Outside Spoon

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What a beautiful day it was- the sun was shining, birds are chirping, and mot importantly: it was super calm due to there being no curses active. Yes, what a wonderful day indeed.

Well, except for maybe one thing.

Gojo and the second year teacher ordered all first and second years to spend the entire day training. More specifically, they wanted you all to do training involving your cursed techniques in the morning (in which Maki and Itadori sat out for, for obvious reasons), and the afternoon was to be filled with close combat training.

There was only one problem with the close combat training.

"Y/N! TOGE! You two aren't allowed to train together."


"What?! Why?!" You couldn't believe that Gojo would order you to train with anyone else.

The tall, blindfolded man shook his head while sighing. "You two get distracted too easily when you train together."

Maki nodded, showing signs of annoyance. "The last time you two trained in hand-to-hand comba together, you two ended up on the ground while cuddling."

You blushed, remembering that very instance (no, you don't get a flashback or any further details/context). "That was just one time."

Gojo was starting to question his life choices. "Even if it was just once, it was enough to make us rethink how we should be letting you two train. Y/n, you're working with Yuta from here on out. Got it?"

You held a blank expression on your face. "You do mean for training purposes only, right?"

The teacher hesitated. "Kind of...? If there's an order for you and Yuta to go on a mission together, then you can'treally argue with it."

Panda walked over with his had tipped to the side, the other 3 first years walking remaining behind him. "Why is she specifically training with just Yuta?"

Gojo stood away from all you students, facing you all with a big smile. "Someone put in a recommendation for Y/n to get promoted to a grade 1 sorcerer! So, I'm having her train more with the strongest leveled sorcerer among all of you students."

Your mouth dropped open. "Wait really? Who?" Your curiosity had been peaked.

Gojo shrugged. "Dunno. No one told me anything other than Y/n is currently being reviewed for a promotion to grade 1. Any information outside of that is beyond my knowledge. Anyways, pair up and start training! You can call it quits at dinner time! Have fun!" He teleported away before anyone could get another word in.

Okkotsu was the first to move and speak up, standing directly in front of you while maintaining plenty of distance to make sure he didn't touch you. "Congradulations on your next promotion even if it's not official yet. Let's get started, shall we?"

You just blinked a few times before slowly nodding. "Alright, thanks. Let's get this started."

If you were to be perfectly honest, you had been expecting another promotion. The only thing that surprised you with this information was how soon it was. You thought it might another month before you'd be getting another promotoin- a month being the minimum you had expected.


You looked over at Kugisaki, who was now laying on the ground while covered in sweat. "Did you break something or are you calling for a break, Nobara?"

She slowly turned her head so she was facing you. "I need a break."

Okkotsu, who was standing beside you, nodded. "I think we all need a 10 minute rest."

Everyone came to an agreement, meaning you'd all have 10 minute breakfor water and to simply catch your breath. You decided to use that time to go into a shady and secluded spot to get some rest, laying on a blanket you placed on te ground.

You were laying peacefully until you heard footsteps, whipping around to face the culprit. "Oh, thank god it's you. Hey, Toge. Need something?"

Inumaki nodded, sitting down beside you, wrapping his arms around you and placing his head on your shoulder. "Cuddles."

You giggled at how cute he was acting suddenly. "Awww. Ok, let's cuddle for a bit then."

You began to turn to fully face him, but he stopped you. You faced your head in his direction, giving a confused expression.

"I want to cuddle you from behind...."

You blushed, nodding at his request. You laid down on your side, allowing him to lay behind you. "This good."

"Salmon." He murmured into the crook of your neck, wrapping his arms firmly around your waist.

Inumaki buried his face into the back of your head- in your hair. He had a sleepy smile on his face, his body completely pressed into the back of yours. He had been worried about whether he could physically handle being able to spoon you.

And let's be honest here- you're all a bunch of hormonally instable teenagers. It's kind of a surprise that there haven't been any problems or incidents in which either of you two felt a certain hormone make its presence known- especially with how close in proximity you two usually are. You and Inumaki are almost always hugging, holding hands, or cuddling- it's surprising that Inumaki never had a problem with that around you. But he hasn't, yet he was always worried it would end up being a problem.

Even now, he's really worried about it. And, fortunately for Inumaki, nothing has happened. He is fully relaxed, not feeling the need to worry about his teenage hormones running rampant. He's simply pressed againt your back, holding you close to him. You both were content, and soon fell asleep- completely forgetting about training.

And that's where your luck had run out.

"It's been 20 minutes! Where are they?!" Kugisaki was losing what little patience she somehow managed to have.

Maki smirked. "I think the real question you should be asking is what they're doing."

They all froze, putting a temporary pause on their search for you and Inumaki since you all have to get back to training. Maki's comment got into their heads.

The three first years and Okkotsu were on the same mental wavelength. 'They wouldn't do that, would they?"

Whereas Maki and Panda shared a smirk and thought process. 'Inumaki really be getting touchy with the germaphobe.'

Maki snickered. "They better have protection. I don't think either of them are ready to be parents."

After a few more minutes of walking, the group had found the two they had been searching for. Not having sex or anything of the sort.

You and Inumaki were fast asleep, spooning. Inumaki was the big spoon, and you were the little spoon.

Panda, Maki, and Nobara all took out their phones at the same time. They surrounded you two, beginning to snap pics from all different angles (Suna taught em so well).

Okkotsu, as well as the two first years beside him, just blinked at the scene before his eyes. "Well, they're not doing what you thought they were, Maki. But... I still didn't expect this though."

Does the title make sense now?

Y'all are cuddling (spooning to be specific) outside 😁👍

Hope you guys liked it. I'm just kinda stalling with a few filler-type parts cuz I don't think any of you are ready for the shit I have planned.

Things are gonna be getting serious and heavy when I do decide to get on with the original plot.

All I can tell you is that you better get your box of tissues ready.

Eat properly, sleep well, and keep living your best life!

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