is this the year where she finally gets over it?'

A dark aura surrounded you, your voice deepening several octaves. "I hope they're dead! I HATE THEM! IT'S THEIR FAULT I SEE THOSE TERRIFYING MONSTERS! THEY'RE WHY THINGS GET DESTROYED AROUND ME! IF THEY'RE STILL ALIVE I'LL KILL THEM!"

Things around you began to break, objects went flying all around the room. Kiyoomi just watched- petrified. His eyes filled with shock and horror. He never saw you get like this before- it scared him.

With how you are in this moment and how terrified Kiyoomi is, how can he even think to stop you?

"Y/n.... Please stop. This is going too far. I can't even recognize you...." His voice was so small, bearly audible. A normal person wouldn't have been able to hear it.

But you heard it. You turned to your brother, seeing tears streaming down his face with eyes full of fear. Your rage disapeared, the room became calm. Your knees gave out, causing you to collapse onto the carpeted floor while tears of your own spilled.

"I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry, Omi...." You spoke in between sobs.

At the sight of your current state, Kiyoomi got up from his bed and quickly wrapped his arms around you tightly. "It's ok, it's ok, Y/n. I'm not scared of you. I love you. Did you hear me? I love you, Y/n." He rubbed your back, desperately trying to comfort you- he needed you calm.

Whenever your negative emotions became too strong for you to handle, things like this would happe. The damage is only getting worse- you're getting stronger as you grow older. This was the day Kiyoomi vowed to make sure you'd never feel negative emotions. And even if you did, he'd never let them get strong enough for anything like that to happen again.

Even though you are clearly the stronger twin, he promised to protect you. He worried about you everyday, always needing to be on guard in case you lost control.

"Omi... I-I didn't...."

Sakusa Kiyoomi- your twin brother, now at age 14- for the second time in your lives, is looking at you in horror. "Y/n.... What the fuck did you do?"

He spoke calmly, not freaking out. That's how he's always been since your 6th birthday. He needs to be calm- if he's not calm, be can't protect you, he wouldn't be able to help you like how he always does.

You were panicking, covered in blood and feeling disgusted by it. "I- I didn't... please believe me! You know I wouldn't kill anyone, right?"

Kiyoomi remained silent. Disgust and fear filled his body. It was all exressed in his eyes. You could see it.

"Right...? Omi...?" You were beginning to panic, feeling it about to happen again. That feeling that always controls your whole body whenever that weird, destructive thing happens. The ends of your hair began lifting- it was going to happen again.

Kiyoomi's eyes widened in realization- he can't let that happen again. He quickly pulled you into a hug, ignoring the blood all over you. "It's ok. I know you'd never do this. It's not your fault. This fucker obviously did something- he got what he deserved. It's ok, it's all ok, Y/n. I love you... I always have and I always will. Nothing will ever change that. I promise." He was rubbing your back, comforting you- calming you down.

You gripped the back of his shirt tightly. "Thank you, Omi. I love you.... I love you so much. I can't live without you. I need you."

"Don't worry, Y/n. I'm here and I'm never going anywhere. I promise."

You buried your face into your twin brother's chest. "I'm scared, Omi...."

Kiyoomi put his head on yours. "I promise I'll never leave you, Y/n. Not even death can separate us."


"no... please... not- not like this...."

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