Come to School!

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"So... that's kinda everything I guess." Gojo said with his signature smile.

"No." Both Kiyoomi and Atsumu frowned at him.

You were busy cleaning to relieve stress. "Too many fucking germs...." You grumble under your breath. "Gonna break out.... Need to clean."

"She ok?" Gojo points to you, who's cleaning furiously.

Komori nodded, eating some of the initial Osamu made. "Y/n always does that. It's her stress reliever. She's also a germaphobe like her twin, so she can't stand the thought of anything being dirty."

You walk over, grabbing some onigiri and continued grumbling. "Bet that place fucking dirtier than Atsumu after practice."

"When did I turn into a joke?!" The setter whined, using puppy eyes on you.

You shrugged. "When you tried hugging me while you were dirty."

He pouted. "I still haven't hugged you, though."

"Good." You grumpily ate your onigiri while sitting beside Kiyoomi.

Gojo sighed. "Pack your things, girly. We going to your new home and school."

"Fuck off germ."

Suna looked up from his phone. "He looks like a paintbrush."

The Miya twins burst out into laughter. Atsumu had doubled over while gripping his stomach, unable to control himself.

Suna looked back at his phone and frowned. "My phone's broken."

Komori turned to him. "How so?"

"The videos from earlier... The ones with the curse and shit, the camera didn't capture that curse or any of the cursed energy shit."

Gojo cackled. "Yeah, curses and Jujustu can't be seen by normal humans, nor can they be recorded."

Suna looked at him, frowning. "Wait... curses and Jujustu can't be recorded? That's lame."

"Rin, there are more important things at hand at the moment." You sighed, shaking your head.

He pouted. "I know... but that's a bummer."

Gojo shrugged, clearly enjoying this. "Anyways... Y/n, right? Come to Jujitsu High and become a sorcerer!"

"Hard pass. Too disgusting."

He frowned. "Is not. Consider being a sorcerer as a form of cleaning the entire world!"

You raised a brow, inching closer to your brother. "I mean, yeah. But curses are still disgusting. And you're pretty much asking me to get dirty. So no. It's not worth it, and I prefer my current life. I like playing volleyball whike hanging with my brother and friends. That's not something I'll have if I go with you. What's even in it for me anyways?"

Gojo smiled. "I'll show you my eyes."

You deadpanned, along with everyone else in the room. "Get out before I call the cops."

He frowned, his hand on his blindfold and quickly pulling it off. "Seriously. With that technique of yours, we could really make some progress with all these cursed roaming around."

"Pretty eyes...." You murmured. Quickly snapping out of this daze, you added. "What technique?"

Spreading his legs and leaning forward, Gojo placed his elbows on his thighs with a smirk on his face. "Yours. I haven't really seen it well, but I'm guessing you have some form of manipulation as a cursed technique."

Silence claimed the room.... Till Atsumu spoke. "Uhh... what does that mean? I'm kinda lost."


"That's not funny, Y/n!" He whined like the big baby he is around you.

"Sorry... but it kinda is." While putting a straight face on, you look back at Gojo. "Why are you so determined to get me to go to... what was it? Jujutsu High?"

He nodded, his eyes still staring deeply into yours. "You see, I'm a teacher. And I teach the first years...."

Some of the guys snickered. Sakusa cut Gojo off. "We're all second years in high school."

"If you transfer her, she's gonna be a second year." Atsumu added with a grin, looking over at you with hopeful eyes. {Sorry Tsumu... in another fic}

Gojo chuckled, still not breaking eye contact with you. "That's not how it works at Jujutsu High. You see, even if she has experience using her cursed energy and technique, Y/n's not actually trained to properly deal with curses and other things needed to become a sorcerer. Just like all normal students that enter, she'll be a first year in the school."

You shook your head. "Not happening. I'm fine being a second year at my current school, thanks. I don't want extra schooling. Sorry for wasting your time, now please leave and let us go play volleyball."

Gojo frowned, not moving. "Look, I'm being the good guy here. If the higher ups find out a non-sorcerer is using any kind of cursed technique, they'll probably come looking for you. In the end, you'll either be forced to join or you'll be treated like a curse user and will be executed." He smirked, leaning back in his seat with his legs still spread. "But... it is your choice."

Your breath got caught in your throat. "Executed?"

Gojo nodded. "Yep! You're either with us as an ally, or against us as a curse user and we usually just kill em to have less problems. Since you actually have cursed energy and are able to use it, not to mention you have used it in the form of a cursed technique... you only have those two options. Sorry bout your luck, girly."

You remained frozen. No way in he'll were you gonna leave your current life behind. You really like your friends and love nothing more than being around your brother- he's just like you and might be the only person that truly understands you. But... You also didn't want to be executed. You're not ready to die. You're only 16!

Kiyoomi was the first to break this silence. "She's not gonna be killed. I won't let anyone lay a finger on my sister." {Protective brother Omi>>>>>>}

Gojo sat up, straightening his back. "Well then... that means she's coming to Jujutsu High. Back your bags, girly."

Atsumu put his arm up in front of you. "Wait. Why would she need to pack her bags if the school is here in Tokyo?"

Gojo's grinned fell slightly as he put his blindfold back on. "Wait, I didn't say?"

All of you still your heads. "No."

He sighed, standing up. "Oh. Oops. Well, the school has dorms. So little girly over here would be staying there."

"Ok." You spoke, not giving a fuck and stood up. "But if I see even a speck of dirt or dust, I'm out. Also, I wanna be able to come home on the weekends to spend time with Omi. And my vacations need to line up with theirs so I can be around them still." You spoke while pointing to the guys in your house.

Gojo nodded. "We can arrange that. Oh, and I'll get you the order form for your school uniform. Students can customize to their preferences."

The guys stared in shock and jealousy. "Lucky!"

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