Day Off- Sorta

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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

"It's my one day off after my recovery... and you idiots decide to force me to come here instead of letting me rest!"

Atsumu smiled sweetly at you. "We missed ya! Why don't ya wanna spend time with us?"

You sighed, shaking your head. "It's not that I don't wanna spend time with you guys, I actually enjoy hanging around you guys in the little time I can get away from Gojo. But I'm really tired. The moment I was fully recovered, I was sent on missions nonstop. It's so exhausting."

Suna yawned. "The whole Jujutsu thing is stupid. Can't even record that shit."

"Rin, chill." You sighed, leaning back on the couch. "But yeah, this whole Jujutsu shit sucks. How's everything going with you guys?"

Osamu glared at his twin while speaking. "That fucker ate my onigiri when Suna and I were putting on a movie the other day."

Atsumu whined, moving closer to you. "But I was hungry! Y/n, tell him it wasn't my fault!"

You rolled your eyes. 'Of course I'm dealing with this shit on my day off.' "Tsumu, you should know better than to eat Samu's food. Apologize to him and you and I can make him some more."

Atsumu frowned, crossing his arms over his chest with a huge. "Fine. Sorry fer eatin yer food, Samu." Then he smirked at his twin. "But thanks fer gettin me a cookin date with Y/n."

Kiyoomi rolled his eyes, glaring at Atsumu in disgust. "Stay the fuck away, you germ."


You flinched, nearly choking on the bubble tea you were drinking. "Ayo? I didn't agree to that."

Osamu shook his head, muttering beside Suna- but loud enough for everyone to hear. "There's somethin wrong with him...."

You giggled at the comment. "Yeah.... Oh, right! I actually wanted to tell you about the last mission I went on!" You sat up straight, excitement coursing through your body.

Komori's eyes sparkled at your obvious excitement. "Give all the details. Leave nothing out, cus!"

You took a deep breath. "So, first- y'all remember my senpai, Inumaki, right?"

Everyone nodded. A few even muttered "yup's".

Your smile widened slightly for a moment. "Well, he and I were assigned to go all the way to Osaka for a mission. And we ended up having to exorcise about 5o curses right by the MSBY Black Jackals' hq. We even met some of the team and were able to get pics and autographs!"

Suna's eyebrows raised. "You were Osaka?"

You nodded. "Mhm. But it was only for a day or two to exorcise the curses. We didn't get time to sightsee."

Atsumu looked at you in shock. "Ya didn't even say anything! Ya were right by us and we had no clue!"

Osamu shrugged. "She was busy, can't get upset about that."

Atsumu pouted. "Send the pics."

You gave an ok sign with your hand. "Will do."

Suna had a lazy smirk on his face. "But you and this Inumaki- it was just you two?"

"Hm? Oh, yeah. Between his cursed speech and my matter manipulation, we just ended up making a great team. According to all the other sorcerers, the two of us are extremely compatible to team up on missions. And we just happen to work well together- we respect each other's boundaries. Why?"

Osamu caught on to what Suna was doing. "Sounds like the two of ya are spendin a lotta time alone together."

You raised a brow, slightly tipping your head to the side. "Kinda? I mean, it kinda makes sense if we make a good team, right?"

Komori facepalmed. "Y/n. You're so dense that it's not even funny anymore."

"Huh?" You were completely confused.

Even Kiyoomi was sick of your denseness. "They're pretty much putting your partnership with this Inumaki guy into a romantic context. Stop being so fucking dense."

Your eyes widened as you took in that explanation. "Hey! Inumaki and I only work together. We don't really hangout unless it's for training or missions. It's strictly a professional relationship- a partnership only!"

Komori rolled his eyes. "You've been talking about him a lot lately."

"Cuz he's the only person I respect at that place. And we work together often."

Kiyoomi held himself back from slapping the dense out of you. "Ok, that's your side. But I saw how he looked at you when you were injured."

"How'd he even look at me?" You honestly hadn't caught so much as a glimpse of Inumaki's stare on you.

Your twin rolled his eyes, clearly having enough of your shit. "He constantly gave a worried expression while looking at you. But when he saw you were more or less alright and were in a relaxed state, he couldn't stop looking at you with pure joy, relief, and fondness. How could you not notice that?"

You stared at the guys blankly. "As you all say, I'm dense as fuck. But maybe he only looked worried cuz he and I were there together when that stupid curse attacked and he wasn't expecting anyone to get that badly injured. As for relief, joy, and fondeness- it was probably cuz I helped him and made sure he wasn't badly injured, along with him seeing me somewhat healed probably gave some form of comfort after how bad I got beat up by that stupid curse."

Komori shook his head in disappointment. "Are we really related?"

You frowned with that comment. "What? Inumaki doesn't have feelings for me, just like I don't feel that way about him. I'd honestly rather date Kita." You rolled your eyes, then looked over at the Hyogo boys. "Speaking of Kita... how is my favorite captain?"

"He scolded the twins the other day." Suna explained.

You laughed. "Another fight?"

Suna nodded. "It was about who was more likely to be the 'successful' twin after high school."

"Got a video of it?" You leaned over the table and motioned towards Suna's phone.

He smirked. "I'll send it."

"Do ya have to go back to the school, Y/n?"

You sighed, turned to Atsumu. "Yeah. If I don't, they might come looking for me. I'll text ya the next chance I get. I'll try to visit you guys again soon." You pulled down your mask and gave a small smile, waving bye to Atsumu before pulling the mask back up.

Being able to see you smile made Atsumu's heart skip a beat, his smile spreading from ear to ear. "I'll hold ya to it. See ya, Y/n."

"See ya, Tsumu."

Mute and GermaphobeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang